
Dark Genesis by Dave Ferraro

mapally's review against another edition

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I can't remember the last time I read a true fantasy quest story. This story takes all of the things about all of the "creatures" from SF and puts them in the same story. I liked how the friends were put together from the various stops along the way with different skills that the overall team needed to survive and succeed in the quest. I recognized bits and pieces of concepts from other fantasy stories I've read, but I felt overall the story was woven together pretty well.

Overall I did enjoy the story, but I did think the ending was pretty predictable. I did enjoy the characters and the detailed descriptions of the various regions the team explored to complete the quest.

I was provided this story by the author for an honest review on the book.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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*I received a free copy of this book from the author through Never too old for YA and NA in exchange for an honest review*

Alyssa wakes up in a field on an alternate Earth full of magic and monsters and with no memory of who she is or how she got there. After befriending a coven of witches, Alyssa begins a dangerous quest to kill the monsters to get her memories back, helped by a variety of people with special monster hunting skills.

I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't expecting the book to have the setting of a more traditional King Arthur court kind of fantasy so I was worried that I might not like it. However as soon as I got into it, I was caught up in the adventure. I like the fact that Alyssa has no magic powers in this world and that she finds ways to use that as a weapon against the witches and monsters she faces. The worldbuilding is interesting and detailed without getting boring and the varity of characters and monsters was great!

I really liked our band of heroes-Alyssa and Vessa had an interesting and complex relationship that is well developed through the novel. Parker struck me immediately as the likeable rogue, instead of just the straight romantic hero. I laughed at the vanity of Eric and enjoyed the sarcasm of Lace who became one of my favourites. Kaitlyn was a character that I wasn't too sure about all the way through which gave her a more interesting edge than she might otherwise have had. I liked what was done with Beth as well. Ooh there is so much I want to say about the characters but that would mean spoilers so I must restrain myself! OK one wee hint-when the witches discover a traitor in their midst, I knew instantly who it was because of what happened when they first entered. I did suspect the possibility of what happened in that flashback shocker but I was taken by surprise a few times in the final showdown. I like it when that happens!

The range of monsters in the book was wonderful for an urban fantasy fan like myself! Vampires, werewolves, human sized ticks(UGH), witches, demons, Ice Queens and Fire Kings, zombies! What more could you have in a book? Plus we had the city of Frankenstein where the people are creating science instead of magic and I found this bit really interesting. It blended both versions of Earth together with a nice thick helping of monster mythology!

I don't think I could say there was much I didn't like. There was a good mixture of action packed plot and character development. I enjoyed the way Lace in particular was developed with her mixture of cowardice and bravery. It made her more real. I liked the storytelling and the simple way that the story was told. I liked the gradual development of the relationships between the characters and the way they became more committed to each other and the quest. It was good to see them all playing their part in the quest and becoming a real team. OK so I didn't like the cruelty to a few poor animals though! *Sniff*. I'm such a soft touch when it comes to dead animals. I never did forgive JK Rowling for what she did to Hedwig and Dobby...

The great thing is that I have a few more works by this author that are lurking on my Kobo and I'm REALLY looking forward to reading them now! This book will appeal to those interested in fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal and adventure books. Highly recommended.

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side, which I’m thrilled to give.

Firstly I would like to thanks Dave Ferraro, author of Dark Genesis for this wonderful opportunity that he presented me with by giving this fabulous book for reviewing.

The author nailed it, literally. The plot and the story line is just freakishly awesome and I’m glad that I signed up for this one rather than any other book.

The mysterious and suspenseful world that the author created and which haunted the main character Alyssa really touched me and drew me inside it and I really went through all the emotional turmoil that Alyssa faced.

I was swayed away by the freshness and awesomeness of this story. The characterization was so prominent and lively that it didn't even feel that you’re reading a fantasy book rather you’ll feel as if you’re a part of it. I loved the other characters that came along as the story progressed.

The writing style was very easy going and really interested me a lot but there were some editing mistakes which I’m sure the author will take care of.

So paranormal fans , it’s a must read for you all and I heartily recommend the story to everyone even if you’re not a fantasy fan but I bet if you go through this then you’re ought to develop a knack for this genre!

Enjoy reading!

lorimichele's review against another edition

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I was provided a copy of DARK GENESIS by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. This book was very interesting, and has a great heroine in Alyssa. The magical land she finds herself in was fascinating. A great read if you like fantasy, witches, or vampires. The spelling errors were very distracting!

lmere1789's review against another edition

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This book... I loved this book. It took me awhile to really sink into it, not because of the book but because I couldn't find time to actually sit down and read. I finally had to shut my phone off, warn everyone to stay away, or face my wrath, and get into it. It was everything I'd hoped it would be from reading the reviews. There were a few things I saw coming, but overall I was really surprised at a few things. I was skeptical in the beginning when Alyssa found out that she had 8 memories to recover. I didn't see how 8 memories could be enough the tell us, or her for that matter, who she was, but I felt like we were given just the right ones to perfectly explain her previous life. I do, however, wonder what that final memory she'll never get back was. Now, on to the most important aspect... Cory?. I was so anxious about his existence the whole time because simply put, I. LOVE. PARKER. a lot. If the physical descriptions of him weren't enough, the few vulnerable moments we saw when he was confessing things to Alyssa totally made me love him even more. I was fully prepared to be pissed that she was all about Cory, and then surprise! Not a problem (I hope that doesn't sound as awful as I think it does...). I felt like the deaths of some of the targets happened a little too neatly, I mean if Lace could just decapitate Lilith with a portal then why didn't she just do that at the start? I really enjoyed the twist with Eric at the end. Everyone kept talking about this Viking Prince, and Eric was clearly a viking (I don't remember if he said that himself or if it was just obvious), so I couldn't understand why he never said anything about knowing about the Prince. Then the fact that he was the Prince should have been so obvious, but I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't see it before. Overall, like I said, I really enjoyed this book. It's been a while since I've read a book that has stood on its own (outside of a series) and felt like it wrapped up well and I wasn't left with questions. Also, the fact that Alyssa decided to stay with Parker didn't hurt either :)

