
Storm Fall by Tracy Banghart

kylek's review

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Solid sequel.

navsy's review

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Looking forward to the next one eagerly now!

multicoloredbookreviews's review

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I'm still amazed by how evocative Tracy Banghart's writing is. Her words jump out of the page and you can actually see the scenes she describes. Although, I'm gonna be honest, some of the military/flying technicalities went over my head.
I'm more in love than ever with Milek
Milek Vadim
I just love how he accepts Aris for who she is and doesn't want to change her. It takes a strong man to let the woman he loves run into danger. But he understands that's a part of who she is.
I'm dying to get inside his head!
Last book we got Aris's, Galena's (Ward of Ruslana and Milek's mom) and Ward Neko's (I forget his name) POV's. The parts I looked forward to the most were the ones written from Aris's point of view. But the Galena parts were also very interesting, what with her being kidnapped and tortured. Ward Neko's POV I didn't really care for.
This book, we got a change in POVs. Dysis (Aris's best friend) was added to the mix. As with the first book, the POV I enjoyed the most was Aris's.
Spoiler That whole part where she was wandering through the desert with a broken infected arm after her wingjet rashed, made me incredibly anxious.

Galena's POV was all about political aspects and her uncertain relationship with the Ward of Atalanta, which I can't honestly say I cared about. The only parts I enjoyed were the ones that included her interacting with Milek.
The only part I can remember from Wark Neko's POV was when he went to visit his traitorous wife in prison (I find his chapters to be the most boring, but they're usually the shortest).
Dysis had some really good chapters as well as some that dragged a bit.
SpoilerThe ones I liked the most were the ones that included Daakon, the guy she liked. It was all very complicated 'cause he liked her when he thought she was a man, but not as a woman. I do wonder though, why it was never explicitly said he was gay. That was the whole reason behind him being unable to return her affections, wasn't it? And then he was shot in the head, which was very shocking and sad. But I'd be willing to bet that we'll see a romantic relationship blossom between Dysis and Aris's ex-flame, Calix, in the last book.

Best part of the book?
Spoiler Aris and Milek confessing their feelings for eachother <3 and also how she didn't blindly accept his Promise proposal, but instead talked it through with him, to make sure it'd be the best decision for both of them. I loved how mature and grown-up her reaction was. Pre-Military Aris would've just accepted without a second thought, and that goes to show just how much her character grew.

Spoilernow thar they've caught that SOB Elom, the only thing left for them to win the war, is to find and unmask Ward Balias for all the horrible things he's done, which I'm guessing will be the main point of the last book.

isabellieb's review

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Honestly, if you liked the first one, there's a 99.9% chance you'll like this one too... maybe even a little more than the first! It's got everything the first one had (action and adventure and the main character risking her life like, every ten seconds) and even more romance--which is, of course, always welcomed.

After finishing the first book I honestly thought I would pass out from waiting so impatiently for this one. Thankfully I got it soon enough and I put everything else on hold for about three-ish hours to start and finish this book. Totally worth it.

Seriously though, you guys gotta start on this series if you haven't already. There are some really, really important lessons in here. Like, morals and stuff. And they're still (unfortunately) completely relevant today. This author definitely understands the world we live in and I think she took some of those issues (sexism mostly) and smushed them into a book lots of young adults will/should read. I don't usually get super serious in my reviews but, yeah, honestly, if you get the chance to read these books, you should go for it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with this eBook.

jamiebooksandladders's review

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See this review and more on Books and Ladders!

What a great sequel! I absolutely loved every second of it. I do think there were some additions to this (like ages and a more explicit mention that the one character is gay) would have made it that much better. But I definitely recommend this series!

kerribookhoarder's review

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ONE MONTH!! I am so excited. as;lkdjfas


Oh, I'm sad that nobody who I follow or have friended has read this one, as far as I can tell...

I quite enjoyed this second installment in the series! To be honest, I think I will need to reread it at some point, in part because of the mood that I was in when I went into it.

I didn't feel that this was quite as strong as the first book in this series, but I still really enjoyed it nonetheless. I love the world that Tracy Banghart has created, and the strength of her characters, especially the women. Issues of sexism, love, friendship, treachery and war are all taken on as they were in the first book and I love that. So many books don't really overtly challenge tropes, and while there's nothing wrong with that and those books are still quite powerful, I love it when books pretty much spell out what's going on.

Aris remains as strong and nuanced as she was in the first book, but what I especially loved about this sequel was the depth that was brought to the secondary characters. Some books tend to be quite insular and focus on just a couple of characters, here the author has really taken the time to get to know her own secondary characters and breathes new life into them and it's fascinating to read. For me it really added to my enjoyment.

I guess my one quibble with this volume was the romance... It felt a little bit too fast, too soon. It feels WEIRD saying that, because I ship the pairing! I have no problem with the pairing at all. But it just felt as though everything moved too fast and in some ways, I wondered why there wasn't more conflict or even consequences... But maybe that's in the third one. But like I said, I know it's a weird complaint :P

I also wish that the plot had been just a teensy bit tighter in this one. I didn't feel as though there was a whole lot that happened, to be honest, though that may be due to the stronger character focus I mentioned above. I guess I just wish that there'd been a tiny bit more action to move things along.

I really am looking forward to the conclusion to this series, though, and the good news is that it's coming out sometime this year!! :D

tracybanghart's review

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I love writing these characters and this series so much. Excited to see what y'all think about STORM FALL...and hard at work on book 3 in the series, coming out in 2015!