
Shadow and Ice by Gena Showalter

booklovinmamas's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at A Book Lovin' Mama's Blog

If you are looking for a different paranormal story that involves a lot of bloody battles, but with some humorous moments than this Paranormal Romance is for you. I look forward to where Gena is taking this new series, and I can’t wait to get to know the other characters even more after being introduced to them in this book.

Story Rating: 4.5 stars
Steaminess Rating: 3.5 stars
Standalone or part of series: Part of series.
Do I recommend this book? Yes, most definitely.
Will I read other books from the author? Yes, she’s one of my auto-buy authors.
Tropes/Elements: Strangers-to-Lovers; Paranormal; Gods/Goddesses; Aliens
Hero: God; Combatant; Slave to a King; Protector
Heroine: Human; Kick-Butt; Feisty and Fierce; Protective of her Sister; Orphan

canadian_chaos_gremlin's review against another edition

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This is my first book by Gena Showalter and OMFG WHY HAVE I WAITED! Her attention to detail, let alone the concept she has come up with this book has my mind blown and dying for more! Her words are pure gold. While the book is a little slow out of the gates, the build up is worth it as you have an interesting take on a battle royale with winner take all. I love the banter between Vale and Knox and how things played out for these two. While there is a lot of information thrown at you in this book, please wait it out. I found it overwhelming at times but it made sense in the long run. I love chemistry as well as the lore that created this book. If you want something unique, snag up this one!

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Shadow and Ice was a book I was SUPER stoked to read. After listening to an interview with Gena Showalter about this upcoming series, I just was really eager to grab this up. So I jumped over to B&N and bought this one in print. I did have this on my nightstand for quite a while before actually grabbing it up. I think I was really NERVOUS, because of how many mixed reviews of this book that there is out there and I just was not wanting to hate a book that I bought in print. But seriously....why oh why did I wait so long to read this because I have three words: It KICKED ASS!! I had so much fun with this book, and I honestly knew that I would because this authors writing always works for me no matter how crazy her stories gets, her writing sucks me right into the story and doesn't let go.

Shadow and Ice isn't an easy book though and its NOT for the faint of heart, and you have to know that its get really brutal and boy this author knows how to kill off people and not easily either. But from the first chapter, I was addicted to this new world that Showalter has created for us and even though it did take two days to read (it is close to 500 pages) so its not a small book, it was highly engaging and keeps your brain and body on the edge all the way through. I think you need to warned beforehand how intense this book can be because if I hadn't known beforehand I might have had a different opinion. But I know this author, and love her writing style. I was captivated by this pair and the world building and the teaser that leads us to the second book and man I want it NOW!!

This story begins with our hero, who is a slave to his king and has to do his bidding. But he has been promised his freedom and the freedom of his people if he wins the third all war he has participated in. He has many tough exteriors, but deep down he has vulnerabilties including losing his daughter because of the all war. He is know at the third All War, which takes place on Terra (aka Earth) and is frozen in time and centuries have gone by. He is discovered by our delightful heroine. Vale and her sister Nola, are celebrating finishing college and accomplishing something no one ever thought that they would. Vale grew up on the streets, going from foster homes and surviving as best as she knew. She is tough and resilient but also loves fiercely. When they go exploring caves, and discover a man frozen in ice, she is drawn to this gorgeous male specimen and wants him in a sexual way even if he is frozen in ice. But then before she knows it, she is pulled into the all war and she and Knox join forces to defeat their enemies and even though she unknowingly becomes a participant, she doesn't know if she can trust Knox not to kill her but what she doesn't realize is that Knox is falling for her just as hard as she is falling for him and they will have to make a difficult choice and who will win and who will die? or will they have the HEA they deserve?

This book is like Hunger Games but for adults. Now I have never read Hunger Games, but I have watched the movies and yeah you won't get me to read those books, I would rather have my teeth extracted. However, this book totally worked for me in many ways. It is heartbreaking though to see certain characters being killed though and seeing all these combatants who at the heart are good immortals, but they each have something to fight for and they are all enslaved to the whims of their masters. So it is heartbreaking at times to read this book because of seeing this horrible situation and seeing some of them FIGHT back against those that are enslaving them.
“Yes. Me. I'm an immortal made for war, and killing is what I do. What I'm good at. I do not live by the same rules as other people, those who do not have to fight to retain their liberties, those who let others do the fighting for them, then scoff at the results."

