
Impulse by Dannika Dark

_snowy_m's review

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Omg I want book 4 and I want it now. Another hit for Dannika!

1_romance_reader's review

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Loved it. Awesome book.. awesome series

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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New mysteries, and more dangerous situations for Silver. Also lots of romance, and some important decisions to made. I especially loved the final paragraph with Silver and her Ghuardian!

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog: (un)Conventional Bookviews.

Impulse is a very apt name for the third book in the Mageri series! We get to know more about Silver, her birth, her childhood, and why she is sometimes not doing what her impulse is telling her to do! We also get to know a lot more about Justus and his own brand of impulse control. It was amazing to get more back-story on Justus, it explains so much about the way he treats Silver, and also the way he treats the women he’s with.

There is also a lot of action in Impulse, both with fights and with the budding romantic relationship between Logan and Silver. I sure have a soft spot for Logan! I know I would never be able to have a relationship with a man like him in real life, but I love reading about him and Silver. The reverence with which he treats her is heart-warming. And I love his loyalty and his honesty. Logan is also dealing with his own impulses, he is used to listening to his instincts, and to realize that he might have to act a little differently around Silver than he would with a Chitah woman is eye-opening.

mrose21's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book, its a nice middle book.

I very very much enjoyed this book, it was funny. It was frustrating! It was kind of erotic.

There has been a very big gap between me reading #2 and this, so I had a lot to catch up on mentally. I really liked this, I wouldn't have read it if it hadn't been for being on Scribd. I'm glad I didn't pay for it. I'm also pleased I read it.

Although I got to say I found her extremely frustrating, why was she always complaining, why was she always being rescued. I'm told continuously she was fantastic, and unique but really we only got one example of that and that is towards the start of this book nothing really after. I wish it was more, I'm also not in love with Logan. He is OK but to me pushy. Its what he wants but he keeps saying its your choice, your decision.

I'll be reading the next as that is also on scribd and I'm just curious!

booklvrkat's review

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Holy hot men in this book! Grab your spray bottle of freezing cold water girls.. you WILL need it. Logan, Justice, Christian, Simon! Woof! This story is staying on my kindle for re-reads at all times. I loved how the flow of the book just kept you wanting more and more. Standing Ovation Dannika Dark!

whatcha_listening_to's review

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5 Impulse Stars

Oh I am in love with these audiobooks! I don’t want to say the same thing for each book but it’s true this is a great addition to the series.

We really get to see Silver have to overcome so many things, from self-worth, to love, being good enough, and even empathy.

Trust is a huge thing Sliver needs to learn. To trust for her is to open herself up but is so very hard for her with everything she has gone through. But I do believe Logan is helping her with this.

The bond between her Guardian Justus and herself is only getting stronger and I really like getting to see a little more about him, he has intrigued me.

We get to meet a Relic, and the vampire Christian really starts to play a bigger role in this book. And tragedy strikes in the name of an attack, one of their own is hurt badly. I won’t say who or from what but it’s a struggle they are going to have to go through for a long time.

I hope we get to see that book because I want to see this character get there happily ever after.

The more I listen, the more I love this series. The Seven series is one of my most favorite shifter series ever, but this one has more than just shifters. It is interesting and exciting these books have me sucked right in and I am on to the next I can’t help myself.

*All my Reviews are 100% honest and my own.*

mdlaclair's review

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WTF book 3? I loved the Silver and Logan dynamic in book 2. However book 3 took it to far. Silver is always complaining about how she does not know if "Logan really wants her" Etc so she is constantly pushing him away but then turning around and trying to get him back. She keeps saying that Chitah customs are not her customs etc. However she is not even a little bit considerate toward Chitah customs. So much so that she keeps getting her self in dangerous and stupid situations. She keeps saying she is a mage and no a Chitah. However just because you "are not " something does not make it right to go around disrespecting and picking fights with a group of people.
I just pray that book 4 is better

kathrichards's review

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Maybe one day I’ll be able to give these books star ratings, but all you need to know is that on this the third reread, fully knowing the twist, I still gasp a lil at the twist

bookishbuddies's review

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4 stars!

This book really picked up the pace again and I really liked the rivalry in this book. No matter what happens, I think Sterling will forever be making stupid decisions, but at least the plot was interesting in this book!

allyups's review

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An amazing third installment to the enchanting series Mageri. I enjoy these books because they have humor and supernatural to them, which are my favorite things to read.