
The Demon Kiss by Juliana Haygert

anacarter's review against another edition

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Great story overall.
I liked the characters, but they need more development. I felt like pacing was a huge issue, it was like so much info and storyline was crammed in such a short-ish novel. Things happened way to quickly.

bookdragonheart's review

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Audiobook review: 3.75 stars. I think there’s a lot of potential in this story. The shift into the academy world happens very quickly, and the love interest/romance is almost a secondary storyline, but the overall story is interesting. During a dare to go into a haunted house for money, Erin is quickly thrust into a world of demons and demon hunters, learning that her aunt was a demon hunter, and it looks like she is too. Of course, there is much more to her story, and we are slowly fed the bits and pieces, the world building being a little choppy and sparse at times. Rey is a half-demon, masquerading as a demon hunter, but the head of the academy knows this - it’s a bit of a strange situation, one that I feel like would have to be made clearer in later books, because it’s never quite clear why he is accepting of the situation, but that can be overlooked for now. There is some pretty significant and obvious foreshadowing early on in the book that comes to fruition at the end, so when it’s revealed, it’s not a shock or surprise at all, but it’s a decent set up for the next book.

The female narrator is a bit hard in her delivery - choppy and staccato, seems to be trying a bit too hard to annunciate everything that the emotion is taken down to a very low level. It wasn’t enough to completely take away from the story, but it was distracting at times. The male narrator is much better, and does a good job, providing an acceptable voice to Rey.

nikkim17's review

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Looking forward to reading the next

Good story and a little different than others I've read when it comes to demons. I wish they had a little more happen romantically but I know this is listed a slow burn. Some grammar issues but nothing unreadable. Overall liked it

chaoskay's review

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Erin has been kept in the dark by her aunt all her life . She is dared to go into a house that is said to be haunted but what she finds isn’t ghosts it’s demons and her aunt arrives to kill them only to be killed herself. Rey sold his soul to save his family now he lives a life as half demon half demon Hunter and he is told to kill the headmaster of his academy then you comes upon Erin and his sole purpose is to protect her. I enjoyed listening to this and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

chaoskay's review against another edition

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Erin has been kept in the dark by her aunt all her life . She is dared to go into a house that is said to be haunted but what she finds isn’t ghosts it’s demons and her aunt arrives to kill them only to be killed herself. Rey sold his soul to save his family now he lives a life as half demon half demon Hunter and he is told to kill the headmaster of his academy then you comes upon Erin and his sole purpose is to protect her. I enjoyed listening to this and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

bookwormbunny's review against another edition

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The Demons Kiss by Juliana Haygert is the first book in her new academy series – Rite World: Blackthorn Hunters Academy. Prepare for lots of demons, intense moments, and lots of surprises! Erin is just a normal girl, or is she? Her life has mostly been moving about with her aunt from place to place, never making any friends or getting close to anyone because soon enough they would just pick up and move again. But things change when she hears a group of teens cajoling each other about a haunted house. One of the rich kids tries to bribe his friends to go, but too many people have gone missing there and they are reluctant. Erin wants a better life, and well that money would be a boon if nothing else, so she steps up and offers to take on the bet herself. Things take a dark turn, she finds her life in danger, and all too quickly Erin finds her life-changing at a rocket pace.
The Demons Kiss is an engaging story from beginning to end. Erin is an interesting character and I have to say that I’m pleased that she isn’t one of those characters who are given to undue amounts of hysterics when faced with certain situations. Now, if you are wondering if this series ties to other books by this author…the answer is yes! I love it! Are there direct crossovers or appearances of familiar characters? No, but there is a reflection of information that is noted in the other books. The twists and surprises that the author packs into this book are well done and keep me page-turning non-stop. Just when you think that another surprise can’t possibly pop up the author throws another one.
There honestly isn’t anything that I don’t like about this book. The characters are well done, the author gives a nice neat little cliffhanger at the end of the story and answers some burning questions that crop up here and there in the storyline.
I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. I’m eager for the next book in this series to see what happens next. These characters have a lot going on and quite a bit against them and I can’t wait to see how they not only handle but surmount the obstacles that threaten to stand in their way. If you are a fan of this author then I encourage you to pick this book up.

bubblewombat's review against another edition

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When I hear someone say "fast paced book" in the future, I'll probably think of The Demon Kiss first. This is both a good thing and a not so good thing.

