
De odödligas hunger by Julie Kagawa

iphi_kc13's review against another edition

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Oh Jackal. This was better to me than the first... Just hoping the third knocks them both out.

paradoxically's review against another edition

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The Eternity Cure picks up where we left off with the last book, with Allison alone and searching for Kanin. She can sort of feel his general location and spends the first part of the book hunting him down, picking up a suspicious companion from the previous book, and finally coming full circle back to New Covington, where the past comes back to haunt her. In kind of obnoxious ways.

Not the biggest fan of the book, unfortunately. Ignoring the ending, which ended up in a scenario that always makes me want to throw something against the wall, and was a cliffhanger to boot, the story just felt rather extended for a plot that is fairly simple. I did enjoy the inclusion of Jackal, who brought a little bit of spark into the book, but even he never really deviated from what I imagined him to be. He was typical enemy turned into good guy (or is he? Dun dun dun!).

The plot was pretty straight forward--get Kanin, find a cure, and get away from New Covington and its master vampire. I just wanted a few more twists, a few more things that made me widen my eyes in surprise, and it just didn't happen.

Everything was just sort of the same. Allison is still struggling with being a vampire and her endless struggle gets a bit tired after a while. She does seem to be making baby steps, but it's inching along and I find that I don't have all that much patience for it. It also bugs me when people make a token protest about killing humans, but then end up doing it anyway? I'm all for them protecting themselves, but I don't know who they're trying to fool by pretending to have some moral dilemma about it for about .2 seconds and then chopping them up.

It's just... mediocre. It wasn't excessively bad, but it wasn't really great either. Just sort of there and just sort of bland. I actually didn't mind too much when reading it, but when I sit back and think about what I read... well. 2 stars. Almost 3 stars, but not quite.

novelesque_life's review against another edition

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After finding Eden and leaving Zeke behind Allie does not feel all that happy. Things get worse when her creator, Kanin is kidnapped and is being tortured. After all that Kanin has done for her she knows she must save him. As she heads back to New Covington and the Fringe she meets up with her big bad brother, Jackal. She does not know if she can trust him but needs him to defeat the crazy and powerful vampire, Sarren. If things could not get worse there is a new strain of the Red Lung that threatens vampires and human.

I love that the second novel only gets better! Although it is about vampires, this novel is more Hunger Games than Twilight. My favourite kind of young adult novels are those with adventure and suspense. Yet this novel is not strictly for teens and I would recommend to any reader who likes paranormal novel or even suspense.

kk221b's review against another edition

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An incredible sequel which picked up right where it left off. Will make a review of this soon! I do admit that the first 90pgs ish were slow and the reason why I put the book down for so long, however, I consumed the rest of the book in one sitting. The character's were engaging and interesting as the plot took twists and turns that I didn't expect. THE CLIFFHANGER! How Can I wait for another year?! :(

annoellyn's review against another edition

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Allie's brother is the best character. Great sequel.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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*I received a free ARC of The Eternity Cure via Netgalley in exhcange of an honest review*

ARC received on February 28 2013

The Eternity Cure is filled with awesome! It is both heartwrenching, full of hope, and also filled with despair.

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Eternity Cure starts a few months after the end of The Immortal Rules, and Allie is on a mission! She wants to make sure she can save Kanin from Sarrin’s death-grip, and follows his blood call on a whild chase through places where she’s never been before. All alone, and learning how to take care of herself, and what kind of monster she wants to be, she travels at night. Allie asks the right questions, and gets what she needs from the people who wouldn’t mind hurting her – if she was a human girl – and she’s not afraid to get after what she deems necessary in this quest to save her maker.

lucrezi's review against another edition

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I understand that there has to be some angst here, but it goes overboard, as in there are too many sentences and paragraphs saying the same thing over and over. For example, you get Allison thinking something to herself in italics and in the next paragraph she reiterates it.

