
Atlantis Betrayed by Alyssa Day

librarydancer's review

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This story did not work for me.

kathydavie's review

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Sixth in the Warriors of Poseidon paranormal romance series revolving around the elite guard of the Crown Prince of Atlantis. The couple focus is on Christophe and Lady Fiona Campbell. The jewel of interest is the Siren.

My Take
This was an improvement over the last one! Although, to be fair, it could simply be the change of location that has pepped things up.

It was pretty stupid to just reconnoiter and not take the damn sword, although it does provide all sorts of action for the story… I did enjoy Christophe's stalking of Fiona! Too funny..! Then there's Hopkins' interaction with Christophe...LOL!

Christophe certainly learns a new perspective on his past and about children. Yes, we do learn why Christophe hates humans. With good reason, although it seems there was some extra influence there...

Fiona was very clever in her delivery on the challenge thrown her at by Lucinda. Very, very clever. And the cleverness just kept coming.

The Story
The sword of William the Conqueror, Vanquish, is exercising quite an attraction for a wide group of people interested in stealing it. Well, in removing the jewel in its hilt. The Siren. An aquamarine that commands the shape-shifters. Deadly in the hands of the vampires interested in acquiring it. A lot of money to the Scarlet Ninja. And, an essential element of Poseidon's Trident.

Our romance begins when Fiona and Christophe almost literally run into each other inside the Tower of London when each is on a reconnaissance run for the sword.

A sword that suddenly disappears and Christophe and Lady Fiona reluctantly band together to find the jewel, clear the Scarlet Ninja's reputation...and evade the sudden interest of shape-shifters, vampires, and the Unseelie Court.

The Characters
Fiona Campbell has her own particular magic which she uses when she flits about by night as the Scarlet Ninja stealing art and jewels. By day, she's Lady Fiona and the author of a highly successful series of children's fantasy books. Madeline is her assistant. Hopkins is her extremely handy and concerned butler. Declan is her computer genius brother. Sean is her ward; a fifteen-year-old whom she saved from a savage beating.

Christophe is increasingly miserable. He hates his life. He hates protecting humans. And he certainly doesn't want to enter the priesthood! The rest of the Seven include the King's Vengeance "Ven" and Erin; Lord Justice (Ven and Conlan's half-brother) and Dr. Keely McDermott; Alexios with his part goddess-huntress Grace; Brennan's curse has been broken and he's with Tiernan Butler, a reporter; Denal who ends up having his own unexpected adventure in the Summer Lands; and, the infrequent Bastien with his park ranger-kitty Kat. Alaric is the High Priest. Prince Conlan and Princess Riley are married now with a baby boy, Prince Aidan, a.k.a., His Royal Drooliness.

Quinn is mentioned; Jack and Daniel are not.

Lord Fairsby is the new director of Scotland Yard's new Paranormal Ops division. Lucinda is the wolf alpha in London; Evan is her mate.

Prince Gideon na Feransel of the Unseelie Court is working towards the same general goal as Rhys na Garanwyn of the Seelie Court. He does, however, have his own particular twist he intends to put on both Lady Fiona and the Siren. His sister Lady Maeve Fairsby has her own agenda. Telios is a somewhat mad vampire who is able to lord it over everyone. Silly vamp...he thinks he has a deal with Gideon. His existence does answer Christophe's question at the beginning.

The Cover and Title
The cover is reds! With Big Ben in the background and a half-clad Christophe moving forward with intent.

I assume that the Atlantis Betrayed is in the duplicity of the fae...

bookloverchelle's review

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Another great addition to the Warriors of Poseidon series. Christophe has always been a fun character to follow in the series so far and I loved being able to jump into his story. He found a great complimentary heroine in Fiona, the Scarlet Ninja. Christophe had some great humor moments in this story but I think it was his ready acceptance of Fiona that won him over for me. I did wish there was a little more description into his power level and what happens next. Other than that a wonderful installment from Ms. Day and I'm excited for what comes next!

bookwife's review

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Okay so I am a little mad at myself for pushing this one off for so long. I have never been a fan of Christophe. I have pretty much hated him actually so I really had no desire to read his book BUT omg I love him now.

I was so freaking surprised by this book. I loved everything about it. Christophe was sweet, SWEET! Can you believe that? Psh. If I hadn't read it I wouldn't have either but he was. He was everything that is perfect about the Atlantis Warriors. Hell he was better. He may be my favorite.. I haven't decided about that yet but he may be. AND Fiona! I am girl crushing the hell out of her. SHES A FREAKING NINJA!!!! and she gives all her money to the needy. She's the perfect woman. No joke. She's awesome. I know for sure that she's my favorite female from the series so far.

Characters can make or break a book and even though I loved this story, if I didn't, I still would have loved it because the characters were perfect. Even the side characters were pretty dang awesome.

This book was funny, sexy, sweet, exciting and just freaking fantastic. By far my favorite book in the series so far!

skateanddonate's review

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Fantastic book. Very HOT! I immediately went looking for information on the order of the series to buy and discovered the alternative rock band Grout has written two songs specifically about two books in the series. I was immediately off to iTunes to buy these songs which are quite good. This is they type of stuff I'd like to see included in what is being called "enhanced eBooks." Off to buy the series.

tomokizu's review

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This was kind of a surprise for me. Since the last story was great, but didn't quite hold all the things I needed for a novel I actually waited a long time to decide if I even wanted to buy this. I have to say - It is worth it.

