
Amber Smoke by Kristin Cast

ceena's review against another edition

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DNF at 31%

Just too YA for my tastes. Which is weird because it should be NA... the ages and themes. But, meh I just wasn't getting into it. Such a bummer because it did sound interesting.
And Alek was getting on my nerves...

I feel like it would get better later but, I just can't get myself there.

book_reviews_only's review against another edition

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I am a sucker for Greek mythology. So the beginning of this book caught my interest. But somewhere in the middle my interest was lost. It was jumping back and forth too often and I couldn’t keep up with what was happening. There were some parts that I had to reread completely.

I know how good the Cast family can write a book. So I gave this one a chance. I am still buying the next book, because I still need to know how it ends. But this one so far comes second to the whole House if Night series.

chigangrel's review against another edition

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Another on my list of netgalley gets that wound up being a mistake to request. Took me forever to get around to reading half-way into the first chapter I realized I wasn't going to enjoy it. I'm not sure why I thought I would given that every time I tried reading anything else by Kristen Cast I gave up due to boredom and disinterest. You'd think by now I'd realize she's just not for me?

Flowery insta-love blah blah blah Weak take on mythology, weak horror, weak characters, weak plotting... the one thing I can praise is that it's a brief, quick read (once I forced myself to just sit down and read it, that is). I finished the whole thing in about an hour. And in the end I can't even say I hated it more than it irritated the hell out of me because I can't say there was an end! Another reviewer mentioned how it felt incomplete, like part of a story rather than a full story, and I agree with that. Everything needs to be a series these days but that doesn't mean each book can't have a resolution!

danielabookco's review against another edition

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Excellent start to a series, gripped me from the first page until the nail biting end! So excited for the next installment

wondernikel's review against another edition

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Really wanted to like this novel, due to my love of THoN, but this one didn't hold up for me...the lore is obviously tweaked, which isn't a fave of mine...BUT the characters came across as too childish for me!

clues_and_courtship's review against another edition

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Plot moved so slowly. Where she ended this book should have happened by about the first fourth of the book. Needs to work on getting to the point and driving the story and actually making things happen...

kathydavie's review against another edition

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First in The Escaped urban fantasy series for the young end of Young Adults and revolving around Eva and Alek, destined to save both their worlds.

This ARC was sent to me by NetGalley and Diversion Books for, unfortunately, an honest review.

My Take
Oh, boy. I think Cast needs to have a chat with momma about show versus tell. It was something of a blend between reading a screenplay and a children's book, and I have no interest in reading book #2.

The prologue was cute with a teen-angsty Maiden pouting at Mother, as if the two of them really were a teenager whining at her mom. I suspect it's intended to make teen readers identify with the Maiden. It was also hard to believe as I didn't believe in a Maiden who was this ignorant. Nor did Cast make me believe that a "love so pure" could create a curse in Tartarus. How lame is that? Ooh, then Hera "gifts" Maiden with a son born of her love, and he will become a warrior and save Tartarus from this awful curse. Oh, brother. The writing is on the wall about how this series will go. Besides downhill, I mean.

Cast did nothing interesting with the cliché of mother love unable to see her child as a man. No, gagging does not count as interesting. Then there's the young man. He's twenty-three now and has had experience in the Mortal Realm, supposedly. Not enough that he has a clue about how anything operates in our world — in spite of the fact that he and his three mothers can observe what's happening on earth. He doesn't appear to have had any training in warrior pursuits, his language skills are limited to dude. Maiden mommy whines that he hasn't experienced the true baddies, and all I can say is, he's twenty-flippin'-three years old. He should have had plenty of experience by now. Instead he's so incredibly immature, that that is the more shocking aspect. He has no clue about the respect due to someone like the Pythia, not that he even knows who she is *eye roll*. He cowers. He hides behind chairs. His actions make him seem more like someone born yesterday who shot up to full growth overnight. Why didn't they train him on the whole focus/concentration routine earlier? In fact, just what has Alek been learning all these years? Anything?

Where does this bit about Eva being his true master come from?

