
Fire Down Below by Debra Anastasia

arielletrue's review

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I have no idea what I just read. Did I not get the memo that you were supposed to only read this book while high? I almost dnf’d so many times but somehow it was like a train wreck you had to watch. That’s the only reason for the second star.

hannas_heas47's review

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I'm thinking about starting a support group for people who have read this book. I'm still cringing from reading this.

gayle78's review

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I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this book. It was really Austin Powers but in book form lol.

rachael8723's review

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DNF @19%

This reads like my six year old picked all his favourite words and threw them at the page. Fart, poop, nipples.
I just couldn't read any more

jasminepnwgirl's review

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Oh boy, what do I say about this book?!?!
I’ve never read a book like this before…I should have listened to what others were saying…because when I say CAUTION, I MEAN CAUTION!!!!!! This book is not for the weak! But, luckily I have read other books to help me prepare for this one! *Cough* Kendall Grey <3 *Cough*

You meet Dove, who is just like any other woman, young, smart…oh, she has an alto-ego on Twitter. Come on, we all have one on Twitter…where we can be ourselves, and not care about what anyone says. Throughout this book, I kept finding myself relating to Dove, believe me you will relate to her too.

Of course, there is a guy…who you will automatically swoon for. He is not like other guys in books, he isn’t a tattoo, bad boy, who you love to hate. Debra, actually describes him as the usual, clumsy guy, who makes a fool of himself. I mean, how can you not love a guy, who word vomits all over! Hahaha

Debra Anastasia, I applaud you! You took everything that most authors seem to be afraid to write, and put it all in one book!
This book will make you laugh, cry, and scream out “EW!”
Over all, a very good read!

aboutthatstory's review

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This was just crazy and obnoxious and funny as hell! All those things that happen you don't want to talk about or admit too, they were covered. I felt like a 10 year old reading something I shouldn't and I enjoyed ever second of it.

In the midst of the madness is this insane cast of characters that are so outrageously over the top you can't help but love them. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. Let me be clear, this was was over the top, potty mouth, ridiculous humor... if farting offends you, look away! I could not get enough of it because in the middle of it all, there was still this real girl with insecurities and I liked her a lot. There's a solid story mixed in with all the awkward. This was just ridiculously entertaining and so wrong in so many ways! It was full of raunchy potty mouth name calling, it was way (way!) over the top but at some point I didn't even care because it just all worked.

We've got a some wacked out friends, a sweet but loud pharmacist, a sausage eating neighbor, The Anastasias (holy crap I want to have a drink with this author in real life!) and a psycho cat. What's not to love?! I don't want to say more because I don't want to spoil it but by the end, I might have been rooting for the sausage eater.

One last thing… after reading all this madness and thinking “what the hell did I read and WHY did I like it?” one more thing happened – freaking cliffhanger. For real, I couldn't believe it. Figures. ;-)

Sign me up for more crazy because I need book 2 as soon as possible!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

azstaysreading's review

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Wtf did I just read. It was a jumbo of random thoughts that I had to finish but no way can I read the sequel. I can't use this to judge the author because I did enjoy booty camp this was just off

babblingchatterreads's review

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The life of Dove Glitch was such an embarrassing read and had many cringing moments. The book begins when she has to fill an uncomfortable feminine prescription that she did not want anyone to know about let alone discuss it with the hot pharmacist, Johnson Fitzwell that is taking care of her order. Luck is something that is not on her side nor in her vocabulary especially ever since she had picked up her medication.

You’re a good person. I’m sorry I crossed your path. I’m like a black cat, a ladder, and a pap smear.

OMFG!?!? WTF is this crap?!? This must read 4 stars book was such a change of scenery than the sappy, emotional stories that I am usually reading. Dove’s story had me full of tears many times in a humorously way. Her story takes you on a ride of many weird over the top moments that may or may not happen to a person in real life. I must say that there was never a dull moment and full of unease and disbelief. SMH. LOL! Seriously, pick up a copy today! You will be glad you did. ;)

rmonty33's review

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I like vulgar and I like ridiculous but this was just really bad. And it makes me sad because the Poughkeepsie books are some of my all time favs! But I just really despised this book because I think it tried too hard to be out there and just ended up being unreadable.

bafahl's review

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Called it quits at 28%. Disappointed because I had high hopes for it. Reads like bad slapstick on speed. Tries too hard to be funny, and tries to cram something funny in every sentence. By doing so, it never develops the plot or the characters. Not for me.