lorijo's review

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I was provided a copy of DARK GENESIS by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. This book was very interesting, and has a great heroine in Alyssa. The magical land she finds herself in was fascinating. A great read if you like fantasy, witches, or vampires. The spelling errors were very distracting!

foreverinastory's review against another edition

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I received this book through the group Shut Up & Read's Read it and Reap program. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an review.

My Rating: 4.5/5.0

First Impression: I started out very confused. Once the main character gets her bearings, the plot picks up and it gets much easier to read. I couldn’t stop reading after that happened.

More Detailed:
Overall, this book is very well written. It has action, romance, paranormal aspects, and everyday problems that most people will be able to relate to. The plot had slow points, but it had enough action points to balance it all out. There were few errors in the book, so it was a very clear read most of the time.

The characters in this book were all very interesting, but they were still relatable. I loved that Alyssa, the main character, was such a bad ass with her ninja-like skills. The only thing that bothered me about Alyssa was at first she was hesitant to be trusting, but then as the book keeps going, she just tells her story to everyone who becomes her “friend”. Otherwise, I really liked Alyssa and I wish I could do some of the things she could.

My favorite character was Lace. Lace was a snarky goth girl who could sometimes be an upright bitch. But since she befriended Alyssa and Vessa, she wasn’t too bitchy to them. She reminded me of myself in a way. The other characters are there, but you don’t learn much about them.

The book was told from a third person limited view. I personally like this type of p.o.v. because I write a lot of my stories in third person. This lets us get close to Alyssa and lets us know what she’s thinking but without all the “I”’s. What would be interesting to see would be to see some parts of the book through someone else’s viewpoint. I think it would be nice to know what the other characters are thinking since a lot of them don’t explicitly state their opinion all the time.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I would definitely recommend it to any bookish person. As for it continuing into a series or having a sequel; I think it would be interesting to continue the story, because I always just want to hear more even when a series ends. I have no clue what Alyssa will have to face next but I can’t wait to see!

btg's review

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I enjoyed this quite a bit. I think it was fresh, it was action packed, and the underlying love story was fantastic.
Here's the things I didn't like: There were some spaces of the book where it seemed like the author just wanted a change of scenery, so the scene changed very abruptly and without warning. These parts (particularly the first time from Fire King to Ice Queen, and the Climax) ended up somewhat confusing, and had about a couple of pages of what I call the "skeleton effect", where the description was down a little so the author could transition the action, and the reader was left scratching their head like, "Huh? What just happened?" Now, the Fire King to Ice Queen wasn't quite that bad, but the Climax could use some work. I was completely confuzzled over the fact that Lilith was masquerading as the queen.
And Alyssa could have been a bit more suspicious, at least in the beginning. Her fatal character flaw is her suspicion, right? Maybe I was wrong, but it kind of felt like it. Especially since she was a spy and she did show instincts.
I would also like to point out that some character lines seemed detached. None from Alyssa or Parker, but I think I saw a couple from Vessa, Lace, and Flax. And not all of them, just a few scattered around.
However, don't go thinking I didn't like the book. I thoroughly enjoyed it! First of all, I loved how the author distinguished exactly how Alyssa ended up in that world, and what distinguished the two. Some people who have "alternate universe time" don't tend to do that. They just go, "Hey, it happened, let it go." I also like how the relationship between all the characters on the quest evolved. There are some things you just can't go through without being friends, and this book really showcased that. The ending, also, was a little quick but something I loved. And I love all the myth from our world that was put into it, as well as a lot of original thinking on the author's part. My favorite portion, personally, was their time spent in Frankenstein as well.
All in all, it was well done and I enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me read!

witchyreader13's review

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It's been a long time since I've read a straight-up fantasy quest novel, and they can be hokey, so I wasn't sure what to expect. This book pleasantly surprised me, being well written with a great heroine and a quick-paced story that held my attention. Alyssa is a kick-ass character, and the love story involved is believable, not instant, which is wonderful. I found that I couldn't predict what was going to happen next, which is a great thing. I hate it when a story is too predictable. The reason I docked this story a star is because the typos were distracting. Towards the end of the story the author accidentally types a dead character's name as speaking instead of the actual character who was. It took me a couple of minutes to figure that one out. Other than the typos, it was a great book. It could be read by young adults, although it is violent. There are a couple of scenes where the characters have sex, but the author doesn't go into detail, instead trailing off to the next scene. I think this makes it more acceptable for younger readers. All in all, this was a great story.
In full disclosure, I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.