We see Knox and Vale go through some difficult challenges in this book and seeing them overcome what they face is epic in many ways. Their love story ISNT easy or light hearted and it will rock your core in good ways and bad ways. We see how much they care for each other before they become enemies, and seeing them try to overcome the circumstances to be together is truly what makes this book an incredible experience. There are so many emotional moments that are going to break your heart but you also see the strength these two have together and seeing them fight for each other and for a future full of love and peace is so worth all the pain. Their journey isn't an easy one but unforgettable in many ways. This book will be sticking with me for a long while and I just can't wait for book two because I have a feeling that book is going to be kick ass as well!!

Overall I found Shadow and Ice to be packed with adventure, intensity, brutal at times and poignant in all the right moments.....A TREASURE TO DEVOUR!!


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melodicfate's review

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I've wanted to read something by this author for a long time. I always thought I'd start with her Lords of the Underworld series because I'm a huge mythology lover, but when I saw that she was coming out with a new series, I took the less intimidating route and started here. What I got was a very unique mix of sci-fi and paranormal romance.

Knox was a warrior enslaved to his king. He had to win this All War to obtain his freedom. Cold, emotionless, and untrusting of everyone, he started out this novel alone and willing to do anything to win, even if that meant killing an ally. Vale, the heroine, was tough due to her past as a foster kid, extremely loyal to her sister, and also a bit immaturely written. If I'm honest, that was my biggest issue here. Vale was a woman with a business degree, but she talked like a teenager. And yet, I ended up really liking her.

This book's plot was full of action. Parts of the story were slower as the world-building was shown, but once the action got going, it was unputdownable. The prologue was a little long, too, though I definitely understand why it was there. This book was also pretty steamy, too. There was romance, action, and quite a lot of angst as these characters had to try and figure out how to be together, since the mission was a solo victory wherein no partnerships could exist.

In short, I found this story very original. I can honestly say that I've read nothing like it. I love how the war and warriors were tied to gods and paranormal creatures. For example, Knox was called Loki by the Vikings when they first invaded to start the All War to win Earth for one of their realms. After this, I can't wait to see where Vale's sister's story takes the series. Things with the war aren't solved, though Knox and Vale do end this in a good place.

beckiebookworm1974's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars.
This is the start of an imaginative new series by this author and though this wasn't my favourite of her books I have read to date I still enjoyed myself and this was an intriguing start that has stacked the deck nicely for future story progression.
So this is the 103 rd All-War, This is a process that is enacted many times on many worlds whenever a new realm is discovered.
To stop the pillaging and fighting over resources worlds get to send a single combatant to fight for there sovereign for ownership of the new world.
Gladiator style fight to the death with an entire planet as the battleground, last man standing wins all or at least the ruler of his world does.
He is Knox of Iviland a stone-cold combatant who controls the shadows and will stop at nothing to win.
Already an All-War four-time winner he now after the death of his daughter else has nothing to lose.
His end game? win the war, gain his freedom and then annihilate his king.
One who he is compelled to obey because of the slave bands on his body and he will allow nothing to stand in his way, not even the lovely Vale London.
As a new player Eric, the Viking unwittingly joins the melee and Knox and his fellow warriors find themselves imprisoned and encased in ice for over a millennium.
Upon his eventual liberation from an icy prison and sensing that this strange female is an integral part of his future survival Knox absconds with her taking her to his hidden bunker.
So character-wise Knox is very rough and ready and a bit of a brute understandable considering his violent background.
He is literally a weapon of war and he doesn't tolerate any weakness.
Vale herself is such a liability and where usually he would annihilate he finds himself going against his very own nature and protecting her.
Vale is his perfect foil an orphan who has grown up in the system she is all hard edges and prickly attitude.
She has been metaphorically kicked back down so many times she refuses to show her weaknesses hiding behind a gruff and snarky persona to protect her soft underbelly.
These two had instant chemistry though Knox initially did fight it somewhat.
Enemies but also reluctant allies while they both are of use to the other.
So, This did get a tad cheesy at times and the language used could be somewhat juvenile but this was essentially at heart a fun read.
Fast-paced and jumping headfirst into the action this was such a unique and imaginative concept.
and I will definitely be reading the next book in this series.
One final observation because there were so many players here it sometimes did get a trifle confusing and I did get lost in regard to some of the fight scenes other than that this was all grand an enjoyable experience.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