The melodramatic writing doesn't help, and I truly, truly wish that Cast had some clue about infusing emotion into her story. Telling me that she's crying isn't as engaging as making me feel her tears, her fears, her panic. Heck, that scene where Mom, oops, I mean, Lori, is panicking because her daughter hasn't come home sounds more like she's about to invite the detectives in for tea and cookies and ask them how their day is going. There's no emotion in that. Nothing to tip me off that she's alarmed let alone terrified. WTF?

I'm confused about that whole time thing. His mothers say it's been an eternity, he says it's only been a few days, and then he goes on to say that the days are too long. Did Cast mean to say the "days are too short"? I'm also confused about that text message Bridget sends Eva about the link she sends her. Is this a new slang thing that I've not yet heard: "…won't get out of my ass about…"?? Maybe she meant off?

Just how is it that Bill manages to kidnap Eva if he's at the ballet with Lori? I do like how hard Eva fights. I hate a female character who just stands around whining, and Eva does not do this. She fights back. Actually, the scenes in which her kidnapper is talking to her are seriously creepy. It's a well-done bit of writing.

Bridget should stop drinking now. How does Schilling come to the conclusion of the x in the tree branch meaning that the killer has ended that part of the victim's family? Did Cast give him a preview of what's coming? Does Alek know how to get into a house without breaking down the door?

I know I'm just being picky. It's because I'm feeling pissy. But I did do a double take when I read "She posed with a hand on each hip of her white dress". I got this image of her having like six hips or maybe the dress had extra hips. Why not just say on her hips? I don't think that would count as a cliché. More pickiness. What's with calling James Graham James throughout the story, but Schilling is always just Schilling?

Why didn't they pick up a burner phone for Eva? I think it's too late for Bridget. The drinking has affected her mind. First she forces Eva to come out and get lunch, and then she turns around and tells her that she'd be curled up in the fetal position in bed if she were Eva.

Oh, and, oh man, L. O. L., what's with that conclusion the detectives come to at the end, after they have evidence that this serial killer has been engaged in his particular style of killing for years in Mexico? Can someone explain that one? Did Cast even have editors? Do they really believe her readers are that DUMB??? The whole story is full of stupid contradictions and idiotic clichés. It's almost as if this were a contest between Cast and another writer to see how much they could make their readers swallow.

The Story
Love has caused a curse to rise up within Tartarus and only the warrior son of the Maiden can destroy the curse. He must return the evil that escaped the Underworld before the curse destroys Tartarus itself.

Young Alek must ally himself with the Oracle, once he finds her, to save her world and his.

The Characters
Twenty-three-year-old Eva Kostas is attending college, trying on all the majors. Bridget Falling is Eva's best friend, with a trust fund, and she's more interested in her and Eva's social life than anything else. Yiayiá is Eva's Greek grandmother. Lori is Mom, and why Eva calls her mother "Lori", I have no idea. William Morgan is Lori's boyfriend recently back from a mission trip to build houses in Mexico. Dean is the husband who took off.

Alek is the Warrior who will save Tartarus from the curse. The Furies are sisters: Crone, Mother, and Maiden. The three live in Tartarus where they keep evil imprisoned. Galen Argyris is the dead man, giving up his place to save his son. Pythia is the Oracle of Delphi. Atropos is one of the three Fates and a sister to the Furies. Charon is the ferryman for the dead. Aeacus, Rhadamanthus, and Minos are the judges of Tartarus.

Alastor the Great Avenger is one of the prisoners who escape.

Tulsa County Sheriff
Gordon Charles is the chief of police. (I'd a thought he'd be the sheriff if he's at the sheriff's department and giving statements.) Dr. Catherine Pierce is the medical examiner. Veronica is back working at the ME's office.

Detectives Schilling (Jeannine is his wife) and James Graham are the leads for the serial killer case. There's some mystery about Graham's past and a woman named Mel. Captain Alvarez is their boss. Officer Winslow keeps showing up with pictures, tips, and more. Nina is a police officer who doesn't know what she's got and prefers to arrest people in private, *snicker*

Maya is the nurse at the hospital. Dr. Cole needs to work on her bedside manner.

