
Apollo Is Mine by Mila Young

summerseeds's review against another edition

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hot mess. HOT MESS. hOt MeSs.

Also my love of Hades and Persephone makes me hate this on a very spiritual level.

And yet! It’s super readable and I enjoyed it enough to pick up the second book.

kcoventry13's review against another edition

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I had a bit of a love and dislike relationship with this book (I don't want to say hate because I didn't hate this but at the same time I wasn't in LOVE LOVE with this book).

First of all, let's start with Elyse, our heroine. Let's just start off and say she's pretty awesome. Like seriously, with the amount of fighting and workout she! I love her style! She's able to take on some of the fiercest creatures that are lurking in Chicago and kick some serious butt! Plus, the sarcasm and her outlook on how she responds to things. She's got some sass!

The downside about Elyse...she constantly...I mean CONSTANTLY...complains about not having a normal life, not being able to be with anyone, and of course her family is gone and she can't let them down. I know the path of a hero is pretty repetitive at times. Hero loses family and does what they can to prove themselves and get revenge for their lost ones. But...*groans*...that's all Elyse talks about! Besides her attraction with the gods, that's all we hear every few pages. I know you lost everyone close to you and all...but I can only take hearing the same broken record for so long.

However, as the story progressed, I started to really feel bad for her. I mean, it's true. She can't have a normal life or else it will end in horrible disaster, for her and for humanity. My annoyance faded away and I felt really bad for her. She is trying her best.

Now...let's move on to the other men in her life. Apollo (which he should be the main part of the book) and the God of the Underworld, Hades (which he had a bigger part in this story than Apollo did!).

Apollo....geez....I really wanted to see more of him in the story, but seriously! He's only in the story for maybe...a total of 40-50 pages all together. I mean...the book is about him! It says it in the title! The scenes he was in...well he's gorgeous and wants to stay on Earth, but honestly there not much of a character development for him. Especially when it comes to his attraction with Elyse. I knew what I was getting into when I started this book. (Gods have instant attraction and fall in love instantaneously!) But oh my gosh...that bothered me soooo much. He was in love with her after one heated encounter! They barely talk! Yes, when they do talk, it's romantic and cheesy...but seriously...I wish there was more talk between them. However, I'm not going to deny that the heat between them wasn't there. Oh was definitely there!

Now...Hades...he was soooo entertaining! He actually had depth to him! I honestly wanted to read more about him than Apollo! He's so dramatic about things, but I could definitely relate to him. He complains about a lot of stuff, but after seeing what he goes through...I don't blame him one bit! The banter between him and Elyse was definitely the best part of this. I was giggling every time they threw insults at one another. And the heat....oooooh boy! I wanted more!!! But I guess I'll have to see how their attraction goes in the other books.

As for Heracles, I loved the brotherly relationship with Elyse. He cares about her and tries to do whatever he can to help her train. Plus, he gives good advice. But I will say this...part of the book....Heracles with Fruit Loops.

Overall...this book was...pretty well done but at the same time, not perfect. The story seemed a little disjointed at times, but it kept me reading. Seriously, I couldn't put it down despite some of the over the top cheesiness. The fight scenes were superb! I'm not a huge fan for fight scenes, but these ones were well done! Loved them!

The heated moments...I really wished there was more. I'm not complaining for the lack of them, I just hope there will be more in the future. Honestly, I thoroughly enjoyed what was given ;)

And there was a lack of character development in this story. But maybe there will be some in the future books.

I hope when Poseidon comes...things will get ever more intense!

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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I have to admit that the world of RH is still pretty new to me. I finished the Underland series and really loved that one and yesterday I read the first Royal Trials book and enjoyed that one too. But, I felt like I wanted to read another one now, so I picked this one up.

Let me be honest: Plot wise this book is by far the weaker of the three series I've read. There is some plot woven into this, but at the moment it's hard to see where it will be going and what purpose it actually serves. It feels like in this book the very thin plot actually is just there to serve the sex scenes and the Harem forming very quickly, based on insta-love and insta-lust.

The characters involved, Elise, Apollo, Hades and in a way also Hercules, are not very developed. Apart from their Godly traits or the destiny pushed on their shoulders, they don't really seem to have a very impressive or complicated personality. But hey, they're all muscled, handsome and entertaining and sometimes that's all a reader wants, right?

For now, this book was amusing and the kind of read I wanted. But, I'd classify it truly as a guilty pleasure. The sex scenes are nice and well written, but the characters and the plot are weak and thin. I'll certainly pick up the second book at some point, but it's not that I really need and want to know what happens next. It's more that I'm sure the second book will be a nice and easy read on a very bad day when I can't concentrate on anything too serious or dramatic.

readingwithmarianna's review against another edition

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stretched far too long for what it rlly is

gypsydawn's review against another edition

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A bit fast, changes up the mythology quite a bit, but still a decent story that looks like it’s going places.

tealybop's review against another edition

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Just what I was looking for

I was looking for a new RH and preferably one involving the Gods (Ares specifically) and I’m glad I stumbled across this! Elyse is a tough gal who I liked right away and the Gods have all peaked my interest too. The chemistry is spot on and the steam fits just right too. There is a cliffhanger but it’s definitely worth the read. On to the next I go to see what Poseidon brings to the table!

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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Too Fast

The action and plot are interesting, but the theme here seems to be too fast, as in know each other only a few days and in love, one seriously wrongs the other, despite having good reason and forgiveness is offered at the first hint of apology. Everything is instant on the emotional side which makes it unrealistic. And I kind of feel like the character building and even some of the plot is being sacrificed to make room for more sex scenes. I like a good sex scene as much as the next girl, but not at the expense of the characters or plot which are far more important in creating a good book.

solaana's review against another edition

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The cover is indicative of the mess inside.

moonbites's review against another edition

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I was really into this in the beginning when we were getting a look into the world and getting to know our main character. But, when the sexy stuff started happening I found I was bored. This is a harem romance, which I haven't really read these kinds of romances before besides harem manga which is pretty different. I felt because there was so much sex I was like, OK can we get back to the story now?. I also didn't feel invested in anyone's relationship, because it was mostly physical.

Not sure if I will check out the rest of the series or not. It was a quick and easy read, I just didn't feel invested in the end.

If you like lots of sex and Greek gods in modern day then this may be the book for you!

mrose21's review against another edition

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Quick Info
Standalone/Cliffhanger?: Standalone
Part of a Series?: Yes
Meeting the Characters
What happens?
Elyse is the last of her family fighting for the safety of human kind.
Hades comes to earth wanting to escape his wife who no longer loves him like he no longer loves her. Elyse is determined to stop X and Hades from wreaking havoc on the world with Apollo and Hades taking turns to wreak havoc with her heart.
Final thoughts
This just doesn't really do it for me, I'll try the next book out of curiosity but I don't think I'll be in a hurry to read this.
Would I read again?: Yes
Would I read this author again?: Yes