lilyelement's review

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Shadow and Ice is book 1 in the Gods of War series. I had to get my hands on this baby, it sounded right up my alley and that hunk on the cover was begging me to read the book. I'm so glad I picked this one up because it was an entertaining read and the next book is going to be a must read for me, that's for sure.

We start off with Knox and the other warriors being on Earth to fight to the death in the latest All War. He's one of the most ruthless of the fighters and has won several All Wars in the past for his King. He just wants to win this one so he can be released from his slave bonds. All the combatants have to meet up every now and then and whoever doesn't show is disqualified. Well a new power player shows up and uses his abilities and manages to freeze them all in place. Many, many years later Vale London and her sister were in the wrong place and happened across where the combatants were frozen. Of course the ice breaks free and Vale winds up with Knox while her sister Nola is taken by another warrior. We spend the rest of the book with feelings growing between Knox and Vale and both knowing a relationship won't truly work in the end since there's only one winner in the All War. I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on the next book so I can find out what happens next.

Shadow and Ice was a delightful, yummy read that I couldn't put down. I loved Knox, he's all alpha deliciousness but Vale could put him in his place when he needed it. I will warn yall that this is going to be a oh my goodness I love it or a nope I hate it type of read. There's a lot of information to take in since it's a brand new series, and the characters might take a bit for the reader to warm up to. It's going to rub some people the wrong way. It worked for me though but I had to give yall a heads up just in case. If you're fond of Paranormal Romances with alpha males and lots of battles you're going to adore this book.

