
Consequences by Aleatha Romig

duchessrin's review against another edition

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It's been a while since I've DNFed a book and I'm sad that it had to be this.

It is no secret that I like fictional psychopaths and dark stories as long as they're well-woven and mind-blowing.

At first, I was confused with Claire's behavior. The biggest question I had was why? Why would you say that you love the person who beat you up to unconsciousness and injured you so much it took you weeks to wake up and months to recover? That's just fifty shades of fucked up.

In my attempt to understand such mindset, I had to read an article to at least get a gist of a Stockholm Syndrome victim's mentality and suffice to say, she really did fit the profile. But she was also dumb.

When she decided to marry Tony, my patience was waning thin. When she started alienating her family, I decided to finally DNF this. Aside from the book being too long, it's hard for me to just “understand her situation” each time she got thoughts that were difficult for me to process as a normal person.

The writing was also too detached that contrasted and killed the dark atmosphere the book had.

Reading a book with a heroine I could not sympathize with, a hero I could never bring myself to like, and a prose that bored me most of the time, I finally decided it's time to stop.

samorza's review against another edition

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nurlogy's review against another edition

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Original rating 3.5 stars
Wow it took me forever to figure this book out. I couldn’t quite place it to any genre I read before and I didn’t know where the story was going, which made everything in the end so much more exciting.
I was so sure I wouldn’t continue with the next book, since I didn’t really liked this one until the 70% mark but let’s just throw all cautions out of the window and see how this story continues.

Update 22. September 2018
It’s been more than 3 weeks and I can’t get this book out of my mind. Such a mindfuck. I need to finish my currently reading just to read the next book in this series.

novelesque_life's review against another edition

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"Every action has consequences.

Waking in an unfamiliar bedroom in a luxurious mansion, Claire Nichols is terrified to discover that a chance encounter led her into the cruel hands of her abductor, Anthony Rawlings. Claire has no understanding of why she's there, but it's been made abundantly clear--she is now his acquisition and every action has consequences.

Learn the rules to survive.

Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive her new reality--every aspect of her livelihood depends upon the tall, dark-eyed tycoon who is a true master of deception. Driven by unknown demons, he has no tolerance for imperfection, in any aspect of his life, including his recent acquisition. Anthony may appear to the world as a handsome, benevolent businessman, but in reality Claire knows firsthand that he's a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as you're told, public failure is not an option, and appearances are of the utmost importance.

Captivate the captor.

To fit together the pieces of the puzzle, Claire must follow his rules. Will her plan work, or will Anthony become enthralled by Claire's beauty, resilience, and determination, changing the game forever? If that happens, will either of them survive the consequences?" (From Amazon)

You can't say too much about this novel without revealing too much but I will say that I really enjoyed this book. This psychological thriller has twists and turns that leave you literally with your mouth open. I would not classify this novel as a romance in anyway but I enjoyed it for the suspense.

serialbookstarter's review against another edition

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This book reminds me of an old Sidney Sheldon novel. Anthony is one of those psycho control freak characters that you can’t quite wrap your brain around. There’s a scene where he almost beats the Fmc to death… but he’s sorry. Thanks but no thanks! Still I read on. The writing is good but verbose. I did skim because—- took much irrelevant detail at times. Overall good though and I want to find out what
Happens next.

jazkc's review against another edition

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DNF at 40%

Considering this is my 3rd DNF from this author I think it’s safe to say she just isn’t for me. Her penchant for completely pointless filler chapters that drag and drag and drag… I’m quite literally falling asleep.

cokdramatic's review against another edition

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I am thoroughly mind-fucked. Damn you, Anthony Rawlings!!!

saluki's review against another edition

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I'm sort of shell-shocked by that ending. Like car-crash TV, I can't help but continue because I'm curious where these characters will end up.

At first I thought Anthony was a misogynistic evil entity, he's so cold and domineering. For Claire, I felt empathy one moment, yet found I wanted to scream at her the next! Three-quarters through the book I still wasn't sure if Stockholm Syndrome applied.

For Tony, appearance is all, and actions have consequences. Crazy mind games are played out to ensure his total control. There is lots of sex which isn't graphic. There is a lot of emotional manipulation and physical abuse which is both violent and tender. It was difficult for me to guess where the last fifty pages would go.

I can't say whether or not my opinions on Tony or Claire have changed by the conclusion of Consequences without giving spoilers, but one thing is sure... this tale is not for the faint-hearted reader.

pghreader's review against another edition

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I knew nothing about this book before I took a blind recommendation. It is definitely a psychological thriller, complete with so many moments of shock. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a dark thriller that contains no elves, magic or vampires. Just people... regular, everyday people.

aschae's review against another edition

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Started reading this book after the series was recommended to me and all I can say is OMG!? My emotions were all over the place reading this... Another dark series that will totally screw with your head yet make you just want to read more! Totally hooked & must read the rest of the series!?