Madeline Bailey is the latest victim. Chera Kimiko and Tailia Kirk are on-air reporters. Spencer Burke is a gorgeous guy with a lousy approach to women. Jill is some friend (?) at the party. Red, a.k.a., Bethany, Brown, Black, and Blonde are the college girls from whom Alek is demanding answers. Jason may be a jerk, but he did step up to protect the girls. Counselor O'Brien is Bridget's lawyer. Tyson Andrews will be a new type of victim. Monica is/was his girlfriend.

The Cover and Title
The cover is the best part with its dark background relieved only by the evil-feeling swirl of gray smoke curling up out of the fog alongside Eva's bare back, her right hand clasping her shoulder, her profile to us, slightly masked by her long, wavy, brown hair. The clincher is that silhouette of a many-branched bare tree.

The title refers to the Amber Smoke that will breathe life into the savior of Tartarus.

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review against another edition

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Amber Smoke by Kristin Cast is the first book in the Escaped series. The Furies (Maiden, Crone, and Mother—the phases of women) lived in Tartarus. They are the jailers who keep the evil (those who threatened to end humanity) contained. But then the Maiden fell in love with Galen Argyris (he gave up his soul for his son). Their true love (which was forbidden) has cast a curse over Tartarus (infected it) and prisoners have escaped. Maiden goes to Hera for help. Hera gives the Maiden a son, Alek who will be a warrior. He need to bring back the prisoners that have escaped. Alek will need to work with Eva. Eva Kostas is a descendant of Pythia (first Oracle of Delphi). The two need to work together to end the darkness/curse. But first Alek needs to find Eva before the hunter does. Can Eva and Alek complete their mission and save Tartarus?

I found Amber Smoke to be juvenile, flat, and cheesy (especially the romance between Alek and Eva). The characters did not feel real (they were not developed or fleshed out). They never came alive for me. The dialogue is stilted and awkward. I’m afraid I found the novel to be silly and just not for me. It sounded like a good book, but I just did not enjoy the final product (I finished it though). One scene that seemed especially ridiculous was when Eva and Alek find each other. They have people chasing them and they need to move quickly (run), but they stop to share a kiss (they are about to be captured). I found myself laughing. I give Amber Smoke 2 out of 5 stars (did not like but good idea). The worst part is the novel ends with a cliffhanger. Normally, these would ensure I read the next book. But in the case of this series, I will not be reading Scarlet Rain.

I received a complimentary copy of Amber Smoke from NetGalley in exchange for an honest evaluation of the novel.

fyrekatz's review against another edition

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Bad use of greek mythology, and writing got 56% into it and couldnt finish it. This was for the Readers Monthly Book Club read for Jan 2023.

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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I think Amber Smoke is going to be one of those books that you HAVE to read in oder to know what is happening in the rest of the series. But you will be left disappointed at the end because not much happens, other than what Eva may or may not turn into (not giving away anything).

The disappointment fog hasn't lifted in the weeks since reading this book. Not much of anything is resolved or explained, it just seemed like a book full of filler information that may be important later in the series.

The book should be labeled as more of a prequel than Book 1. Will this disappointment deter me from reading the next book? No, and that is because I know this author and she can produce some mind-blowing stories that leave your heart pounding, wondering WTF is going on, and what is going to happen next. So even if Amber Smoke didn't quite get there with me, I know it will get better, it has to. Because it can only go up from here...

I will say I liked Alek, I think he was a bit whiny and immature until he meets Eva and then he realized what his purpose was in life so he got his head out of his ass and became determined to the cause. Eva seems very sheltered and I know there are a lot of mysteries surrounding her family that I am positive I will discover more as the books continue.

The way the book ended was suppose to be a cliff hanger but really, it just irritated me, since there wasn't much to discover in the book beforehand. If I can sum up an entire story in a single sentence, then there wasn't much detail to really stand out and make the book incredible.

So I will say wait until the second book is out before diving into this one and hopefully the next one will be Book-gasmic!!

I give book 1 (more of a prequel in my opinion) a 3"disappointed but willing to continue the series" Stars!!