
Being Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram

brendaguilarb's review

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Una historia muy entretenida, espero leer el segundo libro y que me guste más que este.

kippins's review

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Cute read

I liked Jamie. It was interesting seeing her trying to deal with her powers and her issues. It was great as well that it’s the girl with the powers , although Ryan’s powers of persuasion and optimism were practically on a super level!
I’ll continue on this series and see what happens. It was good, but it wasn’t great if that makes sense.
I had a strong suspicion as to who the bad guy was.

mxharriet's review

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Just look at that cover. LOOK AT IT! Its so pretty! With the vibrant pink and the effect of lightening... its so stunning :0) Here is the cover for the next book in the series, again... stunning!
Kelly Oram is an author whose writing style and comedy has never disappointed me! This book is hilarious but with a serious side of a girl trying to hide her true powers away from prying eyes... and then we have a hot jock, I mean, what could go wrong?

After a tragedy that left ice queen Jamie Baker lost, confused and with some extra out-of-this-world abilities. To keep her true identity and powers locked away, she must become the person everyone ignores, hates and most importantly, avoids. And boy, does she do a good job at it! But when she kisses the famous Ryan Miller for a bet, all hiding soon goes out the window as she is faced with a new challenge. Can she allow herself to trust again? Though soon, the school catches up on her past, can she keep her control around the stalker press, or will all her hard work be ruined by a clumsy mistake?

Jamie is a wicked character (there is no other word to describe her) she is hated by everyone, but keeps her composure amazingly well and NEVER shows any sign of weakness... until Mr Miller comes along. She is also a delicate character who seems to hide behind her status as the ice queen, she keeps her feelings and secrets locked tight away until it appears as if she is physically about to explode. And then you have her hair and eye colour... Learning about her past life is also really interesting, the way in which her personality has been completely transformed as if another person has taken over her.

I also like Ryan. You could easily see that he loved to annoy Jamie, however, he was kind and caring towards her when she needed help and the way he dealt with her powers and training... hah! Hilarious! He was also a character who was not all that he seems, he is delicate and fragile with problems of his own but the way they worked together was adorable to watch and that they would do anything to keep secrets under lock and key for their safety.

You also had a lot of action, especially where Jamie's powers were concerned. She was totally bad-ass and has easily become one of my favourite Superheros. The danger and suspense was also ever present, just the thought of scientists coming to drag her away immediately strikes fear into you. But, sarcastic-ness was very present in the way Jamie would speak and in some of her actions. This added to her character making her more interesting to watch as her character developed. I also loved the plot, so gripping with twists and turns that made you jump, and then BAM! Something unexpected hits you in the face.

This book is a roller coaster ride that will take you from heartbroken to adrenaline rushed when the action scenes occurred to happiness!

Look out for my review of the next book in the series in the next coming weeks: More Than Jamie Baker.

sharonsm_28's review

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This was an enjoyable read. I thought the story was told really well, and I really liked the characters. I especially loved Jamie. She was my favourite in the book. I also really liked Ryan. He was lovable yet also vulnerable. I cannot wait to see how their relationship develops throughout the series. I really liked the mystery aspect of the story. I thought the ending was great, and the romance was good. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. Overall, a great read.

dontgrumble's review

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Don't know why i left this soo long. I adore Kelly's writing and this was just as fab as everything else. Jamie is totally badass and Ryan is totally swoonworthy.

bluebeereads's review

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Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

I did not expect this book to affect me so much! Honestly, I thought it would be just a fun sort of chick-lit about a girl with powers. And I would've loved that because I always have a good time reading a normal chick-lit. They may not be the best literary works, but it's fun to read. But I did not get that. Instead I got a touching story about a girl who is different and has difficulties dealing with these powers.

Jamie Baker is a girl that should have died in an accident a year ago. Her boyfriend did not survive, but she did and she gained superpowers because of the toxic waste that was spilled over her. Now she and her parents have moved and she's called the Ice Queen in her new school because she talks to nobody. She needs to keep her powers a secret. But she didn't count on one thing. Ryan Miller. After kissing her because of a bet with his friend, he's determined to get to know Jamie.

When you read it like that, you'll expect the same thing as me. But it was more! I actually felt everything Jamie felt. All her fears and struggles and happiness. And I think the reason why her story touched me as much as it did, is because it does deal with bullying. Jamie is being bullied by everyone and they call her the Ice Queen because no one knows what's really going on. And at first, Jamie is okay with that. She learned to live with it. But then Ryan steps into the game and she starts to like him. But that only makes things worse for both of them. And I felt so sad for them! Their romance is so incredibly sweet. Definitely a lot of swoon-worthy moments!

Like I said, I connected with Jamie. She's such a great character and she narrates the book like it's her origins story. I love her, I really do. And I envy her because well... she has superpowers. And Ryan. Ryan is a very sweet guy. He genuinly cares about Jamie and wants to get to know her. God, I want my own Ryan. He is a bit cocky though, but I love that about him. And I adore Jamie's parents! They are awesome! There are a few more characters in this story that I did not expect to like as much as I did. Like Becky. She turns out to be a really nice girl. And Mike... He had his moments. Paige is the real bitch in this story.

I am curious how this story continues so I'll pick up the second book some time soon. If you love a nice easy read about love and superpowers with high school cliches that does pull on your heartstrings, this is the perfect book for you. You'll have a good time, I know I did.

longtimewish's review

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Tengo un problema con está autora. Me gusta mucho la manera en la que escribe, pero no me gustan sus historias. Bueno, no exactamente. De ella leí Serial Hottie, que odie bastante (aunque si hubiera tenido un personaje masculino distinto, me habría podido gustar), y V is for Virgin, que sí me gusto, pero hasta ahí. Debido a esto, decidí darle una oportunidad a Being Jamie Baker. Y bueno, Oram, por fin una de tus historias me gusta igual que tu prosa.

Reseña completa:

ingo_lembcke's review

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Just barely 3 stars: not enough action, nearly no suspense, thought about 2.5 stars, hm, not sure wether to round up or down.
No sex, (attempted) rape is mentioned, and the setting and integration in the story sadly feels all too real.
MC is ok, but cries way too often and there are hugs galore, cannot really stand them in such numbers.
Actually I liked the MC more than she was still in ice-queen-mode, but the change to normal person was very believeable and well written. Should have been read faster than I did. Not really my kind of book, so I suggest 3 stars, as it was readable, and I could have DNF'ed it, and did not. As with drugs, the first one was free, to get hooked, but I am not hooked. So I am not too sure I will read the other books in the series. In the back the first 3 chapters of next book are there as a teaser, that might be enough.
Also, looking back on it, checking when it was published (2012), there should have been way more tech integrated, like mobile phones, smartphones, etc. Computers play a little role, just not enough for me.
Recommended as a fluffy romance read with a little X-Men-style paranormal added, for a rainy weekend and not enough technology.

magencorrie's review

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This is a book that'll keep you smiling well after you read it.
Light, cute and witty.
I don't know how anyone cannot, not like it!
Just from the first paragraph you are sucked into the world of Jamie Baker
and I enjoyed every single moment of it!

(rest of review later to come)

kebreads's review

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I really enjoyef this book. It had great characters, interesting twists and turns, and it was difficult to put down.

content- innuendo, mention of rape, a couple swear words, passionate kissing