
Emblaze by Jessica Shirvington

secretmagic's review

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Oh, My God. This series keeps getting better and better. I’m super impressed. I was already in love with it, but ‘Emblaze’ made it even better. Even more heartbreaking and intense than ‘Enticed’ and I loved it.

With both the Exile and Grigori Scriptures now out in the world, Violet, Lincoln and the Grigori gang have a tough battle on their hands. Fearing what Phoenix could do with the Grigori Scripture (discover all the Grigori partners and destroy them before they get a chance to exist), they must find a way to stop him and stop his attempts to access the Exile Scripture and release Lilith from Hell. It’s a lot to ask of a small group of people, even if they have enhanced angel powers; and if something could go wrong, it pretty much does. At least we get to go on another overseas road-trip; this time to Greece, or more specifically: Santorini.

My only issue with this series is the unknown original location. I can never work out where we’re supposed to be based. I know Jessica Shirvington is Australian, so I would assume we’re in Australia to start off with, especially since we’ve been told it’s a long trip from the Academy (based in New York) and Jordan (first road-trip destination) and now Greece. Well, Australia is pretty isolated, so it makes sense the book would be situated here; but it would be nice to have an actual place named so we’re not just in some unknown city. However, this is a minor problem for me; it doesn’t change how I feel about the series.

I have a hard time dealing with how awesome both guys are. I’ve always been more of a Lincoln girl, but I have soft spot for Phoenix too. He’s not as evil as he tries to be, although he definitely has some evil moments in ‘Emblaze’; I can’t wait to see what he brings to the table in ‘Endless’ (book 4). While Lincoln, oh my poor, tortured Lincoln; he’s so hard on himself, trying to stay away from Violet is a difficult task for him (and kills me, because I really want to see them together) but I couldn’t help smiling every time Linc turned up. I know where my heart lies.

The hardest part of ‘Emblaze’ was watching Violet and Lincoln interact. Knowing they’re soulmates and yet denying each other the chance to be happy; it breaks my heart. But they have some pretty cute and sexy moments still, so it sort of balances out in the end. I hope they get a chance to be happy and together soon.

In my opinion, ‘Emblaze’ didn’t have enough Spence in it. He was there, being his usual funny and cool self; a really good friend for Violet; but towards the end of the book he was sort of forgotten. I understand that Violet was the main focus and with the way the story progressed it would have been unlikely that Spence was at her side the whole time, but I would have liked to see him a bit more involved. At least he’s living in their area in ‘Emblaze’ (with Linc), so he’s got the means to be around more often.

I can’t wait for ‘Endless’
5/5 Stars

court_caitlin's review

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Horrible! The ending sucked. The prose is awful and there were no new plot twists to keep me engaged. It took me three weeks to finish because I was not that interested. Would not recommend. Esp. with the ending, which didn't wrap anything up and I have no desire to read another one if she makes one.

pearparis's review

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Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Violet and Lincoln are so amazing, in every way imaginable and yet it kills me that they can't be together. The struggle they go through, to want each other so badly, and that Lincoln distances himself, is ugh!!! I swear, each book in the series just get's better and better. But aside from them, Violet and Spence's friendship has been great! Spence has really been there for her, and honestly, he is so lovable and hilarious. And Phoenix...well I'll always love him, even though I love Lincoln. He get's his own chapter, and I frankly just loved him even more. It really puts perspective on the story, and that Phoenix isn't some big bad villain trying to just screw up everything. Everything he does is for a reason. Phoenix is very haunted in some ways, and unlike any other character I've come across. All in all, loved it.

chelsfoust's review against another edition

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This was good. I did however think to myself a couple times 'dang such teenage angst'. I loved how everything came together, though I still wonder about Phoenix. It will be interesting the twist Jase will bring since Linc and Violet keep not being together! I didn't like the cliffie ending, how frustrating now we have to wait for what will happen next. I give it a 4.5 rating.

sam_hartwig's review

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Another very good sequel. I feel like the writing is getting better and better with this series. Although it did feel a little long winded at times, but other than that, a fantastic read. I loved the big twist at the end and can't wait to read the next one!

joanna1905's review against another edition

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Reread #2 - 8/11/18

Okay so I once again I really liked this book, and again I enjoyed it more the second time around.

Violet's dad is honestly so infuriating. I get that he's her father but I can't believe he had the audacity to be all 'you need to stay home more often' when he's literally NEVER EVER EVER THERE. He never put any effort into spending time with her, but now she's found a new family in Linc, Steph, Griff, Spence etc he expects her to sit home alone.

He's also pretty emotionally manipulative. If Violet EVER brings up her mother, he completely shuts down and withdraws from her for literal WEEKS. So she's forced to never bring up her mother or ask about her if she wants her dad to pay any attention to her at all. So not only does she not have a father, she can't even find comfort in the memory of her mother.

Josephine is such a cow - 'when you get off your high horse Violet' just because Violet was shocked that Grigori is allowing humans to die. How about you do your job dude. Gosh, I hate her so much.

She also thinks she's top sh*t but the fact that she has to travel with a pack of bodyguards shows she must be a pretty crap Grigori. If she was good at her job she wouldn't need that much protection, maybe one in the place of a partner but not so many.

Violet's dad being all like 'I can be a better father' like yeah bro you could, you've been a shit father for 17 years. Why don't you pay attention to your daughter for once in your life? Also SPOILER but over the next two books, he somehow manages to become an even worse father. Basically, both of her parents are crap.

So the beginning of this book where we get the flashback of Violet's birth and the death of her mother was so sad. Even though I hate Violet's mother.

Dapper is a legend and I love that he and Onyx helped protect Steph (I also totally ship them).

Josephine gave me a headache and I wanted to punch her, she tells Violet to get off her high horse for being surprised that they allow an exile free reign to do whatever he wants. As if stopping exiles isn't their job, she's so rude and I hope she gets what is coming to her.

Lincoln CONTINUING to leave Violet out of things that directly involve her is so messed up - and it's going to bite him in the ass. He also forces Violet to keep so many dangerous secrets from him because she can't trust him.

Violet's dad crying over her leaving literally broke my heart, I know he's not always the best father but he loved her so much and he deserved so much better than Violet's mother.

The switch to Phoneix's POV was so random and I don't understand why it was included.

Spence is such a good friend - I love him so much and if anything happens to him I'll be pissed.

The narrators' voice for Grey was literally so funny, it was so bad I don't even know what to say.

Finally, I hate Violet's mother.

devansbooklife's review

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I love these books. But this was my least favorite. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those never ending series. And why is her mother back? Can't poor Violet and Lincoln just be together already? Why is it that everything she does turns out wrong? I think I'll stop reading now. Because I feel like I'm losing interest in all the facade and pain.

vidyasur's review

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car3war's review

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I’m going to finish this series. It’s definitely gotten better and the relationship between Phoenix, Violent and Lincoln is so strange and ever changing

erazonasarah's review

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This book gave me even more feelings than the last one, and I can't deny I loved it!