
Binding Brinley by Maren Smith

eg_m's review against another edition

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Couldn't like either character. More abuse than BDSM.

jigsawgirl's review against another edition

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And so it begins.....

There was a lot going on in this book. There was a seemingly unending battle of wills between Rowth and Brinley.

The situation with Rowth ultimately needing Brinley's help seemed like more of an afterthought to me instead of part of Rowth's master plan.

I did like Rog, including the snarky back and forth between Rog and Rowth. Brinley, in her constant defiance was exhausting. She obviously never heard of catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.

I am not a big paranormal romance reader, but I did enjoy this book, along with the rest of the series. I started at book 3 and read backwards. I don't feel like I missed anything by reading out of order.

ashkwtf's review against another edition

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I don't even know, really. I wanted to know what happened, while I was constantly creeped out by the ... hero? The only reason I was able to continue was because at least the heroine was as freaked out by her behavior as I was. However, the thought of a bunch of unknowingly-submissive women dropped on a planet of creepy dominant aliens just ... lol, boggles the imagination. Note I have no problems with the women being dropped but having them all be closet submissives is annoying. I hope one of them resists so much she kills her stupid dominant alien foster-parent and gets sentenced to death. Cause I'm a jerk, I guess.

raven168's review against another edition

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I read the third book in this series a little while ago and enjoyed it quite a bit. So even though I knew each book was by a different author, I wanted to check out the rest of the series. When the first two books went on sale, I jumped at the chance to get them. Sadly, this one wasn't worth the wait.

I would like to say that this was well written...but terribly edited. I mean, terribly edited. Missing words, wrong words, extra words, and even names spelled wrong. Usually I can overlook that if it's infrequent enough, but it wasn't here. Then there are the characters. At first I thought I liked Rowth. But the more we got of him, the more I became conflicted because I just did not like the way he treated Brinley like a three year old. So it still baffles me how this chick fell in love with the guy. Maybe Stockholm syndrome. I don't know. I still can't figure it out after finishing the book.

So Brinley was on board a spaceship heading to a new planet in order to work on terraforming it for colonization when the ship hit debris and crashed into an already inhabited planet. Only her and a few other females survived the crashed, but Brinley was in BAD shape. They practically had to rebuild her legs. Rowth is the attorney assigned to their case, and of course they're guilty of whatever charges against them because how could they not be. Okay. Okay. The crash did kill a lot of people and injure a ton too, but that was hardly their fault. When comes down to what to do with the women, only Rowth has an idea. One that's hardly easily accepted, but he eventually convinces the people in charge to go with it. His idea? Foster them out like children.

Obviously he takes Brinley in. I was always so annoyed or frustrated with Brinley because instead of talking to him like an adult, she always acted like a goddamn child. Of course he'll treat you like one! Rowth is big on obedience and thrives on punishments, that to me, sound awful rapey. And I swear, all these two do is fight.

Rowth's other foster "child" is a weird looking alien named Rog. Oh my gawd, I loved Rog. He really saved the story for me because he was just damn funny. Unfortunately, Rog is sick and dying. When he takes a turn for the worst is when the story actually starts becoming something and Brindley doing more than pouting and spitting insults. It was so nice to see her and Rowth actually TALKING LIKE ADULTS and working together.

Once they figure out what to do and get it done, it's time for Rowth to take Brinley down to his cellar for her punishment. After which it's all happily ever after for everybody. I don't know. The ending was so abrupt and I'm still trying to figure out how Brinley fell for the Rowth. No relationship in the history of ever should be like theirs is.

I'm on to the second book and hoping it's better.

asreadbycourtney's review

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I have such mixed feelings about this book. It felt as though it took forever for anything to happen - sexy times, action/adventure times, and whatever else. It wasn't exactly slow going, it just seemed that Ms. Smith was dragging parts out that didn't need to be. And then when you get to the interesting parts, of course closer to the end, it's like wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am-done. When I was sitting there reading thinking "finally something interesting", basically five pages later (okay that may be an exaggeration) the book ends! I was a bit peeved about that, but it was still a decent erotica novel.

Ohhh, speaking of erotica...the sexy times in Binding Brinley are definitely BDSM and pretty stinkin' hot. So, that's a plus. There is some good plot development going on in this book before it all comes to an abrupt end, it's not just hot sexy times.