
Playing the Game by Karen Frances

taniamg's review

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***Received ARC in exchange for an honest review***

This book, wow. Fletcher Adams was your typical jock that had a bad reputation and never dreamt of settling down furthermore ever being in a relationship until he meets Jessica Taylor.

Jessica Taylor was recovering from a terrible loss due to a domestic incident when she met Fletcher. It was insta lust for Fletcher but not for Jessica.

This story was a slow build up which was really good and made it seem more realistic. Fletcher was always there to try and help Jessica cope and never rushed her into anything. As much as his best friend would tell him to forget her because of her baggage he just couldn't.

Jessica was a heroine that made you just want to hug her. At 25 years old she was going thru a very depressing recovery and you couldn't help feeling sorry for her. She refused to be a victim and as much as she tried she couldn't help enjoying Fletcher's company and help.

Slowly they started building a relationship despite her baggage and his high profile. This book keeps you wanting to find out what is going to happen next and when I thought I was approaching finally a HEA;

nannyf's review

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I was lucky enough to read an early version of this story. Even though I wasn't going into this totally blind I was still blown away by it. The story being set in Scotland is a bonus too.

The characters are all very well written, even down to the despicable ex boyfriend of the female lead, Jessica. The way he is described and his actions towards Jessica make him such a believable character. It's unfortunate but there are so many real life people out there who are just like him, and the author has managed to capture the essence of such a person really well through her words.

The relationship between Jessica and Fletcher isn't a straightforward or easy one. Both have skeletons in their closets and she is attempting to get over a huge event in her life.

The ending, even though I knew what was coming, had me bawling like a baby. The author ripped my heart out and left me desperate for more. I cannot wait to see what she brings us next and what lies ahead for Jessica and Fletcher.

nicspears's review

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I wanted to love this. I really really did and I was so excited to read it. But I didn't love it as much as I wanted to.
I found myself struggling to read it to begin with and there were a few times I was tempted to shelf it, but I was determined not to give up. To see it through to the end.

I liked it, don't get me wrong but I felt it was very long winded in the first half of the book.
The story was there. I really liked the story and I loved the characters. They were incredibly strong and had a lot of depth..
But, there was just a lot going on in the first 65% that felt in some ways pointless. It was really slow to get into.

However the last 35% was brilliant. The pace was perfect and the ending was bloody good.

I will read the second book, because I want to find out what happens (it ends on a cliffhanger), I just hope it's better at keeping my attention.

**arc provided in exchange of an honest review*

canadian_chaos_gremlin's review

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Blown away. That is what sums this book up for me. It tackles a really tough subject that I felt the author handled with such amazing grace and left me in awe. The emotional range that rides throughout this story leaves you raw and open.
What I really loved about Jessica is how much of a fighter she is. She has gone through so much pain and so much anguish that for her to fight through is nothing but awe inspiring. What is really amazing is how in depth that Frances gets in with this story. It really makes you feel like she put her heart on the line with this story and wrote such pain and passion into Jessica. Fletch is just wow. I felt something with him from the start. He is a manwhore but you can tell that his mental state is changing even from the start of the story. And he finds his focus and his light in Jessica even when he was trying to stay away. Their passion together I feel helps to heal Jessica.
Overall, this book even though it’s the start of the year, is one of my top reads this year. The subjects touched in this one is not something that is favorable in romance stories but what Karen Frances did with Playing the Game, is nothing short of epic. You feel those raw emotions that Jess is going through. You feel that conflict that Fletch is feeling getting involved with Jess. I am really looking forward to what is next in their story!