
Alterations, by Jane Suen

piperkitty's review

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This is a very interesting book. It's very fasted paced. I like how each invidial women is portrayed. I like how each of these women become strong I hope their is more enegament in the next book to deepen the characters.
Gigi, Ellen and Lilly each have a problem which they want to fix so they visit Dr. Kite.

nikkismiles43's review

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By Jane Suen

Alterations by Jane Suen is a very compelling and thrilling story, you won't be able to put down. Once you start reading it, you'll instantly get sucked into the story and characters.
What happens when you desperately want something sooooo bad, once you get it… it is nothing like you expected.
Three incredibly different women , who are so desperate to change their lives that they turn to the infamous and mysterious Dr. Kite. Who offers them an implant in their brain , that can alter their way of thinking and controls their mind. But not all, is as it appears to be.
Gigi wants to find her one and true love, will she be able to?? Ellen was so desperately to lose weight. She has tried every diet imaginable. But after the implant, will the miraculous weight loss bring her a new love interest she wants more than anything?? Will it bring the self respect she has been longing for years? Lilly went through a terrible divorce. Which has made her an angry and bitter woman. Will she finally be able to put the divorce behind her and move towards a happy future?
But sometimes, your deepest and strongest desire... isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Once in awhile, it will become your worst nightmare!!
You must read this book to see what happens to Gigi,Ellen and Lilly! It will take you on an epic journey like no other ! Wonderful job, Jane! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!!

way2gosmartguy's review

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Alterations by Jane Suen was a good book, and I liked the story idea. It is kinda sci-fi, Divergent style story, of mind altering technology. Just reading the synopsis drew me in, and I was dying to read it. However, I had a hard time following it at first. There were a lot of characters, that it bounced around between, and I had difficulty keeping their stories straight. It wasn't until half way through the book I understood they weren't all going to meet, but rather, had 1 character in common. I feel like the second half was rushed, and the story ended abruptly. It should have been longer, building each story more thoroughly, in my opinion. Over all, it was a decent book, earning a 4 star review. I would read another book by this author, because her imagination is amazing, and I like her characters.

kelli513's review

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Book Review: Alterations
Author: Jane Suen
Four Stars
This book is very short. There is so much more that could be done with it and I am hoping that they take the idea and possibly run with it.
This follows the lives of two women who have decided to change their health, or appearance in some way. And a third woman, well lets just see what happens. They have all been taken to Dr. Kite and he has implanted into them a microchip. The events that happen to them is very strange, some of the results even Dr. Kite can't explain.
This book is full of suspense and questions. It makes you wonder if it is possible that this could happen and no one really know what is happening to them. Could it be the twisted workings of a Dr.? There isn't a whole lot of background on any of the characters. You kind of start up and then it just stops. A very different type of book but it was good. You are just left with you mouth kind of hanging open and questioning " IS that all?"
Kelli Harper

bookwitch92's review

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First things first! Cliff hangers should be illegal! The cliffhanger at the end of this book spartan kicked me off the cliff with no warning and no parachute to slow my fall. This story has amazing storytelling! I was drawn into the book from page one. From Gigi's mental disability, to Ellen's weight loss problem to Lilly's divorce, each person has something that's real world relatable and something that at least one person has experience with. The different perspectives were done seamlessly and wonderful. I didn't get lost on whose perspective I was reading. I was glad you get to see inside Dr. Kite's perspective. Most of the time you don't get to see that.
This book did get me thinking. Are we pretty close to achieving this in real life if we keep going? It spurred so many questions about in real life and it made me question "Would I want something like that?
I enjoyed reading this book, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

arthistorygirl's review

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Alterations by Jane Suen is a futuristic, psychological thriller. The story is about three women who get an implant put in them to help them with different aspects of their lives. The story is interesting and different from other stories I have read. I enjoyed the three different female characters and the differences between them. They all had relatable aspects and problems that many women deal with daily. The doctor helping them seemed interesting also despite not being in the story much. I really enjoyed the concept and the story. I would have enjoyed a longer book with more background and information about the characters. There seemed more that could have been explored. I hope to read more from this author in the future and will keep an eye out for her books.

shellyk51's review

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This is a medical game of Russian Roulette with chip implants. Who got the defective ones? Gigi, Ellen and Lily all think Dr. Kite can solve their problems with a magical cure but it seems that everything comes with a price...and maybe not all is as it seems. A quick read but a nice intense read. The characters remind me of a medical drama (which I love) so I personally can't wait to read more. Dr. Kite is just the right kind of psycho creepy. Don't mind me ladies, I have an office in most secluded area downtown. I have goosebumps thinking about it. Highly recommend! Must read!

katie_83's review

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Alterations by Jane Suen
4 stars
I loved this book! It was a nice break from my usual romance genres. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it in all honesty but the blurb really intrigued me and it didn’t take long to be completely sucked into it! I still can’t decide if I should like Dr Kite or not?? Half of me did and the other half was thinking what a psycho! Although if someone wanted to implant one of those weight-loss chips in me that I think I might consider it!! It is a fast paced book and the writing style of the author reflected this well in my opinion. It does jump about between characters but it’s all tied up during the later stages of the story. I found it easy to keep up with and I think it would have made a really good full length novel too!
It is definitely one of those books that will have you thinking about what you would do in that situation. There are three characters; Gigi, Ellen and Lilly, each have their own problems that Dr Kite can help them with by implanting a chip and altering their body.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I will definitely be looking to read more from her in the future. It was great introduction into a new genre for me.

rayne's review

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Intriguing sci-fi
Alterations is a very intriguing sci-fi thriller. Jane Suen does an excellent job interweaving the character’s stories. The concept of the chip has an originality and drew me in from the start. Easy-to-read and thought provoking I devoured the book. I am really looking forward to continuing the trilogy and seeing what happens with Dr. Kite.

lisa01's review

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Alterations by Jane Suen
Rated 4 stars
Choices choices choices. Dr Kite can help women with issues they have had for decades! The difficulty is choosing which is most important cure illness, lose weight or reverse the aging process. There can only be one choice.
This is an interesting concept for a book. It is something all women would be interested in achieving. There are short chapters told by the different characters. I liked the characters and the story moved along fast. I wish it was a little longer and a bit more in depth. Since I was left with some questions.

This is my first Jane Suen book. I enjoyed it. It is a short one but it makes me think.