
An Unlikely Witch by Debora Geary

traecrochet's review

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I love this series, but this book is not my favorite at all. I couldn't relate to Nat or Jamie, because I've never struggled with infertility.

I thought it was very odd that an entire book was based on a vision from the first book, and that all these people in this town put such stock in a vision. I also felt like Nat was ignoring Kenna because she was so focused on the little boy from the vision. The only thing that moved this book from 2 stars to 3 stars was the ending with Benny. That was very sweet and almost brought me to tears.

whitmc's review

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Quickly losing my addiction to this series. The end was great, but getting there was painfully boring and depressing and also cheesy. Is it just me, or are the overt symbolic references increasing? It seems like every section within each chapter ends with a Meaningful Statement. I can't promise I will be reading the next in the series.

agrutle's review

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If you've read the first books you know all about Jamie and Nat's love story and the vision that Jamie had when he met Nat. A little boy playing in the snow. He's theirs as much as their baby girl Kenna is. Two years have passed though and no sight of the baby boy is there. Every month is a let down. Nat is naturally an upbeat person, but the negative tests every month are starting to wear on her. How could they be shown this vision but it not come true?

Again all of the usual Witch Central peeps are here. I just love Aervyn, his innocence and love shines through him. He's so powerful, but he's so giving and loving. He's the future and shares the love that is Witch Central. This one was a hard one for me. I've watched my sister struggle with infertility, I just wish I had a couple of healer witches to help her. These books are pure and simple magic.

cathydavies's review

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Deb's usual charmer. Have tissues handy.

been2boston's review

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The books in the Witch Central series are always an easy, compelling read, ones that I can't put down and can't wait to finish reading. This book, even more so.

I started reading this around 9 p.m. last night and could not put it down until it was done. My heart ached, reading about the struggles of this wonderful, complicated family and how they work together to help each other and make each others dreams come true.

Read this book. Block off a few hours, and grab a box of tissues, but know that the tissues will be used for heartbroken tears and tears of unbelievable joy.

misdawnty's review

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A perfect Winter Solstice gift. This newest witch central book tackled a harder subject than many and it was done beautifully. I laughed and cried and couldn't put it down. If you haven't started reading Debora Geary's books, you're missing out!

anovelstart's review

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Even better than the last book. Five stars all the way! In the very first A Modern Witch book, Jamie has a precog vision of his future wife and the little boy they will someday have. Well, precog isn't certain but when everything else has already happened, they're getting very eager for him to arrive. However, the only glimpse of him they've seen is him playing in the snow outside their home and knowing he's theirs...

This is such a sweet book that made me cry a bit in many places. The witching community really come together to help Nat and Jamie out; comforting them and trying to discover if there's any fertility problems. There's a real sense of community in this book; Nat tries to carry the load by herself but when the community realise this (thank to Super Boy), they're ready to help with all their love and support. One of my favourite parts in this book is when Nat asks for a young healers help, Ginia, who's only 11 years old. Nat says that you have to let go of some dreams to make room for new ones (like when her baby daughter couldn't fit into a toy bus), so please tell her if her bus is too small. It's such a good way to word it but no one else knows what this means.

Lauren's famous crystal ball makes another appearance in this book. Lauren finally tries to consult with it more often but it doesn't know what it's allowed to show her. By the end of the book they're both finally getting along, the journey is a bit rocky and very sweet! The crystal ball is one of my favourite characters (if you can call it that).

This book really makes you feel the emotions the characters feel. The way Geary writes lets you experience Nat and Jamie's journey somewhat realistically from the point of view of a friend, hence the crying when you read it bit. I'd definitely recommend this book, it's absolutely superb! A definite must read. Just to prove it, this is the second time I've read this book and it didn't disappoint.

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karak's review

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A great book! I needed to lock myself in the bathroom for the last 10% or so, so I could have an ugly cry all by myself and just absorb this book. It was wonderful.

sheribeth's review

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Love the Witch Central crew! This book brought me to tears several times, but delivered an amazing solstice story of love and family.

jenni_schaub's review

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Like all of Ms. Geary's books, this one is fun and heartfelt. I really enjoyed reading it and it left me in incredibly good spirits when I had finished. These books are like old friends to me. They may not be full of action, or the most sophisticated writing style, but they are fun, light-hearted and a good way to spend the afternoon. :)