
Blood Match by K.A. Linde

bookwife's review against another edition

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This book was much better than the first one. It is no secret that I struggled a little bit with that but I am so glad I didn't give up on this series!

At the end of the last book Reyna runs away from Beckham and runs right into her kidnappers at Visage. They keep her as a captive and she is basically a blood bag for one of the most powerful vampires. This obviously sucks. She can't speak to anyone but I also thinks it opens her eyes to what is really going on. Her Naivety is what made me hate her in the first book but she is not so naive now. I actually enjoyed her in this book! Her character was so much stronger. I am excited to see her grow in the next book. Beckham.. well I still am not 100% on them. Yes the scenes with the two of them are hot but I hold grudges man. And he was just an ass. So I guess we will see how it goes in the next one.

A lot happens in this book. I do not want to give away anything but be prepared. In true Linde fashion the ending will make you want to scream. I am dyyyyyyying for the next book!

I received a copy of this book from the author.

smbmar's review against another edition

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This was a roller coaster ride. It was almost like Hunger Games meets Twilight without the sparkle. I found it to be a page turner. My only complaint is I didn't realize there would be a third book when I started it. The cliffhanger is very big and I wish I would have waited until the next book was out.

artbyabookgeek's review against another edition

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I added one more star than the first one because unlike the first book, more things actually happen in this book.
We have more action and small plot twits, betrayal and more

_laikahh's review against another edition

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Well, not much different from the previous book. Slightly more boring.

linzreadz13's review against another edition

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*4.5 Stars*

Oh man! I was not ready for that ending! This book devoured me so much more than the first. This second installment is much faster paced and once you pick it up, you won’t be able to put it down. SO ADDICTIVELY GOOD!

Note: This is the second book in this series. You must read Blood Type before enjoying this amazing second installment to the Blood Type series. Because of that, there may be spoilers in this review if you haven’t read book 1. As always though, there are no spoilers for this book.

This story starts up right where the first left us. Reyna locked up, as a prisoner, in Visage being forced to be a blood donor, like she originally signed up to be but unfortunately that is the least of her worries. There is so much action that happens in this story. My adrenaline spiked, and my heart was constantly racing. I couldn’t read, and turn, the pages fast enough.

I can’t wait to read what I’m sure will be and epic ending to this fun, suspenseful, PNR series! This is sure to be a series for the books!

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.

lit_editions's review against another edition

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Wow! It started out a little rocky...because I was annoyed with Reyna initially, but it got better and then I could not put it down. I really enjoy Beck and her together. That bitch Penny though...I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt...oh well that ship has sailed.

On to the next 4.5 Stars

loverofromance's review against another edition

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*May Contain Spoilers—Readers be Aware*

Blood Match is the second book in the trilogy and after the ending of Blood Type, I jumped pretty quickly into this one here. Seriously…if you want to read this trilogy—-which anyone that loves a paranormal romance—you want to trust me; but you do want to get all three books in hand you don’t want to deal with the cliffhanger and not have the next book to read.

So just to recap what happens at the end of Blood Type (and yes this review contains spoilers so just skip ahead to the bottom of the overview if you don’t care for spoilers)

At the end of Blood Type, Reyna has been kidnapped by Harrington when she was betrayed by her friend Elliot. At the start of Blood Match, Reyna has a beautiful dream of being with Beckham, but then she wakes up in her reality where she has been held captive for two months by Harrington. He found out that her blood, is a rare blood type, perfect for him and he feeds off of her once a week and gives her his venom in return. But Reyna never gives up hope that Beckham still loves her and is searching for her. But she is starting to lose hope. She tried to escape once, and was shocked literally because Harrington implanted her arm with a device where they track her movements. We see the torment and the effect of being held against her will in a glass cage and how the love she has for Beckham changes her.

Every breath and every heartbeat and every minute of every day was spent waiting for you.

But when Reyna starts to fight back against Harrington and he shows her into a room, a room where no one can see her, she sees through a window, a ball and she gets an eyeful of Beckham and calls out to him and even though he can’t see her, their gazes connect somehow and in that moment, new life breathes into Reyna. She begins planning to escape but right when she thought she might never get a chance, she is surprised when a new nurse busts her out of her jail cell. They flee Visage Headquarter and rescue one other girl and the team that rescues Reyna will be some of her closest allies.

Reyna is then taken to the ELLE headqurters, Elle is the rebel base for those fighting against Harrington and his regime. She is brought to base expecting and hoping to see Beckham but he is not there, however she has a beautiful reunion with her brothers and she never knew if she would see them again or if Harrington would kill them but thankfully we learn that Elle got to them first. But on her first day back, free, she learns that Beckham is engaged to Penelope, althought she doesn’t know if its for real or fake.

But then when she least expects it, she wakes up to Beckham sitting on her chair in her room, and she is shocked to see him. But things are tense between Beckham and Reyna, and her emotions get better of her and they both make mistakes, and Beckham leaves which leaves Reyna feeling empty and full of regret.

Reyna then meets the head of ELLE, who is a vampire woman and a strong leader. She is strict at times and very controlling and calculating. And is adament that Reyna stays contained for her own safety. But Reyna has been in her own kind of hell and prison for months and needs freedom. But when she takes the risk with two friends, she almost risks everything when she runs into an old friend who betrayed her Elliiot. Even though both Beckham and Sydney (head of Elle) are furious with her, she stands up to them and she and Beckham finally get a chance to be open and honest with each other and their relationship begins anew.

