
My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling

katrinamarie's review against another edition

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I’m so sad to see this series go. I love all of the characters, and was so happy with the ending.

Sophie seems to find herself in crazy situations. I love that she’s set on ending this feud with Zeus and Hades, but sometimes it’s hard to do so without things getting ugly. I think Sophie is the character that grows the most in this trilogy. She has so much to learn about herself, and her place in the world. I love seeing her relationships change with the people closest to her. Some of them are for the better, and some aren’t so great. This is one cast of characters I’ll definitely miss.

I don’t want to say a lot because it could potentially spoil the book. Just know that there is betrayal, shock, heartbreak, tears, and the fight of their life. So much goodness wrapped up into this last installment.

mirificmoxie's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

This review contains some spoilers.

Sadly, [b:My Life From Hell|27353499|My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3)|Tellulah Darling||25739154] is the weakest of the [b:The Blooming Goddess Trilogy|25389347|The Complete Blooming Goddess Trilogy|Tellulah Darling||45139877] which is unfortunate since it is the finale. The setup is much the same as the first two books: Sophie is still trying to harness her goddess powers, deal with her identity crisis, figure out her love life, and still deal with typical teenage drama.

The problem I had with this book was that there are several massive plot holes. Certain things conveniently happen and other things are pushed aside and forgotten about. And then a large portion of the storyline ends up being almost pointless.
SpoilerAt first I thought that Sophie being sent into Persephone's memories was interesting. It seemed like it was going to end up being one of those "go back in time and try to stop events from happening then realize that your interference is what caused those events to happen in the first place" kind of time loop. But Sophie did not actually go back in time. It was just a spell, an illusion. And in the end it meant nothing other than some predicable self acceptance. While this book still had some entertaining moments, it was a bit of a letdown especially considering it was the end of the series. It wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great either.

Ease of Reading: 4 Stars
Writing Style: 3 Stars
Characters and Character Development: 3 Stars
Plot Structure and Development: 2 Stars
Level of Captivation: 3 Stars
Originality: 2 Stars

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, this was a fantastic book, great ending to the series, loved the snark, and yeah, sad to say goodbye to the characters, but maybe there might be a spin off series?

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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When the series started with My Ex from Hell I felt a bit iffy about it. I wasn't really a fan of Sophie, wasn't sure about Kai- and Hannah didn't get raving reviews of me either. I wasn't sure if I liked this version of Persephone's story. I just.. wasn't quite sure.
Then came the sequel in the dreaded sequel year of 2013. After so many of them being beyond disappointing- I was worried about this one. BUT I liked My Date better. My issue this time- a tad bit too melodramatic.
So how did the third and last book in the series fare? Well it was not only a good ending to the series- it was also my favorite.

The plot is action packed- as in the previous two books. There is so much going on. Literally never a dull moment! And I enjoyed the ride thoroughly!
It's another action packed page-turner. The ending is sweet but more so extremely satisfying. While I did see some twists coming, I still was shocked by them or rather how much they actually effected me.
I actually do attribute that to the character building. It was great to visit the odd-ball crew again. While there is still lots of drama- we talking drama-queen-Goddess after all- there is also way more depths. Sophie does do a lot of growing up. And I mean A LOT!
All of the characters were way better done this time around. Theo is still my fave, but they all grew on me! All the characters even the badies, were given way more depths. So I feel like I know them, I cared for them. The twists and turns, mattered to me- because they affected the characters.
In the end suddenly the drama-queen left the room- things became clear and I really loved the conclusions Sophie came to. A good reminder for all of us. Love does matter. Love changes things. But we chose, we need to make the choice first.

The world building was one of my favorite things in this series. I loved it in the first book, adored it in the second- and I feel Darling went all out in this one. My Life from Hell takes the world building to the next level. So many more places visited, so many ends tied up and all in an elegant, exciting and beautiful way. It's like Darling added about 5extra layers to the picture- taking it from 2D to 3D.

I feel in love with Darling's smack-down, fun and snarky humor in Sam Cruz and having read everything she published to date I very clearly like her prose. But to my surprise I got more than I expected. I think this is possibly even better than Sam Cruz- which was my reigning favorite of Darling's books so far. While this is still fun, fast and yeah it's full of that great humor- it also is beautiful and has depth, while still being cute and fluffy and kick-ass.

Darling managed to bring it all beautifully together in this last installment of the series. Leaving me happy-gooey and wanting more.
Seriously does anyone know what we can expect next from her? Or even better when is Darling's next book coming out?

booksandcecilia's review against another edition

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Best book in the whole series!! <3

Read my whole review at Book Obsession

readtolive's review against another edition

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Be warned. Writing a review on the final book in a series is nearly impossible to do without spoilers for the earlier books. So, if you have not read them, you may want to turn away. Go see my reviews of My Ex From Hell and My Date From Hell. That might be safer. Go now. I will wait.

Okay, so everyone left, you guys have read the first two books, right? Right? Okay, good. Moving on.

So, you guys thought books 1 and 2 were tense? Hah! Nothing, NOTHING compared to this one. I rather literally had to pry the ereader out of my hands. I mean, seriously. I have scars. .

Just when Sophie finally gets a handle on the game she has to play, someone (I dislike Felicia, like, with a passion) goes ahead and changes all of the rules so that the game is completely changed. And curveballs and cliffhanger chapter endings? Yep, this was totally filled with them.

I am so overwhelmed I am finding it hard to find the correct words to convey the emotions I feel right now. There were quite a few times reading this one that I was angry and wanted to pummel some of the characters. Kai was a big one. Then Theo, Felicia. Hannah even got a glower from me at one pivotal point in the story. But, I digress.

This is a book that will have your brain moving in so many different directions, you will make yourself dizzy trying to keep up with the ping-pong like sets of scenarios that play out within the pages. You really just have to go get it, like right now. And Read it.

Comment below if you have read this story. Let me know if I am the only one who felt dizzy by the time the series was done!

ruthsic's review

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To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up?

Good times.

Sophie is convinced that things can’t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’s about to find out how very wrong she is.

My Life from Hell starts a week before the ritual to take place on the Spring Equinox. Sophie is healed and training hard for the fight of her life. Her relationship with Kai is more of kissing rather than talking, since both of them are reluctant to talk about Persephone's betrayal. Sophie is in despair and because she is the embodiment of spring, winter is still present. Add to that, she is having freakish apocalyptic visions of the ritual, which only add to her fears. Tempers run high and she keeps lashing out at people. In a twist of magic, however, she gets to step into Persephone's shoes (literally) and learns more about her past and why the Spring wasn't as cheerful as people thought her to be. When there, she gets to see what exactly she was measuring herself up against and how wrong she was about everything. Deeper into the God politics, she learns that even the most nefarious actions can have sincere intentions.

Writing-wise, this book left the earlier two in the dust. The plot was more defined, the story more detailed and the romance contained. It wasn't really a light read like the earlier ones, mostly because now it was a matter of life-and-death and Sophie's final enlightenment. The song bit was a bit cheesy, but her realization was very empowering and made up for any of her silliness earlier in the series. Mind you, it was a seventeen year old girl that had these revelations, which makes it even more beautiful, sending out a good message. All this while still not losing her spunk - making quips, drooling over the hot guys, mouthing off to Gods, etc. As for the secondary characters, we get to see more of their backstory too, and their dynamic with each other. I was pleasantly surprised to know that Festos and Kai had been BFFs once upon a time - who would've guessed? The ending was beautiful, uplifting and tied up all the storylines in a nice little package. It was a brilliant end to the series.

Received a copy from Te Da Media via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review