
Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan

keimre734's review against another edition

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Waverly and Kieran are finally reunited on the Empyrean. Kieran has led the boys safely up to this point, and now that the girls are back, their mission seems slightly less impossible: to chase down the New Horizon, and save their parents from the enemy ship. But nothing is truly as it seems…Kieran’s leadership methods have raised Seth’s hackles— and Waverly’s suspicions. Is this really her fiancé? The handsome, loving boy she was torn from just a short time before? More and more, she finds her thoughts aligned with Seth’s. But if Seth is Kieran’s Enemy No. 1, what does that make her?

In one night, a strange explosion rocks the Empyrean—shooting them off course and delaying their pursuit of the New Horizon—and Seth is mysteriously released from the brig. Seth is the most obvious suspect for the explosion, and Waverly the most obvious suspect for releasing him. As the tension reaches a boiling point, will Seth be able to find the true culprit before Kieran locks them both away—or worse? Will Waverly follow her heart, even if it puts lives at risk? With the balance of power precarious and the clock ticking, every decision counts… every step brings them closer to a new beginning, or a sudden end...

Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan was not nearly as good as the first book in the series. However, i was really happy that Seth and Waverly finally got together!! It took long enough! I am excited to see what happened in the third and final book in the series.

books4susie's review against another edition

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SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read the first book in the series, Glow, Stop! I don’t want to ruin the series for you.

“Once the embers are glowing, it only takes one small breath to ignite the spark …”

Things are far from normal since Waverly Marshall and the girls from the Empyrean barely escaped from Anne Mather and her congregation on the New Horizon. Having to leave their parent behind as prisoners, most of the children blame Waverly while a few see her as a hero. Her days are spent working on farm equipment where she is in relative solitude. Seth Ardvale spends his time in solitary confinement in the brig as punishment for his failed attempt to overthrow Kieran Alden, the Captain of the Empyrean. His only consolation is the hope that Waverly might visit him again, but he is not holding his breath. Waverly is well known to be Kieran’s girlfriend.

Kieran’s Sunday morning congregation has dwindled to about half of the ship’s crew. Everyone is waiting the day that the Empyrean will catch up to the New Horizon and rescue their parents. When a blast rocks the ship during Sunday morning services, everyone aboard is thrown into a panic. Kieran and his top officers discover that someone has tampered with the computer navigation software and the blasts where really thruster bursts. It is not long before Kieran discovers that Seth has escaped fr5om the brig. It is revealed that Waverly visited Seth in the brig a month earlier. Kieran asks her why she is undermining his authority. While talking, Kieran realizes that their relationship is fractured beyond repair. With 250 lives in his hands, Kieran realizes that there aren’t many people he can trust.

Hiding on the ship, Seth soon realizes that someone on board has tampered with the surveillance system. He goes to find his friend Max for some more information. Even thought he is drunk, Seth realizes that Max has been poisoned. He carries him to the elevator and sends it to the infirmary. Max is found unconscious and he dies the next morning. Seth begins to suspect that someone from the New Horizon is on board to sabotage their efforts. He investigates and finds conclusive evidence of someone on board. Seth is able to get a message to Kieran to alert him of the situation.

Chasing Seth down on one of the storage bays, Kieran has it out with him. Seth claims someone unlocked his cell. Kieran is doubtful and the two boys soon exchange words over Waverly. Kieran says that Seth will never be with her. Hurt, he leaves. The next thing everyone on the Empyrean hears is an announcement by Kieran. He informs them of a stowaway on board from the New Horizon and that Seth Ardvale is helping them. Waverly is stunned and Seth knows that he is in trouble.

Who is attempting to sabotage the Empyrean? Will they ever be able to catch up to the New Horizon and rescue their parents? Will Seth be able to prove his innocence? Can Kieran maintain control of the Empyrean? Will Waverly patch things up with Kieran or will she start a new relationship with Seth? And will either ship make it to New Earth?

sarahanne8382's review against another edition

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I remember being blown away by the first book in this series when it came out. My tastes in YA have changed a lot since then, but this is still good, and very much Lord of the Flies in space. I definitely want to know what happens in the last one.

christajls's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Hooked on Books

The end of Glow, book one in the Sky Chaser series, left off with Waverly and the other girls being returned to the Empyrean (without their parents), Kieran taking control of the ship and the adults of the New Horizons, escaping off into space. Glow was a thrilling novel and I have spent the last year curious about where Amy Katheen Ryan was going to take these characters next.

The one unique thing about this novel (and really the series as a whole) is that it's very shades of grey. There's no clear cut good guy or bad guy. Everyone has their reasons and their justifications for doing what they do. So even when you don't want to you find yourself sympathizing with the “bad guy”. Or You find yourself questioning just who that bad guy is. I find it's rare to find villians as complex as the protagonists, and I am grateful for any novel that takes on this challenge.