When we were together, when you bit me, it was the best moment of my life, Becks. I trusted you. I told you I trusted you and then I spit in your face. I was wrong. You showed me the real you.

I found this installment to be just as good as book one (or almost) it definitely is quite different and we see the emotional and mental after effects of imprisonment and torture that Reyna has to overcome. We see the strong connection between Reyna and Beckham especially when we learn that their blood is perfect for each other and they have a rare case of being mates. We see such a strong bond of trust and affection form between them, they both have loved and lost so much, but finding each other again breathes new life into their relationship but unfortuntately they will be tested .

Beckham was imprinted on her heart

The ending was spectacular and intense and way more cliffy then book one ended in…and honestly if I didn’t trust that book three would end happily, I would have been more than upset but thankfully I knew I had book three to pick up the story with or I would not have been a happy camper at all!!!

tanyad74's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from Tour Group in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blood Match by K.A. Linde picks up where Blood Type left off. I was shocked at the ending of Blood Type and was so anxious to dive into Blood Match. I would say Blood Type ended on a cliffhanger.

In Blood Match we find Reyna in a very bad position. She is saved by Elle but is constantly stressed by what she went through, suffering a serious case of PTSD. Reyna also saves another woman who is being tested on in the labs who is truly having a difficult time adjusting.

The story moves a bit slow. We do deal with Beckham and his alliances. Also with his situation with Penelope. There is a great scene where Becks stands up to Penelope but unfortunately that starts the story down a horrible ordeal.

Blood Match also sets up characters in different ways and the future of some important Elle characters is in jeopardy. I'm sure after this installment, the whole organization is going to be in trouble. The ending had me SO frustrated and in tears. It is also a bit of a cliffhanger. Elle, main characters, everything is left hanging in the balance. I absolutely must know what happens. There is no way this can end like this. Oh my God, I just went to Goodreads, hoping to read the blurb for book three. There is no blurb. This is killing me. I must know!

I found Blood Match touch and go. Slow in a lot of areas except when we hit a view good adrenaline spots. The build up to the action kept me reading in suspense, so I didn't get too bored on the slow spots. I just can't get over the ending. It is burned in my brain and my curiosity is going to drive me nuts. I do recommend this series, but I do warn the romance is at some times touch and go and can be kind of frustrating. A lot of the issues work themselves out in Blood Match, but I at times felt frustrated with the hero.


Blood Match Excerpt

“Please.” She wasn’t above begging. “I’ve waited so long.”
“I won’t bite you,” he said, his face sliding down between her legs. A fang nipped at the sensitive artery in her inner thigh. “But I bloody well want to.”
Did she even care if he bit her? It would be a relief after what she’d endured. A relief to feel that connection so acutely. But she wouldn’t press him this time. She remembered how they’d gotten carried away. He’d taken too much, drank too deeply, and she could have died. They needed to take it slow.
The blood. Not the sex. She needed that right now.
His finger slicked through her wetness and began to massage her clit. She vibrated from the sensation. She didn’t know if she’d be able to hold out before he was inside of her.
Then his eyes found hers again. His boxers disappeared and then his cock was in his hand. He massaged the length of himself as he watched her walk on a tightrope. Any second she was going to fall off and into oblivion. Nothing and no one had ever made her feel so good. No. No one had ever made her feel.
“So . . . close,” she ground out.
One powerful thrust seated him to the hilt within her. She cried out as he stretched her to the max. No warning or preamble just his cock inside of her, filling her to completion.
Her walls clenched around him. She was so close, but instinctively, she knew he wasn’t going to let her release without him.
Then he started moving. A slow pull out and a quick drive inward. Once, twice, three times.
“Not yet,” he said, his eyes commanding.
She tried to hold back. She could wait. Oh God, she could wait.
Then he started up the rhythm again. Setting his own course, owning and claiming her body. Reclaiming everything that he’d lost in that one moment of stupidity on her part. In his one moment of weakness.
She could see in his eyes the weight that loss had cost him. The toll it had taken on him for giving into his urges, for finally relinquishing his hold on himself. His eyes said he’d never do it again. His eyes were a promise.
“Becks, come with me,” she cried, clutching the sheets.
He grasped her hips and owned her body where he refused to own her blood. Taking everything she would give him, but not everything he wanted. Not everything she wanted.
She was so close. She looked in his eyes and knew they would finish together.
Reyna woke up screaming.
She jolted upright in her overly plush king-sized bed with its too many pillows and too much softness. Her hair was plastered to her face. Sweat coated her body, soaking through the thin white shirt she’d worn to bed.
Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and she looked around the small room. Everything was in place. Nothing had changed. Not a damn thing.
Beckham wasn’t here.
It had been a dream. A sick dream. A desperate horrible dream.
Her hand moved to her cotton panties and found the slicked wetness still there. The ache still building in her lower half from lack of release. The aftereffects of the dream. It had felt so real. So very real.
She had felt him moving inside of her. She had seen the love in his eyes. She had known his remorse.
But none of that was real.
That was her imagination at work. Conjuring his face just to torture herself with his absence. Remembering the feel of his body and the love in his eyes, only to know that he hadn’t found her. Aching for one more view of him.
It had been fifty-five days since she’d last seen his face.
Reyna made a mark in the notebook next to the bed.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

celticgoddess731's review against another edition

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This book was even better than its predecessor! I'm on the edge of my seat for the last installment!!!

rohina_sharma's review against another edition

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