
100 Hours by Rachel Vincent

lpcoolgirl's review

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Loved reading this book, with these characters, and yeah, this action and this plot! Plus, the cover's so pretty! Loved this book, and I can't wait for the sequel!

tishara's review against another edition

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100 Hours was a good action packed book. One issue I had was that relationships in this book weren't that healthy. The twisted at the end does make me want to continue the next in the series, I hope in the next book or books (not sure how many their are) that the characters grow, and learn how to treat others better.

witchyficbindery's review against another edition

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DNF @ 60%

Survival stories are one of my absolute favorite genres, accounting for the majority the books that I read that aren't fantasy or sci-fi. I hardly ever delve into the realm of contemporary fiction, but I couldn't pass up 100 Hours when I saw it this year at ALAMW. Despite the low rating on Goodreads, a survival story of teenagers kidnapped in a foreign country sounded right up my alley and I decided to give it a try!

Maddie and Genesis are the main characters of this story. Genesis is a rich kid from Miami whose father owns a large shipping company, making her an extremely wealthy teenager. Her cousin Maddie has been dragged into this impromptu trip along with her brother, and she really doesn't fit in with the rest of the friends Genesis has brought along.

While Maddie was slightly more tolerable than Genesis, neither was a sympathetic character. From the beginning of the book, all of the teens including Genesis and Maddie are extremely unlikeable. Genesis is a materialistic rich girl who knows karate, Maddie is poor and wants to save the planet, and their merry band of tagalongs are all obnoxious and one dimensional. Many of the main characters are annoyingly indestructible throughout the book. One literally jumps off a cliff into a rushing river and manages to miss all the rocks and not drown in the current. Much suspension of disbelief is required.

I started 100 Hours fully expecting to stay on the edge of my seat, and I did - for awhile. Once everyone stopped making out with every stranger they came across and the kidnapping finally happened, the plot of 100 Hours did keep my heart racing for a few chapters. Then it just kind of went nowhere. There were chapters of trudging through the forest, talking, eating, and listening. Once I found out what the reasoning was behind the kidnapping I began to lose interest. Eventually I realized I didn't really care what happened to any of the characters and that was when I decided to give up and move on to something else.

The one thing I can say for 100 Hours is that the setting was really well done. Yes, it's just a rainforest, but Rachel Vincent did a fantastic job of creating a mood of unease early on. I just wish the vibe could've held on for the rest of the book!

I really wanted to love 100 Hours! I wanted an incredible survival stories of teenagers making it out despite the odds, but the story quickly became tedious and unrealistic, not to mention the characters didn't make me care what happened to them. It's possible that I may have really enjoyed this one had I stuck it out, but I just didn't have it in me.

labraden's review against another edition

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Genesis talks Maddie and their friends into embarking on a spring break trip to Columbia, even though they are supposed to be in the Bahamas. After they visit with their grandmother who lives there, they go clubbing and meet several people including Sebastian and Luke. Luke goes to Maddie's school and is coincidentally on a trip to Columbia with his parents. Instead of going back to their grandmother's house, they go on a hiking trip. At one of the stops, some of the participants take an early morning side excursion into the jungle, but the rest are rudely awakened by a group of mercenaries and are taken hostage. Sebastian turns out to be one of the leaders of the group of terrorists that has kidnapped them. Genesis finds out that their only hope of rescue is her father, but she has some other ideas about how they might get away and stop the terrorists from getting what they want.

Not only is 100 Hours a jungle adventure, but it also shows what happens to friendship when it is put under pressure. The story is told from the alternating perspectives of cousins Genesis and Maddie. One reason this is important because there are several moments in the story when the two are separated and each follows a different story arc. Both of them grow and mature as the story goes on, finding the courage to not only lead, but to find ways of helping the others. Overall, a good adventure with a twist and a cliffhanger at the end of the book.

specialkxb's review against another edition

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In this book you will see:
Rich kids and hearing them complain about problems that could easily
Rich kids walk into an avoidable situation.
I was gonna DNF this story 4 times because hearing these kids complain about 1,000 dollar shoes, the tired tropes, and the lack of diversity had me ready to shut this audiobook down. However, this book got three stars because of the surprising plot twist at the end that convince me to stick with the rest of the series.

hay_lets_read's review

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It was a really fast paced book, it caught my attention from the beginning and held my attention all the way through. Some parts were definitely cringy but that didn’t take away too much from the overall story for me.

daisy87's review

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Why was everyone making out while they were being held hostage? I mean, seriously?

daylafm's review

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I really enjoyed this, but I'm kind of frustrated with the fact that it's the first in a series (if the ending is any indication.) I liked the character growth and the Spanish thrown in. A quick read that left me wanting more.

Happy reading!

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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Holy wow! How did I wait so long to read 100 Hours? This was excellent! Filled with danger and action, teenagers who started out as a bit vapid, but oh my goodness. Genesis was one kick-ass heroine! And now, I'm off to get my hands on 99 Lies!

kellyhager's review

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Cousins Genesis and Maddie are on vacation with their friends. They opted for a last minute jungle hike in Colombia, which is not a typical destination...and they end up kidnapped. (Their family is rich and a lot of their friends aren't exactly poor.)

This details the 100 hours (give or take) they spend in captivity. (Some of the hours show the events leading up to the kidnapping.)

This is the first book in a series (or at least a duology) and you should be aware that this ends on a cliffhanger.

This isn't Rachel Vincent's best book but since it IS one of hers, be aware that the 350+ pages will fly by.