
Treasured by Thursday, by Catherine Bybee

jillyfay's review against another edition

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Best one yet!!!

This was a great way to wrap up the series. I love that all characters maintained their personalities. Wish there were more days in a week!!!!!

stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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So bittersweet that this series is over :-( I will miss this group of characters!! Gabi and Hunter's story, once again same sort of story as the series but completely different.

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kaixxx's review against another edition

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This is a good final book in the series. It was the story of Gabi who gets blackmailed into marrying Hunter. Gabi then ends up getting herself in trouble as she trys to get rid of the trouble from her past marriage. It was a great story though it did not keep me as hooked as some of the previous books in the series. It included all the characters from the previous books. The arranged marriage was a bit predictable as knew how that would end but the other bits were more interesting. Definitely a good end in a series I would recommend. xx

destinugrainy's review against another edition

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Akhirnya selesai juga serial ini... dan ditutup dengan kisah Gabi dan Hunter yang menarik.
Gabi yang masih trauma dengan pernikahannya di masa lalu, akhirnya bergabung dengan Alliance. Karena Sam sibuk mengurus saudaranya, Gabi diberikan kepercayaan menangani klien, termasuk Hunter Blackwell yang mencari seorang istri. Secara admnistratif Hunter tidak memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan klien oleh Alliance. Hunter sendiri menginginkan Gabi untuk menjadi istrinya. Gabi jelas saja menolak. Tetapi Hunter memegang rahasia Gabi, sehingga akhirnya Gabi menerima Hunter, dengan berbagai macam syarat yang tertuang di kontrak.
Cara Gabi dan Hunter berinteraksi seperti anjing dan kucing yang saling menyindir, tetapi pada akhirnya Gabi menyadari ada sesuatu di dalam diri Hunter yang memikatnya. Kejadian paling lucu adalah ketika Hunter harus melewati tes memasak bersama ibunya Gabi.
Serial Weekday Brides ini bukan hanya mengandalkan romance-nya saja. Tetapi ada unsur suspense-nya. Memang di beberapa buku, saya hanya bisa memberikan rating kurang dr 3 bintang. Tetapi sebagai penutup, kisah Gabi dan Hunter layak mendapat 4 bintang.

enchantressofbooks's review against another edition

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I had the pleasure to read the final installment of the The Weekday Brides Series. I will admit, this is the first book of the series I read and I LOVED IT! The good news that while it's the seventh book in the series, it can be read as a standalone. The couples from the previous books do make appearances, however, you are not lost at all. In fact, if you're like me, you're going to want to go back to the beginning of the series and start with "Wife by Wednesday".

From the moment I started reading I didn't want to put it down. The story was intrigue from the start. Great character development! Oh speaking of characters.... HELLO Hunter! Sexy, smart and some may say ruthless when it comes to business. It's that same determination that he uses to get himself a wife. Perhaps not the best tactic but in the end... it worked for him.

Gabriella was also a great character! Strong and independent. She's trying to move forward from a dark past that seems to have found her once again. I loved that she didn't coward because of the past.

The other thing I enjoyed is seeing the other couples from the previous books. Again, I never read previous books and getting the glimpse of these couples and them as individuals made me want to read their stories to get to know them better. I also loved how they all rallied around and for Gabriella! They are great friends and support her!

Hunter and Gabriella made a great couple! They balanced each other and brought out the best in each other. They became friends before anything romantic occurred. Oh and when the romance does occur it's steamy!!

Catherine's writing style is superb! She has created a world that readers want to be a part of and characters that readers want to get to know and be friends with.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Montlake Romance via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books

ipross's review against another edition

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Gabriella Masini is a woman with a past. One she'd like nothing better but to forgot all about. Working with Alliance, she is a wiz with numbers and is rarely put in a position where she must interact with the possible clients. This changes when an emergency has her boss asking her to personally vet a new potential client. Things get interesting when the numbers just don't add up.

When this new client decides she is the temporary bride he wants things get very interesting. Blackmailed and left with very little recourse, Gabriella goes a long with the temporary marriage but she's got some conditions of her own before she signs on the dotted line. What kind of man blackmails a woman into marriage after only knowing her for a couple of days? Hunter's pushy and underhanded ways really made me want to dislike him. However, we soon learn of his motivation and why it was so imperative for him to get married. When that happens, we can't help but like him even if he was acting like an entitled jerk thinking his billions could get him whatever he wants.

