
La Voleuse D'Ames, by Rachel Vincent

chllybrd's review against another edition

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Kaylee, Nash and Tod help a pop star to get her soul back from the hellion that she sold it to before she dies. Kaylee is also trying to adjust with having her father back in her life and living with him. I wasn't crazy about this book. I still like the characters and all but I couldn't stay connected with what was happening for most of the book.

lavendermarch's review against another edition

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This followed Addy, Tod's ex-girlfriend, and Tod, Nash, and Kaylee's attempts to help her retrieve her soul from a hellion. It was pretty good, and I liked how Kaylee learned more about the Netherworld and hellions in this book. I wasn't sure if I would continue rereading the series, but I think I will, as book two was quite enjoyable.
SpoilerIt's book four I dislike because of Sabine's arrival and Nash's addiction to Demon's Breath. I don't mind Sabine later on, but she's a real bitch in that book.
3.5 stars.

ciaralo's review against another edition

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(Originally posted at

I love to re-read books. I know a lot of people who never do, but I adore it. I find you notice so many more things the second (or third, or forth, etc.) time around than you do the first and it often really adds to the story. Characters are seen in a different light, actions take on entirely different meanings, and little hints are finally noticed. In the case of My Soul to Save, it made me like the characters AND the plot line that much more.

Now, I liked My Soul to Save the first time around, but it wasn't as amazing as My Soul to Take. I thought the plot was a bit out there, and I was still very frustrated with Kaylee. This time I have to say, I really saw where the plot was heading, and my respect for Kaylee was definitely more than previously. Since I don't want to give out any spoilers for future books, I can't really say what I noticed about the plot, just that it plays a role in the next few novels. One thing about the plot I was really excited to notice is the "greed" element. A little while back, Rachel Vincent wrote a blog post (WARNING: The post contains spoilers for the series) about how each book was based on a seven deadly sin. My Soul to Take was vanity, and My Soul to Save was greed. I could definitely see where Vincent took that idea, and how she threaded it through each characters story line. Really fun to read about!

I also have to say, I was really proud of Kaylee. My first time reading it, I was always aggravated by her decisions and just her personality in general. This time, I could see where she was coming from and although she didn't always make the smartest choices, she made them with the best of intentions.

I also loved getting to see Tod's flawed side. His sarcastic attitude and casual smirk took a backseat to his raw emotions in this book. I think it was fantastic to see a different side of him, and really added to his character.

Overall, My Soul to Save grabbed me, even reading it a second time. I was pulled into the fight to save Addison's soul, Kaylee's unrelenting courage to do just that, and all the emotion turmoil that this quest entailed. It was a ride, a heart-breaker, and just generally a fantastic book. Make sure to check out Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamer series, if you haven't already. Mythical creatures, heart-breaking characters, and kissing (lots of it) all wrapped up in one delicious series!

If it sounds good to you, why not make it even better and take part in the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge! It's a bit late into it, but it's very easy to catch up! These books will not let you go until you're finished!

- Ciara who is lost at midnight

mrsjkamp's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

These books are pretty good. Definitely moving on to the next one.

berls's review against another edition

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For more reviews, see: Fantasy is More Fun

My Initial Reaction...
What a fun read! This series is gradually getting better and better; it's definitely worth sticking with past the first book.

The Narration...
Once again Amanda Ronconi hits it out of the park. She brings each and every character to life, with a distinct personality that perfectly matches their written descriptions. I especially like the way Ronconi's style so beautifully embodies Kaylee's vivacious personality.

The Characters...
Kaylee is continuing to learn more about what it means to be a female banshee and her relationship with Nash is growing deeper and more complex. Add to that the complications of her new-found relationship with her father and Kaylee's becoming a very complex individual. What I love best about her though is her constant conviction to do what her conscious dictates. She's insistent on putting her "gift" to good use, even if she has to fudge the lines of right and wrong a bit to do it. And unlike some young adult heroines, Kaylee is not a whiney teenager. She's remarkable grown up and responsible, most of the time. And she has a heart of gold.

Nash is a well-written character, but in my opinion, also a weak one. He's supportive of Kaylee, but so far she's much stronger than him. She's running the show and he's along for the ride, whether he thinks it's a good idea or not. He's sweet, but I wish he showed some of the strength that Kaylee does.

The character we get to know best in this book is Nash's brother, Todd. He's a complex character, trying to straddle the line between life and death; his responsibilities as a reaper have taught him to view life differently, yet he still has ties to the living. Like his brother Nash, he's fiercely loyal, and like Kaylee, he's willing to fudge a few lines to what he feels is right. It's no wonder that these three get into so much trouble!