Everything was happening so fast that the story wasn't boring, but at the same time I didn't get to feel the impact of said things, because some other big event was just around the corner, ready to pounce.

And I'm not sure what the reason was, for putting Erin in her second year based on her age alone, when she had no prior knowledge of demons or demon hunters and no skill set to match.

For theory based classes okay, fine, let's say she's smart and she'll pick things up fast. But martial arts? Erin was lucky that she had outside help, or else it wouldn't have worked. Honestly it still doesn't work, but let's give poor Erin the benefit of the doubt, she'll grow up to be a fighter one day, yes she will.

The relationships between the characters are also shallow, the only friendship that doesn't feel that way is Erin's with Claire. Everyone else feels very monotonous in their reactions to one another, especially Professor Martha (maybe she was written that way specifically but it doesn't explain everyone else).

I didn't feel anything while reading this book, no joy, no sadness, only some decent interest in seeing where it's going to go in the end. And where did it go?

The one good thing I can say about this, is that the story felt self contained. There was a cliffhanger, but if you decide not to continue it won't feel like the end of the world, because the main things from the book were wrapped up.

And finally, the romance. It starts off with one potential love interest, then teases with another, but by the end it's pretty clear which one is going to be endgame (the other wasn't even given a chance yet, but I'm hoping it'll happen, even if his heart gets broken).

marilanoire's review

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More like 3.5 stars but I don’t like cliffhanger…

jhullyreads's review

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Un libro muy entretenido que contiene TODOS los tópicos del género, por lo que no es nada nuevo y su encanto está en eso mismo: en que tiene todo lo que gusta en este tipo de novelas.

Erin es esta chica que tiene una vida normal y sosa junto a su tía, sus padres murieron hace años, ni los conoció. Un día toma el reto de entrar en una casa embrujada, pero resulta que la casa sí está habitada por demonios y estos la atacan.

En eso llega su tía y los combate ferozmente; resulta que la tía es cazadora de demonios. (No es Spoiler, todo esto es capítulo 1). Su tía termina muerta y a Erin casi la matan, pero entonces llega Rey, un atractivo tipo que le salva la vida.

Rey es mitad demonio y está al servicio de uno de los príncipes del inframundo, está camuflado en la academia para cazadores de demonios con el fin de asesinar a su director, un enemigo mortal del príncipe demoníaco al que sirve.

Encontrarse con Erin y salvarle la vida ha sido una casualidad, pero resulta que Erin, por sangre, es una cazadora de demonios también, así que Rey se la lleva a la academia para que se instruya y se mantenga a salvo, pues en el ataque de la casa, un demonio la marcó con un beso en la muñeca y esa cicatriz hace que todos los demonios quieran matarla. Entonces es o entrenarse en ese mundo mágico que ella desconocía por completo, o irse y morir.

La novela nos narra entonces la vida académica de Erin en esta escuela donde las clases van desde lucha, hasta creación de armas, historia demoníaca, hechizos, tipos de magia, pócimas, etc...

Tiene toda la recopilación de clichés: la chica hermosa que desde el día uno la trata mal porque sí, el apuesto y popular tipo que tiene una "relación" con esa chica hermosa pero se acerca a Erin para enojarla, la chica super estudiosa #1 de la clase y tímida que se vuelve la mejor amiga, cuando hay clases grupales, ponen a la protagonistas con el chico apuesto...

Y el romance, claro. El balanceo permanente de atracción entre Erin y Rey, ella con sus constantes pensamientos de "él nunca se fijaría en mí" y él con su razonamiento de "es hermosa, pero yo no le convengo porque soy el chico malo de esta historia".

Está narrado en primera persona por Erin y por Rey, un capítulo cada uno, y sus personajes son el estereotipo de los romances paranormales juveniles. No hay nada sorprendente, sin embargo, la historia está bien contada, de modo que entretiene pese a que sabes todo lo que va a suceder al momento en que dan una pista.

El final ha sido bueno. No sorprendente, pero sí bien ejecutado. Los giros que dio en la segunda mitad del libro son atrapantes. Los personajes como tal están medianamente bien construidos, todos muy encasillados en su papel.

La narración es ligera, en primera persona, rápida y no deja tantos cabos sueltos. Disfruté leerlo, vale la pena si te gustan los romances juveniles en escuelas de magia con demonios al acecho de forma permanente.

Es primero de una trilogía, pero dudo buscar el segundo.

mara_reads's review

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dark emotional relaxing fast-paced
