
Evergreen by Brenda Pandos

valeriew's review

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Ugh. This book took me forever to read. I had to take breaks from it because there was just way too much "oh I miss him/her. How will I livvve" blah blah blah. It was just too much for me

amy_inthecatacombs's review

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*May contain spoilers from previous book*

Finley and his family are on the run from the royal family of Natatoria and his cousin, Colin, and Uncle Alastor. Ashlyn can only communicate with Fin by phone and e-mail. Ash doesn’t expect to have any trouble with mermen until she sees Colin and Alastor taking residence in Fin’s house. She decides not to tell Fin, but it’s clear that Colin has set his sights on Ash. He’s also not the only one she has to dodge.

She never really broke things off with Callahan, and after a few days, he is with another girl. Ash wants to apologize for how she handled their somewhat non-breakup, but it’s difficult when she has to worry about Colin and the separation from Fin.
Fin also has problems when he gets to the safe haven in Florida because the royal princess Galadriel is almost the spitting image of Ash. She tries to get close to him, but his parents have warned him about revealing too much to her. Will Ash and Fin be able to survive the separation?

I have loved Brenda’s take on mermaids. I wish more mermaid books were like this one. I wished that I would have read this book sooner in a way, but Everlost should be coming out soon. The good thing will be I won’t have to wait too much longer to read it.

There were a lot of things that happened in this book, which some that were definitely good and some definitely bad. I love all of the moments that Fin and Ash have together, but since he was on the run with his family, they didn’t have any direct interaction until the last fourth of the book. I didn’t like Galadriel at first, but she did grow on me when she wasn’t trying to manipulate Fin.

I felt really bad for Callahan. I hope, hope, hope that he’ll find someone. I read on one of Brenda’s tweets that she killed someone off in her book. I just hope it’s a bad guy and nothing to do with a sacrifice. Here’s fingers crossed!

madi180's review

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kimkgray's review

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Only got about 30% through. couldn't finish. I liked the first one but I just can't deal with Ash and Fin anymore. His pet names for her are annoying and they whine too much. I guess I just don't feel connected to them. Odd because I loved the Talisman series.

potaytaspages's review against another edition

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Ahhhh this was so wonderful!

The plot twist was amazing I had no idea it was coming.

That cliffhanger though... I need to read the next one ASAP

shelovestoread81's review against another edition

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Wow a great installment to this series. There was a lot going on and I am not even sure I can get my head around it all.

eviebookish's review against another edition

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Evergreen is the second book in Brenda Pandos' fabulous and gorgeously imagined Mer Tales. I absolutely adored the first book, Everblue, and was literally counting the days to the release of Evergreen. Brenda Pandos' mermaids and mermen are truly extraordinary and insanely fun to read about. I knew I would love Evergreen just as much as I loved Everblue. I knew this book would be a huge treat. And I knew I would stay up all night reading it, desperate to soak up every delicious detail of Pandos' careful and magical world building. And yet I was still totally blown away when I finally sat down to read it. This book proved to be even better than the first one, even more action packed, exciting, swoon-worthy, dramatic, and addictive! Brenda Pandos made an even bigger splash with this excellent new addition to the series, and boy, did I love it!

Evergreen picks up exactly where Everblue left off. Bound together by a powerful mer kiss, Fin and Ash are now forced to endure a long time separation while Fin and his family are on the run for their lives, trying desperately to figure out a way to free Fin's sister, Tatchi. They know that one day they will need to decide which one of them will convert to the other's life, what they don't know is just how soon that moment will come. The rotten, treacherous underwater Kingdom of Natatoria holds many more dark secrets then anyone ever expected. Secrets that will put Fin and Ash's relationship -- and possibly their lives -- in great danger!

I said that before and I will say it again: Brenda Pandos world-and-character building skills are extraordinary. There are so many fun little details to the story, so many exciting plot developments, vibrant new characters, moments of absolute heartbreak and longing, amusing dialogues and blood-pressure-rising situations that this book is virtually impossible to put down mid-way. The narrative flow - alternating points of view between Fin and Ash - is so effortless and magnetic, you just can't bring yourself to pause. Whenever the story gets too emotionally intense or too serious, Brenda throws in a humorous back-and-forth between the characters, a hilarious situation, or a clever mermaid joke, and the tension instantly deflates, just so she can build it back up again few pages later! It's a wild roller coaster ride, and you'll need to hold on tight to your seats!