The Story...
In this book we pick up with Nash and Kaylee at a concert that Todd has gotten them into; the opening act is an ex-girlfriend of his (not that she knows that Todd is alive) and he's clearly excited to see her. But while they're backstage watching, the pop-star drops dead... and Kaylee feels no need to scream. First she thinks that the girl has just passed out, but then Nash informs her that he's here to watch a "special" reaping. He's in awe, until he realizes that same special reaper will be coming for his ex, Addison, in just a few days time. Kaylee's learned she can't stop death, but when she learns the stakes are higher - Addison's very soul is at stake - she follows her conscience and her heart to do all she can to save the young pop star.

Their journey to save Addison is an exciting one. We learn more about Kaylee's abilities and the supernatural world that she is part of. They embark on dangerous adventurous, crossing lines we've only seen glimpses of so far. I found their experiences thrilling and more than once I was anxious about what would happen to several of the characters. Much more exciting and less exciting than the last book.

Concluding Sentiments...
A very fun, engaging read! Vincent managed to throw in some surprises that made the book all the more unexpected and left me eager to read the next one. This series is quickly becoming one of my favorites!

nightshade_novels's review against another edition

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Having enjoyed the first book in this series I was interested to see where the story would go next and I wasn’t disappointed. I enjoyed the fact that we are getting to learn more about the Bean Sidhe and the Reapers and the different skills that they have. I also like the insight we are getting into the Netherworld and the creatures and plants that live there.
I was surprised by how well thought out the plans were that the teens made, it wasn’t just lets run into this very dangerous situation and hope that it will work itself out. I was also amused by the way in which her father’s interference really didn’t make much difference.
I’ll be interested to see if Sophie has much more of an appearance in the series as her part now seems to be limited to being a walking hateful reminder of the events of the first book.
All in all I was happy with this book as a good light read.

exhaleartist's review against another edition

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I read this originally a few years ago, and I enjoyed it. However, this was the last book in the series I read, although I cannot figure out why. I enjoyed this just as much as the first book. Rachel Vincent has created a fun, entertaining, and unique series that stands apart from many of the stereotypical vampire and werewolf books out there.

Kaylee remains a fantastic heroine, if for no other reason than the fact that she is willing to sacrifice everything to save someone else. She is such a selfless character, but at the same time she does not come across as someone who is annoyingly good. I will mention briefly that Nash remains an adorable, ideal boyfriend, but otherwise I do not have a whole lot to say about him. Tod, however, I adore. There are so many issues with his role, and his morality can be questionable, but he is so intriguing. Addison, as I stated in my original review of this, is best addition to this book. At first she just seemed like an annoying drama queen, but her character expanded & changed perfectly. All of which lead up to my favorite scene of the book, which I can’t discuss because it’d be too spoiler-y. Let’s just say it was my favorite moment from either of the books.

Once again this book is an action-packed, nonstop read. The danger reaches even higher heights than the first book. This is one book that you will want to read in one sitting. We get to know a lot more about the bean sidhes and the world of the Nether, which is unique and adds a whole new layer to the story. The only thing I wish there had been more of was Kaylee’s best friend, Emma. Her brief scenes in this book were awesome, but I would love to see even more of her.

All in all, I think this book built nicely upon the characters and setting set forth in the first book. This is an engaging, adventurous series, and I cannot wait to see where it heads next. I am so glad I participated in Rachel’s Soul Screamer Challenge, and I would highly recommend that you join in if you enjoy a good paranormal romance with a perfect cast of characters.

First read: ?
Second read: 2-24-12
Third read: 8-23-15
Fourth read: 6-11-18

jenbsbooks's review against another edition

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3.5 ... I didn't like this as much as the first two (or first 1.5). This one just felt much more "teenybopper" to me. Maybe it was the focus on teen stars selling their souls, and I didn't have as much sympathy for them, they did get themselves into this mess. So I guess I just didn't care as much or get as emotionally involved. Also, with a book aimed at teens, the sex stepped up (ok, there wasn't any actual sex because they kept getting interrupted, but lots of moaning and flushing and talk of desire). I'm fine with it in an adult book, but don't care for it as much in a book with young girls as the target audience.

Just the demons, reapers, Netherworld and all the creatures there, it reminded me more of an episode of Supernatural, but still a little too much funny stuff to be taken seriously.

bluuejeans's review against another edition

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Book twentyeight/fiftytwo;
It nice reading the soul screaming books again. its been a while. I don't feel it though, not as good as the first one. No more on that..too bad they couldn't save Addy and Tods all emo reaper. Book three here I come.

fcbgiulia's review against another edition

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Non mi ha conquistata tanto come il primo libro, più che altro perché io non le avrei aiutate xD come sono crudele u.u
A parte questo "piccolo" problema la storia è sempre carina e si legge velocemente ;)
Vedremo cosa ci riservano i prossimi libri della serie ✌️