
Near to the Wild Heart, by Clarice Lispector

rheen's review against another edition

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"First and foremost, she thought, she understands life because she isn’t intelligent enough not to."
This book perplexed me, at times it bored me, it also made me feel stupid, like I wasn't smart enough to understand the ramblings of this woman named Joanna because she was 10x smarter than me, but later I realized that is what everyone thinks of her because she makes herself deliberately difficult to understand, or maybe subconsciously because she also doesn't understand almost all of the things she thinks. Everything she thought was so profound but also so immensely convulated that it sometimes made whole pages entirely incomprehensible; and that was frustrating and dissatisfying, exactly how Joanna felt about life. 
Joanna is probably one of the most interesting characters I have ever read about, she is also really, really simplistic. She's just lonely. She has made her solitude so thick that it has become impossible to penetrate for anyone- even her own self. There's this Richard Siken quote I love, "Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them", that is what Joanna has done to herself, she got so close to understanding the mystery of her personhood it flipped her inside out, she ended up outside of her, bewildered and frightened and totally incapable of ever being reunited with her own self- that is why I think mystery is important. The thirst for knowledge is important too, don't get me wrong, I also suffer from the "I want to know everything" disease, but after reading this book I'm considering taking my attention from myself to the world, I have to live and witness the world before I can venture the one inside of me. 
I especially loved the interactions between the women, they were revelatory and simplified a lot of life. 
As frustrating as she is, I love Joanna, I identify with her to some extent, to feel like nobody understands you- to not understand yourself can be intensely frightening. But I also want her to realise that she is not alone in this experience, that the self is the most incomprehensible thing to the self, that sometimes you don't need to know everything. 
Someday, I hope she figures out what being happy is for. 
Mostly, I hope for her to find out what it is like to be happy. 

brielemos's review against another edition

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queria ter gostado mais

gabsalt's review against another edition

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A must read. It made me feel free and yet confined at the same time. I went with the urge to burn through the pages after the climax, and was not disappointed. Muito obrigada, Clarice, pelas suas palavras e a sua mente.

chervbim's review against another edition

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So glad I finally got around to reading this. I consider myself a Clarice Lispector connoisseur and this one did not disappoint, definitely a new favorite.

lauracosta's review against another edition

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É capaz de me ter escapado alguma coisa

alramsthel's review against another edition

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3.5, rounded up. a strange little book. spoke to me very intimately at times, rattled on at others.

casparb's review against another edition

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I suppose my question here is how many supernovas can one woman create? Hurricane Clarice rides again- this being her first novel and in a way provoking more questions than answers about her artistic progression.

From what I’ve read, I’d say the Wild Heart has the most in common with Hour of the Star, down to phrases, motifs, characters. Whereas Macabéa is a phenomenal portrait of a woman, I feel Joana is a more interesting character. What I’m saying is- there’s a narrative! almost a normally structured one as well.

Elizabeth Bishop mentioned somewhere that she didn’t believe Clarice to have read widely or indeed at all. I find CL shines when she roams into Western philosophy,, this book I found Spinoza loomed large. There’s a period where a spinozist term appears every couple pages in my annotations and I felt awfully proud of myself for noticing until she namedropped him. All the same I’ve never encountered a novel that achieves what this does with regards to sweet Baruch. Oology, Deus sive Natura, Bodies upon bodies. It’s beautiful though certainly an undercurrent.

She just keeps pulling bangers.

more clarice more clarice more

hanazet's review against another edition

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“Isté okamihy v hudbe. Hudba patrí do rovnakej kategórie ako myslenie, oboje kmitá rovnakým pohybom i formou. Ako myslenie, aj ona je natoľko dôverná, že sa rodí, práve keď ju začuje. Ako myslenie, aj ona je natoľko dôverná, že keď Joana počuje, ako niekto opakuje ľahké odtienky zvukov, odrazu má pocit, akoby ju zaskočili a odhalili.”