One thing I found a little off putting about this book (and I felt this way about Glow as well) was the demonizing of religion and faith. The people who chose to believe, or attend services are often depicted as “sheep” or less intelligent than those who rebelled against it. It wasn't a fabulous religious system, and the motivation of the leaders may be a little suspect, but I didn't think it was fair to look down on a bunch of kids, who wanted to feel a little faith/hope in a time of crisis. I also think this novel could have done a better job of making it clear that ultimately it is people, not religion who choose to make the wrong decisions.

That being said, this novel does encompass a really great cast of characters. There is so much variety here and I really enjoyed getting to know them all. Even if at times their situation resembled Lord of the Rings in space, I still loved the way these kids rallied and how hard they were trying to bounce back from an impossible situation. I also loved the potential love story didn't take over the novel. Instead there was a lot more focus on the more pressing matters, which is (I hope) a more authentic take on what would actually happen. And speaking of the love interest, did anyone else ship Waverly and Arthur? Just me?

I hear a lot of comparisons between this series and Across the Universe, but honestly I would take the Sky Chasers over Across the Universe any day! Glow and Spark are exciting novels, with a lot of twists and I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Final recommendation: Recommended for those looking for a fast paced adventure series set in space. If you loved books like Lord of Flies and Ender's Game I think the Sky Chasers series will be right up your ally!

rhaenyrareads's review against another edition

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Je sais pas trop quoi en penser. J'ai eu l'impression que c'était un peu mieux que le premier tome en le lisant. Mais au final ça vole pas très haut non plus. Je me rends compte qu'il se passe pas grand chose encore une fois du début à la fin. J'ai pris ce livre parce que j'avais besoin de quelque chose de facile à lire. À la base je ne voulais peut être pas continuer la saga. En lisant c'était plus ou moins divertissant mais il y a encore des comportements pas très compréhensibles parmi les personnages, ça ne se tient pas vraiment. Je crois qu'il manque de crédibilité. Je pense mettre un 2,5/5.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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I'm still having a hard time with this series. It's good but it just feels too much like a hybrid of Across the Universe and Lord of the Flies. I didn't like Lord of the Flies at all but I loved Across the Universe and I think that maybe why I'm just not loving this series.I do like Waverly and Seth but Kieran makes me want to gouge his eyes out. I'm just not that big on cult like books and thats what I feel this series is. Anne Mather and her cult and then Kieran and his cult. It's just not what I hoped I was hoping for a little less drama than Across the Universe especially because at this point drama in space has kind of been done. It's good but I spend half the time wanting to smack these kids around and I know their just kids but really even if your 16 who lets an 8 year old be a guard? I don't know its just not one that I like all that much. I'm giving 3 stars instead of 2 because the writing itself is good and I'll definitely check out other things the author has written I'm just not a fan of this series.

atinydisaster's review against another edition

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There are dark times aboard the Empyrean in this fantastic sequel to one of my favorite reads of last year. The first book was exactly what I wanted in a space opera type novel (I love the genre on TV but can never find what I’m looking for in a book) and while Spark was definitely a bit different from the first book it still gave me what I was looking for. Spaceship- check! Awesome plot- check! Believable characters- check!

All of the relationships in this second installment were complex and interwoven. If you’d asked me where I thought Kieran, Waverly & Seth were headed while I was reading the last book I never would have been able to predict any of what happened here. Sometimes that can indicate an author who is just jumping around of the sake of a wild ride but here I felt as though each major twist was a natural progression.

I feel like I’m reading a lot of books with political aspects to them (or I am just over analyzing that part of pretty much everything I read) and Spark is no different. I loved watching the power struggle between most of the older kids on the Empyrean and how loyalties shifted over the course of the book. One action could have a big effect on public opinion which in turn had an effect on all of the major players.

The only thing that stopped me from giving this book five stars is that for some reason it took me a few days to really get into it. Once I was hooked I devoured the rest of the book in a day but something was missing for me at first. Maybe it was just the usual growing pains of getting back into a series you’d been away from for awhile, but really it had only been six months or so, so I’m really not sure. Either way, once I was really in there was no turning back so I wont hold it against the series in the long run.

Minor spoiler, but near the end there is a big change that will mix things up a bit for the next book and I’m curious to see how everything will play out. The power struggle is sure to be hardcore and the characters are going to be outmatched and have a lot going against them. Pretty much, a recipe for awesome. Can’t wait for book three!

louiseallsopp's review against another edition

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This book was seriously amazing. You really don't see what is coming next with its completely unpredictable plot. I quite enjoyed the first book and I loved the concept of the book with its dystopian theme as well as the realistic outlook on the whole situation. Which is why I read the second book after waiting 4 months. Then it turns out, I will be waiting until January 2014 for the next one! But it will be worth it with such a cliff hangar ending!! This book was so much better than the first, so if you enjoyed the journey of Waverley, Seth and Keiran in the first book, you MUST read this one!!! 5 STARS!

beckykirk's review against another edition

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What sounds like a good story just comes across.. Oh not well thought out and simplistic.

books_plants_hikes's review against another edition

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