simplyenchantingbooks's review against another edition

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A little slow at first, which worried me but it got so much better as I continued to read. It did have similarities to her Lords of the Underworld series
~~~more in depth review to follow~~~

atlantian's review

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adventurous emotional funny hopeful medium-paced


amandaventure's review

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What even is this? I can’t believe I had to DNF a Gena Showalter book. I’ve been a Showalter fan for about 10 years now and the thought of me ever wanting to DNF any of her books is ridiculous to me. However, Shadow and Ice is such a dumpster fire of epic proportions and I cannot feasibly believe it’s going to get any better if I continue on. I’ll explain…

The basic premise goes like this: There’s this girl, Vale, and she's wandering around the Arctic Circle with her sister who’s addicted to opioids because their guide ditched them and now they’re lost. Already, I had a suspicion that these were going to be a couple of idiot characters. They stumble into a random ice cave and find all these frozen warriors. Vale’s immediate thought is that they must have stumbled into a tourist attraction. It was at this point that my suspicions of their idiocy were confirmed. Seriously? Bitch, you are lost in the Arctic Circle! Do you see any other tourists around?


She proceeds to wander around the cave checking things out. That’s fine, I would look around too. The problem here is that she sees the love interest in the story, Knox, encased in ice and immediately starts getting all hot and bothered. Girl… you are lost in the Arctic Circle with no food and a sister you’re trying to take care of and you find the time to get horned up over what you think are statues in a tourist attraction. What, what, what are you doing?


Before I go on, I need to talk for a minute about how the characters talk. They don’t talk like actual humans. They seem to speak entirely in slang. Not even realistic slang. It seems like the kind of slang purposefully used to make the characters seem like “real young people” when the author has no idea what the current young people are actually like. There was so much poorly used slang that it made them sound like complete imbeciles who can’t form a fucking sentence. No one talks entirely in slang! I get that their constant banter containing nothing but slang is supposed to be humorous but it doesn’t work. It just makes me think these characters are literally the dumbest characters to ever walk the earth.

Frankly, I was already considering a DNF right here after the first 11% of the novel. What was I going to do? Read about a couple of imbeciles who don’t have the good sense not to wander into an ice cave and get horned up over statues? I pushed onward with the utmost hope that this was just a shaky start to the book and it would surely get better. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.


One thing leads to another and Knox breaks out of the ice and basically kidnaps Vale and absconds with her to his magic shack in the woods. By the way, apparently he has a magical fortress that updates itself automatically with technology and it’s been just sitting around for 1,300 years because somehow he had this technology in the year 700. I do realize how ridiculous that explanation was but it wasn’t much more coherent in the book. Every time something nonsensical happened there would be an equally nonsensical line to explain why that happened. It honestly felt like the author didn’t know what was going on either and was quite obviously making it up as she goes. That way she could keep putting in anything she wanted regardless of it making actual sense or not. It was like she took every idea she had and threw them all at the wall and everything stuck. There were so many stupid explanations for things that were already stupid that I lost count of them…

Anyway, back to the story. Knox has kidnapped Vale and left her sister behind. Vale basically just gets dumber and dumber from here. She constantly finds herself attracted to Knox and has to keep reminding herself that he kidnapped her and she needs to find her sister. Mind you, he has done nothing to drug or alter her brain in any way. She’s literally so dumb that she keeps forgetting that she’s FUCKING KIDNAPPED! The sheer lack of any form of common sense on her part is honestly astounding. I didn’t think a character could be such an idiot that I genuinely thought they needed a helmet to protect the few brain cells she has left. And the kicker is she keeps talking like an imbecile who can’t form a sentence.


This takes us to approximately 25% of the way in and I had to throw in the towel. I couldn’t go forward with any hope that the story was going to be salvageable. I don’t know how this could have gone so far off the rails that it became unsalvageable. I’ve pretty much read everything Showalter's ever written so I feel like it’s safe for me to say that I’ve been feeling more and more that the recent Showalter books have gone down hill considerably compared to her earlier works. Her early books in the Lords of the Underworld series or the Alien Huntress series were great. There’s just been a subtle shift in the recent years and that spark that I loved about the stories seems to be missing. Maybe it’s me as a reader who’s grown out of her writing? I don't know what the disconnect is. I’ll still read other books by Gena Showalter in the future but now I feel like I’m going in with hesitation. I doubt I will ever go back and finish this but maybe I’ll do a spite read someday.

catwithbooks's review

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Eine neue Reihe aus der Feder von Gena Showalter. Ich liebe ja die Herren der Unterwelt von daher war ich jetzt gespannt wie diese Reihe ist.
Das Setting an sich hat mir gut gefallen. Krieger aus anderen Welten, die sich bekämpfen bis der Letzte fällt, damit in diesen Fall die Erde an ein anderes Königreich geht.
Damit ist diese Reihe sehr intergalaktisch.
Der Schreibstil ist gewohnt flüssig und einfach zu lesen. Was mich aber etwas sehr gestört hat, dass die Handlung diesmal etwas sehr streckenweise in den Hintergrund getreten ist.
Zu oft waren mir die beiden Charaktere Vale und Knox wild aufeinander. Das hat manchmal ein wenig die Handlung in Vergessenheit geraten. Dabei hatte das Ganze schon gutes Potenzial gehabt. Ich habe ja nichts gegen knisternde Leidenschaft, aber sieht hat diesmal einiges ausgebremst.
Die Charaktere haben mir an sich gut gefallen. Vale läßt sich nicht so einfach was gefallen und versucht das Beste aus ihrer Situation zu machen, dass ist mir meist lieber als ein hysterisches Mäuschen. Knox wird natürlich knallhart dargestellt, doch hinter seine Fassade steckt eine traurige Vergangenheit. Harte Schale, weicher Kern sozusagen.
Ich bin aber gespannt wie es um die Geschichte der Schwester bestellt ist und wie der Krieg um die Erde noch Enden wird. Ich denke nach dem Schlaf im Eis hat sich sehr viel getan und es wird noch die ein oder andere Überraschung für die Krieger da sein.