Jedna z najzložitejších a zároveň najuchvacujúcejších kníh, čo som doteraz prečítala. Hoci som už Clarice Lispector poznala, lebo sa mi zázračne podarilo uchmatnúť si asi posledný kus Všetkých poviedok, tentoraz ma prevalcovala ešte intenzívnejšie. Pretože presne tak Clarice píše - jej štýl neviem nazvať inak ako intenzívny. Vysokokoncentrovaný, taký naliehavý, akoby Clarice potrebovala nutne vypovedať všetko to, čo skladá do riadkov, akoby nemala žiadny rešpekt nielen k štýlu, ale ani k čitateľovi. Ber alebo nechaj tak. Clarice je kráľovná, ktorá sa nepotrebuje zapáčiť, nechce byť ľúbivá. Chce písať, chce rozprávať, chce objavovať slová. Clarice bola - vo svojich knihách stále je - diva, svojská a svojhlavá a práve v tom je absolútne dychberúca. Napokon, tak to s divami býva, rešpektujete ich rozmary a zbožňujete ich. Beriete.

Keď ma z Artfóra oslovili moderovať diskusiu o Clarice Lispector, bola to výzva. Rozprávať sa o žene, ktorá je aj desaťročia po smrti legenda a pojem, samostatná kategória - lebo je len Clarice Lispector, ju nikam neupracete - to chce pocit, že ste aspoň trochu pochopili… a ja som pri knihe Blízko divokého srdca chvíľami tápala, musela sa vracať, čítať znova, odložiť ju. Clarice Lispector ma zrazu stiahla do víru myšlienok a slov a ja som sa bezmocná krútila a cítila ako v odstredivke. Aká úľava pre mňa bola, keď so mnou počas diskusie prekladateľka Jana Benková Marcelliová súhlasila - Clarice skutočne takýto odstredivkový efekt vyvoláva.

Jane Benkovej Marcelliovej patrí obrovská poklona za to, ako dokázala jej štýl pretaviť do slovenčiny, keďže Clarice si išla svoje a v portugalčine porušovala pravidlá i predstavy o “správnom” písaní. Fascinuje tým aj dnes, skoro 80 rokov od vydania jej prvého románu, ktorým je práve Blízko divokého srdca. Mala 22 rokov, keď ho stvorila, naliehavú výpoveď mladej ženy, ktorá napriek počiatočnej snahe nezapadá do obyčajov a konvencií, ktorá vníma viac ako ostatní okolo nej, premýšľa, hľadá odpovede, skúma seba i ostatných. Pri čítaní sa ma zmocňoval úžas, aké myšlienky dokázala taká mladá dievčina sformulovať.

“Vzdialenosť, ktorá oddeľuje city od slov. Už som o tom premýšľala. A najzvláštnejšie je, že vo chvíli, keď sa pokúsim prehovoriť, nielenže nevyjadrím, čo cítim, ale to, čo chcem, pozvoľna sa premení na to, čo hovorím. Alebo prinajmenšom bezpochyby konám na základe toho, čo poviem, nie toho, čo cítim.”

Koľko v Joane je z autorky? Môžeme iba hádať, ale výpoveď znie chvíľami tak osobne, že azda aj pomerne dosť. Musia byť založené na pozorovaniach ženy, ktorá bola zrejme od začiatku iná. Vzrušujúco iná. A čo je pre mňa najfascinujúcejšie - aj keď raz jej knihu prečítate, otvorte ju o týždeň a nájdete v nej zase niečo nové, čo vás odrovná a poviete si - musím to čítať znova.

Napriek všetkému ale tuším, že Blízko divokého srdca nie je pre každého. Kto však nájde zaľúbenie v tejto čarodejnici, ten sa jej bez reptania odovzdá.

“Na čom teda záleží: treba žiť, alebo vediet, že žijeme? - Ozaj rýdze slová, krištáľové kvapky. Cítim, ako sa vo mne zmieta žiarivý vlhký tvar. Ale kde je to, čo chcem povedať, kde je to, čo mám povedať?”

mariejosed's review against another edition

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Abandon p. 104

ssunier's review against another edition

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challenging reflective slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
