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cambar's review against another edition
Comme vous le confirmeront tous mes amis avec qui j’ai interagi depuis que j’ai commencé ce livre, j’ai appris plein d’anecdotes sur les champignons à ressortir en toutes occasions.
J’ai trouvé la vulgarisation scientifique bien faite parce qu’il y avait toujours des petites hypothèses/mystères en suspens qui donnaient envie de continuer à lire, et le fait que l’auteur se mette en scène dans le livre aussi en racontant ses propres expériences et rencontres avec les champignons en fait de la science vivante. Cependant, vers la fin, la part de mystique et de psychologie et la conception spirituelle des choses deviennent de plus en plus présentes. Ce qui n’est pas forcément déplaisant, mais ça se lit plus comme une remise en question philosophique de la classification du vivant que de la biologie, ou peut-être que c’est ça la néo-biologie.
Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est bien écrit et ça m’a fait réfléchir et apprendre des choses. Je recommande !
J’ai trouvé la vulgarisation scientifique bien faite parce qu’il y avait toujours des petites hypothèses/mystères en suspens qui donnaient envie de continuer à lire, et le fait que l’auteur se mette en scène dans le livre aussi en racontant ses propres expériences et rencontres avec les champignons en fait de la science vivante. Cependant, vers la fin, la part de mystique et de psychologie et la conception spirituelle des choses deviennent de plus en plus présentes. Ce qui n’est pas forcément déplaisant, mais ça se lit plus comme une remise en question philosophique de la classification du vivant que de la biologie, ou peut-être que c’est ça la néo-biologie.
Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est bien écrit et ça m’a fait réfléchir et apprendre des choses. Je recommande !
martista's review against another edition
Wow. Yes. Wow. That's some good stuff right there. Hot damn!
This book really made me question so many things!!! Like even what it is to be a BEING. Can we even talk about individuals at all. Aren't we all a dynamic being, an amalgamation of organisms and interactions, unable to thrive or even survive without so many parts of the bigger puzzle. Can I even be without the bacteria that inhabit me? Already phrasing it badly - can they inhabit me or do they actually enable me to be at all? And therefore... Are they me? Are we one? AAAHHHHH
Gosh what a ride. With this book you will explore crazy philosophical matters, and all with (something seemingly as simple as) fungi as vessels for this journey. You will be amazed, you will be shocked, you will think in ways you've probably never considered before. Special mention to, as already mentioned, questioning the Cartesian conception of being, but also to pointing out how some of our basic observations of nature ie the theory of evolution are actually BIASED and were described in terms that reflect the historical context of the era - and this has all shaped the way we view and conceptualize nature!!!! Like Darwinian evolution talks about competition and survival of the fittest but this in the end is one (1) way we chose to describe natural phenomena which in its turn causes us to view all these natural phenomena in a very specific way!! What if we had started describing nature or life as this interconnected being, dependent on all its parts, in constant mutability and mutualism.... WHAT THEN!!! omg i dont know Im lost - every time I get into this I start losing my sense of self!!!
So yes highly recommend this book if you want your ego to dissolve and become one with the cosmos and/or to dip your tippy toes in posthumanist thinking, 13/10 would go through this wild ride all over again
This book really made me question so many things!!! Like even what it is to be a BEING. Can we even talk about individuals at all. Aren't we all a dynamic being, an amalgamation of organisms and interactions, unable to thrive or even survive without so many parts of the bigger puzzle. Can I even be without the bacteria that inhabit me? Already phrasing it badly - can they inhabit me or do they actually enable me to be at all? And therefore... Are they me? Are we one? AAAHHHHH
Gosh what a ride. With this book you will explore crazy philosophical matters, and all with (something seemingly as simple as) fungi as vessels for this journey. You will be amazed, you will be shocked, you will think in ways you've probably never considered before. Special mention to, as already mentioned, questioning the Cartesian conception of being, but also to pointing out how some of our basic observations of nature ie the theory of evolution are actually BIASED and were described in terms that reflect the historical context of the era - and this has all shaped the way we view and conceptualize nature!!!! Like Darwinian evolution talks about competition and survival of the fittest but this in the end is one (1) way we chose to describe natural phenomena which in its turn causes us to view all these natural phenomena in a very specific way!! What if we had started describing nature or life as this interconnected being, dependent on all its parts, in constant mutability and mutualism.... WHAT THEN!!! omg i dont know Im lost - every time I get into this I start losing my sense of self!!!
So yes highly recommend this book if you want your ego to dissolve and become one with the cosmos and/or to dip your tippy toes in posthumanist thinking, 13/10 would go through this wild ride all over again
mcallan0627's review against another edition
Far too technical, couldn't get into it