Evergreen is even more action packed than Everblue. More is happening -- Fin has some serious problems to deal with, and Ash's life is not drama-free either -- and it seems that something evil is lurking around every corner. At the same time Brenda expands the fictional world -- introducing us to some wicked new characters -- and we get a way better understanding of the mer world, complete with the kingdom's politics and customs. We learn more about the magical bond created by mer kiss, as well as about what happens when a merman loses his fin. The plot is thick with secrets, lies, and longing. There's a feeling of urgency to the story, of time that is running out, of uncertainty about the future. Like I said, it's a pretty intense ride, but also one that is perfectly balanced and very enjoyable.

As much as I loved Fin and Ash, I must say that two characters that really stood out for me were Galadriel and Collin. Both of them have very strong, vibrant, interesting personalities and there's more to them than meets the eye. Galadriel is a character that one loves to hate, though at the same time there is something very intriguing about her, a certain dark and dangerous aura that surrounds her, and maybe just a tiny bit cuckoo-crazy to complete the picture. She's strong-willed, bold, sassy, fierce, and often mean and ruthless. I was utterly fascinated by her wild personality! Collin, while trying to appear all manly, irresistible and unbeatable, was in fact quite adorable, especially in his interactions with Ash. I laughed so hard at his failed attempts to enchant Ash with his singing!

I had so much fun reading Evergreen, it was a sweet, seductive, adventurous and enchanting novel. A wonderful addition to the series that once again leaves me counting the days to the release of the next book. If mermaid stories tickle your fancy, Brenda Bandos' Mer Tales are the books to go with!

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lenoreo's review

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2.5 stars -- This book fell short for me, which is too bad b/c I was captured in the first book. Unfortunately there were little things that bothered me in the first book that kind of got worse in this book. Ash rubbed me wrong quite a few times -- it's like she became less mature as time went on. I know she's dealing with being apart from Fin and all, but she started acting more and more like a young teenager instead of one that is almost 18 (with the way she dealt with her Mom and Lucy especially). I wasn't sad to be missing Tatchi for the whole book, but then we ended up with Galadriel, who was even worse. I'm assuming we're supposed to eventually like her, but that's going to be hard. She acted even younger than Ash, though I suppose if I was being generous I could blame that on her upbringing.

Sometimes the plot felt all over the place...I don't know how to explain it, but it just didn't flow as well for me.

But my biggest problem was Ash and Fin falling into the trope of not telling each other the truth. *sigh* It's not that I hate that all the time, but I really hated it in this book. I could NOT get behind either of them. At least Fin occasionally came clean, but it just...speechless.

Oh wait, is that my biggest problem? I also hated Colin and Alaster (as I'm supposed to), but they almost felt like they didn't fit into this YA story sometimes. I mean, there were some pretty traumatizing confrontations there, and I guess I didn't always like how it was handled. But that might be just me being uber sensitive.

So after all that, why'd I round up to 3 stars? I'm not sure. B/C it wasn't all bad. There were moments where I was enjoying myself. And I guess b/c I *wanted* it to be better? Or I *wanted* to enjoy it more.... Alas, I'm not likely going to read the next one.

bookmarked642's review

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Following Everblue, Evergreen is the second novel in Brenda Pandos' Mer Tales series. There are currently two more books in this series, Everlost and Evermore.

Fin - a merman - and Ash - a girl - are promised, and struggling to be apart from each other. Ash is at home in Tahoe, whilst Fin is with his parents in the safe house in Florida.

At the safe house, Fin meets the lost princess, Galadriel. She ran away from home, and has a number of boys attached to her. But who is her real mate? Where is he?

Desperate to get back to Ash, Fin decides to head back to Tahoe while his parents are away. Galadriel insists on tagging along, as her mate is apparently in that area as well. But when they arrive, they are met with more trouble than they expected...

And to top it all off, it turns out that maybe Prince Azor isn't of royal blood at all. In fact, Ash isn't even human...

Again, this is a very cheesy, romantic tale. Again, having the male as a mer is a nice touch, and the whole switch-up with the royal merlings was quite a shock. However, Pandos has a tendency to include a lot of questions in the form of the characters' thoughts, rather than leave little details and possibilities up to the readers' imagination. For example, having already hinted at the fact that Galadriel is promised, I really don't think there's any need for Fin to think to himself: Is she promised? Who to? This series isn't really my cup of tea, but I still wouldn't say it's bad at all. There are a few grammatical mistakes, pieces of missing punctuation and the such, giving the book a sort of unprofessional, amateur feel. But the plots are pretty good, even if there wasn't as much action in this sequel as I'd have liked. I think this book also deserves 3 stars out of 5, like Everblue.