I thought I would have issues with Gabriella at first. She's not fully living, just seemingly going through the motions. She's hiding from the world using her past as an excuse. I understand what she went through and yes, it was tragic and the type of thing most people would want to hide from. However, the person that caused her problems is dead. So theoretically she should feel wary but safe in her new life. Yet she's hiding behind steel doors and security cameras. This is why I absolutely loved that Hunter brought some fight back in to her. No longer so easily cowed and pushed to the background, Gabriella gives as good as she gets. That's the spirit of a survivor. Hunter does what no one else will. He forces Gabriella out of her comfort zone and pushes her to confront her past. Everyone else coddles Gabriella to the point of encouraging her to hide form the world. Hunter, underhanded moves and all, was actually good for Gabriella.

With the added sudden danger coming from Gabriella's past, Gabriella will need to be stronger than she has ever been. Hunter may just be the perfect man to have in her corner.

* I received and ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

xakyr's review against another edition

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I really wasn't looking forward to reading this book because the series has been really going downhill for me for a while now, but I felt like I really had to finish the series. Sadly, I'm really wishing I had stopped the pain a while ago!

I wasn't a big Gabriella fan from the previous book, because I felt she was a stupid airhead, and she didn't improve in this book! She makes a lot of decisions that were totally out of character for herself, which causes everyone that cares about her to be concerned, but can she care about that? Heck, no! I had no sympathy or empathy for her after that, especially in light of the fact that she got betrayed and almost killed in the previous book.

However, the book didn't work for me not just because of the fact that I had no sympathy or empathy towards Gabriella, but also because the hero, Hunter, is a complete asshole. He blackmails Gabriella into marriage and doesn't care that she's obviously uncomfortable in his presence. He pushes until he gets what he wants. It only made me angry to read about them, especially because I know they'll fall in love and everything Hunter did will be forgiven and forgotten. Essentially, their whole relationship felt phony and forced to me. This is not the kind of romance I like reading about, and after how far downhill the series has gone for me, I doubt I'll take another chance on the author's works.

amethyst5621's review against another edition

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What an ending

This Weekday Brides series has been delightful! The characters have become friends and the stories will make me smile whenever I hear or see Catherine Bybee's name. Just the right amount of suspense with romance that makes you sigh. I hate to see this series end. I plan to add the paperbacks to my collection so I can pick one up when I need a Neil fix. Thank you for such an awesome series.

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received from Montlake Romance via Netgalley for an honest review

It is always a bittersweet feeling when you come to the last book in a series. And it was no different as I read Treasured By Thursday.

We met Gabi Masini in Seduced by Sunday, and to get the full effect of her story, you should at least read that book in the series before reading Treasured by Thursday. The story line continued on in Thursday.

Mentally and physically scarred by events in Thursday, Gabi has had trouble moving on in the love department. Just as she starts to get back on her feet again, she meets Hunter Blackwell.

And Hunter Blackwell comes along and makes her an offer she can't refuse. No, really, can't refuse!!

Oh Hunter - it took me a while to forgive you for the way things happened, the way you got Gabi to marry you, but as the story continued, we saw past that hard, bully-ish exterior and found the heart of gold beneath.

I have adored Gabi from when we first met her, and just love her more and more as her story progressed.

I loved the wit, the snark, the barbs thrown between Gabi and Hunter. You can feel the attraction between them right from the start. Gabi's "threats" to Hunter are hilarious.

There is a fair bit of suspense and intrigue in Treasured By Thursday - again, things that carry over from Seduced By Sunday.

As with all the Weekday Brides books, we get lots of the previous couples. All our characters lives are intertwined, so it would not be a complete WB book without a little of each of them. The series has gotten better each book because of this.

So, can Gabi and Hunter overcome the rough start to their relationship, or will it all just be a contract with an expiration date?

Nope, for that you are going to have to read for yourself!

I am going to miss the Weekday Brides, but I am looking forward to the Holiday Brides, and any other future books from Ms Bybee.

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sheilajsn's review against another edition

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This is my favorite book of the series because this is truly an "enemies to lovers" story, which is one of my favorite tropes in romance books.