
Untamed: A Thoughtless Novel by S. C. Stephens

thebookwormofnotredame's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I missed Kellan and that's the only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars. It was perfect and amazing. I want to read more about my d-bags, my boys. I want to read more about Kellan. It really is an amazing book.

brandy_wine's review against another edition

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I was excited to get this story. He is my favorite of all the D-bags.
I will say that yes we all know he is an ass and yes he is kind of on the stupid side as far as making choices.
Overall the story was okay not what I thought it would be It took a turn and I knew we had to get drama but I just kind of got tired of his one track mind. It was awesome in the other books and that is probably why it worked. Because it was only snippets, not an entire book.
Although it was a nice ending to the series.

fsmeurinne's review against another edition

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Been waiting for this book, I absolutely love Thoughtless Series by S.C. Stephens. Griffin Hancock always intrigued me in the series, so when Untamed was announced I wanted to grab it as soon as I could.

Getting inside Griffin’s head is certainly not what I expected at some times, he is trying to get some recognition by his band mates, he just wants a few minutes in the spotlight, but when he confronts it with the rest of the D-Bags, well it certainly doesn’t go as he expected.

Anna, his wife, is the only person he understands him, but what happens when everything is challenged just for trying to get his desire for the spotlight fulfilled.

It’s not easy being Griffin, he has no filter, he does whatever he wants, no thinking before doing it and perhaps that’s why I enjoyed his story so much. Being able to see his insecurities and get inside his heart was a great experience. I certainly hope you enjoy this story as much as I did. I will always be a fan of Kellan Kyle, but Griffin is a character you don’t want to miss meeting him from the inside.

alicehbrs's review against another edition

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paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received for an honest review

I will say up front - for most of the first 3 books in the Thoughtless series, I didn't like Griffin Hancock - at all. So going in I knew that it was going to be a hard sell for me to like him when the whole book was about him, but I was excited all the same to receive an ARC.

I loved getting back into the D-Bags world, but god almighty, Griffin grated on just about every last nerve. The first 65% was him all "I am awesome" and I just wanted to slap the crap out of him for being such a self absorbed jerk!

It was like reading a 13 year old girl's diary! Whine whine whine, me me me. I could understand why he felt the way he did about some things, but the way he carried on - I was getting ready to call the waaaaambulance!

I could see that he loved his family, but his actions didn't really show that at all. For as long as I had wanted to get into Griffin's head, there were times when I wanted to get out of there so much!

Makes it sound like I didn't like this book, doesn't it?

Whilst I abhorred him and his actions for a great part of the book, the last 35% of it were amazing.

After all these years, we finally saw some changes in Griffin "The Hulk" Hancock - and all for the better. I saw regard for others, I saw humility. Heck, I saw a broken man making amends.

And then Ms Stephens managed something I never thought would happen.

I shed a tear for Griffin Hancock

And in the end, I liked the new, and vastly improved Griffin.

That all the outer bravado and jokes and crude behaviour was hiding so much. Anger. Bitterness. And at times, fear.

His story shows that you can be overly confident, but that confidence is not always enough. It can only get you so far in life.

And that family - blood or the family you create - is the most important thing you can have in your life.

So thank you Ms Stephens for making Griffin a character that I could truly like, maybe even have a bit of a spot in my heart for.

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smuthutbooks's review against another edition

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For about 75% of this book I wanted to punch Griffen in the throat, scream, throw my iPad, and curse Ms. Stephans to hades.
15% was spent in tears. Happy, sad, angry, and all of the above. There was so much emotion it just wanted released.
The other 10% was spent laughing and loving life.
Any book that can evoke that many emotions deserves all the praise in the world. I can't speak for the masses but for me the book was amazing and a "teaching moment". You just have to read it to love it.
Thanks for another great DBags book!! Loved it!!

dbrousseau's review against another edition

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I am normally a huge SC Stephens fan. I love the thoughtless series. Before I read this book, I was also a big Griffin fan. Anna and Griffins story was a bust. If I wasn't a fan of the series and I would have stopped reading halfway through. I had to find out how it ended though. Griffin was the most selfish, egocentric asshat of a male lead I've ever read about. Ever. He was demanding, controlling, and manipulative. Even though she wrote in his transformation to a decent human being, it wasn't enough to make up for the first three quarters of the book.

maureensbooks89's review against another edition

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In ‘Untamed’ we get to read the story of Griffin Hancock, one of the members of the successful rock band the D-Bags. Griffin has everything he ever wanted: a hot wife, a great job as the bassist for one of the world’s hottest bands, a beautiful daughter and another one on the way. Nothing can go wrong for Griffin. At least that is what he thinks. But having everything isn’t enough for Griffin. Griffin wants even more fame and money and he honestly believes he deserves to get it. But soon Griffin is losing his way around the money and the fame and he makes a decision that could make him lose everything.

The first thing that I want to say about this book is OMG. I honestly have never read a book before in which I really disliked the main character for the bigger part of the book but still really loved every minute of reading it. But this book changed that. The main character Griffin was an incredible unbelievable unkind arrogant person! I was really shocked to get to know this character because he was just horrible. Griffin was just so arrogant, and he really was terrible to his bandmates. The only person Griffin was kind for was his wife.
But, slowly on I began to see that Griffin wasn’t this arrogant unkind person all the time. Griffin really was the perfect example of a person who couldn’t handle the fame and took everything for granted. He had everything and just kept wanting more without doing more work. And although reading about him frustrated me many times, I slowly on began to love his character and began hoping he could get back to the life he lost.

This book was such an incredible read. I loved reading about Griffin and his marriage to Anne. They were definitely a strange couple but I loved their relationship. They were so unique and fun, and you could really see that they were madly in love with each other. Even on the moments Griffin was being a total ass. The best parts of this books were definitely the parts about Griffin and Anne, but I also really loved reading about Griffin’s journey to getting his life back.

I read this book in just one day. I literally dropped everything and didn’t stop reading until the very end. S.C. Stephens has such a great and addicting writing style and I can’t wait to read more books by her. I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. This is a fun, romantic story about taking life for granted and fighting for the things you want. Ow.. and above all its about sexy rock stars… Sigh.

dreamer4ever's review against another edition

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More like 3.5., I enjoyed revisiting this world again and it was fun.

chlobobaggins's review against another edition

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S.C. Stephens, you've done it. I didn't realise I could fall in love with Griffin, but by the end of this book, I 100% was in love with him, and felt everything he went through.