spiffysarahruby's review against another edition

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I’m still pretty new to the world of graphic novels and this is my first exposure to Star Wars that wasn’t one of the movies. I ended up reading this graphic novel, like many before it, because the boyfriend brought it home from the library and gave it kudos.

I grew up on Star Wars so it was fun to see Han and Chewie in print (Holy god, I had to laugh at all the Chewie dialogue though—“Rawrr Rarww!” –Really?!?). Han’s lines were classic, but I would have liked to see a little more original snark, but that’s just me. I still loved him anyway—he’s Han Freaking Solo after all!

Cross was interesting. Like I said above, I haven’t had any exposure to any Star Wars other than the movies, so to meet a character who is pro-Empire, anti-Republic—but still a good guy, that was kind of interesting.

If the boyfriend brings home more Cross adventures, I’ll probably go ahead and read those too.

wyrmbergmalcolm's review against another edition

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So the Galactic Empire is full of evil xenophobic megalomaniacs who fill their days enslaving populations and crushing the weak underfoot, right? Well, no actually, at least no more so than any other civilization or governing body. This is a side to the Empire that Luke Skywalker never sees from the sands of Tatooine to the cockpit of his X-wing as he barrels down the Death Star trench.
The Empire, like any other organisation, is run on rules and is reliant on may parts. If those rules are broken and those parts don't do their job, Agent Cross is the man to fix the problem. If Cross is guilty of anything, it's that he believes the lies the Empire has fed him about the Jedi orchestrating the civil war in a bid to seize power. He views corruption as an act of treachery against the Empire.
This is a thrilling spy story with more than a subtle flavour of James Bond about it. The main plot of the story is entertaining enough, but is largely overshadowed by the charisma of Agent Cross. I actually had to go look up the main plot of the story just now, the telling was so enjoyable that what it was about didn't matter. I loved that fact that if this were a traditions Star Wars story with Luke and co. Agent Cross would be the enemy (he would certainly view the rebellion with distaste) and one in which Luke would probably meet his match. Chronologically, this story is based when Luke's still wanting to go to Toschi station to pick up power converters and other time-wasting activities with his friends.
If you like spy stories fully of action and intrigue with a lead character who can carry a story, then definitely give this one a go.
The artwork's not bad either.

philipf's review

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Star Wars spy story set during the height of the empire's power. Lots of fun.

imalwayswrite's review

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Star Wars meets James Bond? Oh, yeah.