Whatever happened to subtlety and quality over quantity, seriously. No need to spell everything out to us

I also understand the need for some exposition, but it goes on for way too long. Give us a sentence or two. Don't give us a whole run through of whatever happened in the first book in more than one paragraph! My eyes just glaze over whenever this happens.

At this point I'm just reading so I know what happens in the end. Aghhhhh

(I'm so tired of first person narratives)

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Great Sequel

I really enjoyed the first instalment of this series, THE IMMORTAL RULES, and found a preference for Kagawa's writing when she's letting her darker, grittier side roam free, rather than her more colourful world of the fey. The dystopian, post viral-apocalyptic elements only add to the stark backwash of this already dangerous vampire-filled world.

Allie spends much of the book trying to further comes to terms with her new undead status. This is only emphasised by the reappearance of Jackal, one of the main antagonists of book one, and her very own blood brother. Jackal is without doubt the black sheep of Allie and her sire, Kanin's, dysfunctional little family, and his disregarding attitude towards humans, or "blood bags" as he likes to call them, is a sharp change from Allie's own softer opinions. Allie hasn't yet let go of her humanness and has to keep reminding herself that she is no longer one of them. She is, quite literally, her own worst enemy now. The thing that as a Fringer, she despised above all others. It's a lot to absorb, to accept, and this book took that concept and ran with it to great effect.

I have to say, I had brief moments with the character of Jackal where I wondered if he was going to end up being not as evil as we once thought. He's snide, condescending, rude, and let's not forget, the guy that staked Allie and chucked her out of a skyscraper window in book one. But he's also realistic, pragmatic, and there were hints that there may be reasons why he's become the vamp he is. Aaaaand then he'd say something repugnant and we'd be back to square one. His character is more than a little confusing, but I'm still hoping there's something in him worth saving. For people who love a good anti-hero, I suspect he may end up being a contender for that role.

The other character of note in this series is, of course, golden-haired good guy Zeke. He was last seen tucked safely away in Eden, the only vampire-free community left in America (I think, don't quote me on that, but certainly the only one Allie and crew are aware of). Knowing he was safe was all that was keeping Allie going as she followed the call back to her sire, in effect, retracing the steps she took in IMMORTAL RULES. But even with that blood call pulling at her, and her sire's torture invading her dreams, Zeke is never far from her thoughts. Her time with him, helping his "family" move across treacherous grounds to reach the haven that is Eden, profoundly affected Allie. It reinforced her desire to stay human and to never become anything like vamps such as Jackal. But her time spent with Jackal in this book, has an almost equal impact, and as much as she tries to block him out, he also affects her. She is a monster. She has killed and she will continue to kill, just as he does. So what is the difference, really?

All these things and more are addressed and somewhat resolved in this book. The Red Lung virus and the possibility of a cure is what drives much of the action as well as Allie's desire - compulsion, even - to rescue her sire from the demented Sarren. There was also a huge game-changing event at the end which has me thinking the next book is going to be something else entirely. Can't wait.

4 Stars ★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

rockbison's review against another edition

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omg. i. need. the. third. book.

manu71005's review against another edition

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What the h**l just happened? An hour ago I was sitting happily in the coach reading a great book. A few moments later everything shattered. Wtf did this really happened. Like, why? Do you want to break my heart?

Like hell, this was great. I didn't expect this level of blood and drama ina sequel. Especially when the first book was great and you didn't expect much more from this one.

Allie is my wannabe girl like she's badass, powerful, and has all these human feelings although she is a vampire. And those moves... Girl, you need to teach me how to use a katana and move like you. She was just incredible and im really curious about how will she be in the second book af6er all the things that happened.

Zeke, my baby. I need to admit that I didn't love you in the first book like he's cute, and he is so good... but nothing else. In this book, you changed so much. I respect your boy, I really do. And my heart... I hope that the thing im thinking will happen in the next book because if not, im afraid i will cry like crazy.

And Kanin and Jackall, god I love them both so much. You make the perfect crew together and you also made a great evolution. im so proud of you both.