
The Magestaff by Cordelia Castel

lavendermarch's review

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DNF @ 60%.

This isn't that bad or anything, but I put it down several days ago and haven't picked it back up. Also, I really, really hate Jack. He's the worst character ever. Complete and utter deadweight for Rilla, yet she keeps helping him? Not sure why.

Beyond that, the writing style isn't working all that well for me. The third person narration is keeping me kind of separate from the characters.

Also, I did pick this up due to wanting to read the spinoff series about Rilla's stepdaughter, who's got a dragon rider academy/princess thing going on. So I more want to read that than nine (9!) books about Rilla.

However, I did like how all of the fairy tales were intertwined. That was quite cool.

So, nice fairy tale intertwining, but I hate Jack and the writing style is keeping me separate from the characters. The actual plot is fine, as is Rilla. So not bad, but not really clicking with me. 2.5 stars.

mcoppadge07's review

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I am so happy Cendrilla was rewritten and is now The Magestaff. I wanted to like Cendrilla but I didn’t. This version is so much better then the original!

Cendrilla was much more believable in this book. She actually had depth which I don’t think she had in the first version. I’ve never liked Jack and still don’t. Pansy is the word that comes to mind. Not a very flattering word but that’s the best word I can think of. I wish he would’ve grown as a character. I wish he could’ve been more on Rilla’s level. She was SO strong and he was not. Yes he’s been through hell and back and I’m all for the woman to be stronger then the man and the man to have a vulnerable side but the majority of the time I felt like Jack was very young or naive and it just wasn’t a good look.

Note: Most of my reviews focus mainly on the characters but that’s pretty much what makes or breaks a book for me. If the characters have no depth or personality then why am I reading a book about them?

kimily's review

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I received this book free of charge, and provide my review voluntarily.

The Magestaff is a quick and easy read. Ms. Castel wastes no time preparing her reader for what is going to happen, instead basically jumping feet first straight into the story. I like this style, as it allows for more twists and surprising developments. The character development and growth (for Rilla, at least) is excellent. The other characters are allowed to languish somewhat, but at this point, it hardly matters, as Rilla is the driving force of the story. I appreciate the fact that there is no romantic motivation to Rilla's actions. She's allowed to be motivated by monetary gain, vengeance, and ambition, as well as kindness and honor. This is one of my favorite things about The Magestaff, and has me anxious to read the next book in the series.

slc333's review

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I was underwhelmed by this fairytale mashup of Cinderella, Jack & the beanstalk and Bluebeard. It wasn't bad so much as a little flat. And while I didnt hate the characters nor did I particularly care about them either. They left me completely unmoved. I think i never really connected because it is much a case of tell rather than show and despite their adventures with trolls, pirates and assorted magical events it was kinda boring. Possibly it was my age and this may appeal to a younger audience. DNF at around 50% (with a brief skip ahead to the ending).

suzanne's review

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Clunky exposition and unrealistic plot points. No one would act or talk like these characters. Unfortunately, it was all very jarring and unbearable to read. DNF.

mermaidquake's review

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To be honest, I didn't know how much I'd like this book. Retold fairy tales are almost always some weird convoluted plot mushed clumsily into the basic story, and they almost always end with the same boring "prince and princess live happily ever after". Yuck, right?

But this? This was an action packed adventure from the beginning. Cendrilla is not your average damsel in distress, and she definitely doesn't need a man to save her while she sits helpless in the corner. No. Rilla knows that she has to protect herself, and she does so quite well, though it does take a little time. She escapes a marriage to the infamous Bluebeard, and her adventures get more enthralling from there. I'll definitely be reading the rest of this series to learn what becomes of Rilla!

hangrybookdragon's review

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I liked the previous version better.

Second Kindle Unlimited book.

jeanne25's review

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I started this book last night. Within the first five pages I saw it was going to be impossible to finish. I had already come across a blank page after which then skipped forward three pages to be followed by yet another blank page and then back a page. If you find this confusing - so did I.

Perhaps it was just a download issue. Perhaps I will eventually download it again but there are so many books to read and so little time and this didn't seem worth the trouble.

fernbell's review

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Magic, magical creatures, villains and heroes of both sexes. I like how we follow Rilla as she finds out things and tries to make her life better. A different twist on the Cinderella story but well done. I like how the author brought in other stories and weaved them into this one so it fit well. Some twist and turns that made the story more interesting. Didn’t want to stop reading till got to the end. Only down side we are left wondering till the next book what happens with Rilla. I really don’t know how to say it ended as don’t want to do spoilers, yet I felt that I would say there was an ending for now but not the end of her story. Overall a story that pull you in and feel for the heroes and hope the villains get what they deserve. I did receive an ARC from Hidden Gems for an honest review.