The story is witty. Christophe is a missunderstood creature and Fiona is trying to fight for the right thing, even though the odds are against her.

I loved how the story took me through their lifes and even their motives for everything.
One thing though didn't quite make it a 5 star rating for me. Christophe came with a really big package of sorrow, hartred and rage, but the author kinda glossed over some of it and especially over how he will overcome it. There are hints and she tries to fit it into the story, but I definitly was missing more depth behind that particular struggle, since the build-up was quite heavy.
All in all I loved it. It made my favorite list!

Thanks again, Alyssia!

amyiw's review

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After "Atlantis Redeemed", I almost didn't read on in the series. That book was idiotic with a single plot line and ineffectual hero/heroines, that go into and reacted stupidly. Worse the characters seemed to have forced chemistry. This book was the complete opposite, yea!

Christophe was definitely not one of my favorite characters in the previous books but this book turns that around. She gets into Christophe's character and you immediately want to know more. But then you are put into his mission and discovering that there is another on the same quest. He is immediately intrigued by the Lady and the chemistry begins. And wow, what chemistry.

His mate, Lady Fiona, is very interesting and although she might put herself into situations, can frequently take care of herself. She is multidimensional and well rounded, which is a great compliment to Christophe. Christophe goes from being a brat, from the other books, to being a emotionally damaged man, who doesn't know what life can hold for him. He has a lot of blame and anger, which has never been looked at from a different point of view, because he hides it. Fiona is the first and only to get through and ground him.

This was one of the best books in this series for me. My other favorite was Justice's story, "Atlantis Unleashed".

lisajo85's review

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When you have two individuals after the same prize, sparks are bound to fly! Such is the case in Day’s 8th installment in the Warriors of Poseidon series. This is an outstanding paranormal series and the latest installment Atlantis Betrayed shows the series is still going strong!

Christophe is the rouge warrior...always refusing to fall into line. Well now he’s in London trying to sneak into the heavily guarded Tower of London to steal The Siren, an item among the Crown Jewels. He doesn’t expect to find another person trying to steal the same item on the same night. He really doesn’t expect that person to be the elusive Scarlet Ninja and terribly surprised to find out the thief is Scottish...and a woman. Not just any woman, but the most beautiful, enthralling, and amazing woman he’s ever encountered. And for Christophe, someone who has spent plenty of time brooding and alone, that is certainly a strong statement.

Fiona a/k/a the Scarlet Ninja finds herself spellbound by the attractive man trying to steal her Siren jewel. So she does what any self-respecting thief would do to the competition, she shoots him...with a tranq gun. Surprisingly he recovers from the shot and follows her to her home where he declares an outrageous idea. Christophe wants to team up with her to steal the jewel. Finding that she doesn’t want to let go of this gorgeous stranger just yet, Fiona reluctantly agrees. Yet before they can attempt to steal the jewel again, someone else takes it and places the blame on Scarlet Ninja. Not just for the theft, but for the murders that happened during the robbery by a vampire who hopes to use the jewel to control the shape shifter population. Now they have to clear Fiona’s name and take back the Siren from the vampires before all hell breaks loose.

This book is an absolute joy to read. Day’s writing is so witty and clever to make for a very enjoyable read. The novel is well written with delightfully enjoyable dialogue. The characters are funny and charming and instantly likeable. Christophe has a complete macho and rebel attitude, so you’ll love to see him baffled by his feelings toward Fiona. Not used to caring too much for the feelings of others, his jealous and protective attitude towards her is something he finds hard to understand. He is so used to being in control and powerful whereas Fiona shakes up his whole mentality. Fiona is his complete opposite and completely adorable. She is courageous and strong, yet sensitive. She allows a select number of people into her heart and keeps them close. Christophe is one of those individuals she doesn’t want to let in, but can’t seem to help herself. He makes her smile, and actually enjoy life again, something she hasn’t been able to do in quiet a while.

There is intrigue, adventure and all the wonderful oddness of the Atlantis universe. You have the best of all paranormal worlds to enjoy...the Poseidon Warriors, shape shifters, vampires and Fae. All opposing sides working to hold possession of the Siren and it’s power to enjoy reading about while immersing yourself in Day’s astonishing universe. The romance moves rather quickly and is probably the only complaint to find with the book. It’s a little too much too soon to be believable. Still, the two main characters are a perfect pair and as the book develops, you will adore their attraction. You will enjoy reading about the shock and heartache this couple endures and cheer for them until the last page. Anyone new to this series could enjoy this as a stand alone book, but once you finish, I’m sure you’ll want to go back to book one and catch up on the previous novels.

Overall Rating: 5/5
Heat Level: 4/5

Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

laurla's review against another edition

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"i'll put that in my planner straightaway. shall we say tuesday of never?"

"anyone who calls another friend too easily is a fool."
"and anyone who doesnt is alone. which is worse?"

"you feel you are not worthy of her, i think. get over it, before she believes it too."

ellissah's review against another edition

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Good for some in between reading but it isn't anything amazingly spectacular. Have sort of continued reading the series out of habit.