
Meghan: A Hollywood Princess by Andrew Morton

serenabereading's review against another edition

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It was fun listening about Meghan Markle's life before she became Dutchess of Sussex. I like how it started off talking about great great grandparents and how her fathers side is linked to the royal family. It really tripped me out when I first learned Meghan's dad did the lighting on Married With Children and that Meghan visited the set often. She's always had a loving and giving spirit thanks to her mother Doria (we ain't giving daddy no credit). It sounds like her half siblings were always TRASH. It's funny how people assumed her black side would be the side to run to the media but her white side is the most ratchet ghetto trash alive. I wish her dad, brother and sister would stfu...especially the sister. How the sister disses Meghan any chance she gets makes it crystal clear why Megan doesn't eff with them. It's cool though because she's WINNING. I also need Harry to check his racist family members (I'm sure he has) because I had forgotten about the woman that wore a racist broach to dinner. She knew exactly what she was doing old stupid ass heffa. Racists gonna racist. Meghan is a gorgeous biracial woman who they wanted to ASSume is some ghetto ho but has more class in her little finger than the royal family combined. It was also interesting to hear about her life with her ex husband. I'm glad she dropped him like a bad habit and got with a PRINCE. This is a modern day fairy tale and I love every bit of it. I know many don't see it for Morton but I enjoyed this.

fdarlene491's review against another edition

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Andrew Morton gives us an often contradictory sometimes confusing profile of the now Duchess of Sussex. On one hand Morton describes her as a philanthropist concerned about women's rights and the plight of the poor while on the other hand she's a cold calculating social climber. A portrait of this dichotomy leaves the reader with a sense that with Meghan it's all in the perspective of the person interviewed. Those left behind bitter about their experiences or those still in her good graces with only praises to sing. A woman who throws herself wholeheartedly into a cause, job, or friendship and then able to casually move on to the next rung on the ladder without one look back. While people by our very nature are complex creatures with layers like an onion Morton gives us no layers to peel back. Selfless or self serving, take your pick.

nitza_samaniego's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


sunset8305's review against another edition

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I totally devoured this book! It provided so many details on her upbringing and background, along with how she got where she is today. Next up: Harry’s bio!

teklagyorgy's review against another edition

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A könyves csoportomban azt írtam olvasás közben, hogy igazi reménysugár ez a kötet, mert a szerintem mai elvárásokkal szemben itt van Meghan, aki 35 évesen ért révbe, akkor talált rá a szerelem, akkor változott meg egy csapásra az élete, noha ha nem csak a királyi családot nézzük, akkor is harmincon felül volt, amikor végre olyan szerepet kapott, amiből meg tudott élni, akkor indult be a blogja, és akkor kezdte el a jószolgálati nagyköveti önkénteskedést is. Tudom, hogy manapság már nagyon mások a határok, mint 10-20-30 évvel ezelőtt, de valahogy még mindig tartja magát az a beidegződés, hogy ha 30 éves korodig nem értél révbe, akkor az bizony elgondolkodtató, ebben az életrajzban pedig pont ez körvonalazódik, hogy akkor sincs semmi gond, mert megesik, és nem vagyunk egyformák. Ez egészen önös gondolat és reménysugár, de ahogyan olvastam, örültem annak, hogy nem csak mi, földi halandók küzdünk ezekkel a dolgokkal, nem mellesleg Meghan folyamatosan küzdött, ami szintén egy egészen nagy löketet ad az olvasónak.

A kötet második fele pedig természetesen a Harry herceggel való kapcsolatáról szól, hogy hogyan ismerkedtek meg, hogy hogyan próbálták eldönteni, mi legyen velük a nagy távolság ellenére, majd pedig amikor kitudódott, hogyan küzdöttek a sajtóval. Utóbbi igen elszomorító volt számomra, hiszen Meghant szó szerint szétszedték, hogy biztosan csak egy aranyásó, és nézzük meg hol és hogyan vannak most – noha a könyv még az esküvő előtt jelent meg.

caity_c's review against another edition

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Meghan Markle is a controversial figure. She has received criticism for her ethnicity, career choices and previous failed relationship. She is not perfect. Yet who is? Morton does a beautiful job of eloquently describing events throughout Meghan’s life. I was invested in the story and inspired by Markle’s determination to succeed and make a difference with her new found celebrity status. Nobody can help who they fall in love with or the timing of love. Meghan and Harry seem very happy together and I am happy for them.
This book was well sequenced and fascinating. The information of Markle’s feminist nature was by far my favourite chapter, very inspiring. Personally, this book just wasn’t anything reMARKLEable.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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Andrew Morton was determined to get the first biography of Meghan Markle out on the bookshelves, in the same way that he quickly got a book out about the state of Diana's marriage after being asked to do so. I have no idea if this book was done with Meghan's permission or not but it was rushed out before the wedding had even taken place. In my personal view it might have been in his best interests to take a bit more time over it and get a more balanced biography, rather than this somewhat dull, lacklustre and gushing version.

It goes into Meghan's upbringing, as expected, looking at the lives of her parents Doria and Thomas and their brief marriage and divorce. Thomas is portrayed as the workaholic who didn't spend as much time with his family but was a skilled man who rose to the top of his industry. He used those skills to do the lighting on Meghan's school plays in spite of his busy schedule and taught her how to pose for cameras, which of course became useful in later life. He got her a walk on part in General Hospital. It also goes into the sometimes chaotic situation in the Markle household with his kid's from a previous marriage-Samantha and Thomas Jnr. This was ok to read but I would've liked more from Thomas and Samantha than was covered, and there was nothing about a big fall out between Meghan and Samantha to indicate why they were estranged.

It then followed Meghan's crusading schooldays, encouraged by her father, her school drama performances and how things changed when she went to college. It looked at her volunteer work and all of the things that the media have previously written about. However it also delved back generations of the family tree which really did bog down the book for me. If I'm reading a biography of someone, I want to read about that person rather than their great grandparents. This section felt more like an essay on genetics rather than entertaining prose and I started skimming through it until we got to Meghan and her parents, the relevant bit. I'm not a great fan of the childhood bits of any biography but it is relevant to the biography so it was right that it was there.

Next we got the ups and downs of Meghan's career-her appearances on Deal Or No Deal, the bit parts in films, the failed pilots that she had set her heart on. These details were interesting as were the few details we got about her marriage to Trevor. It seemed to go on about Meghan's disappointment that he wasn't pulling enough strings to further her career and perhaps wasn't ambitious enough for the life she wanted. Anyway, there is a short bit about her wedding and not much about what happened during the Suits years, which was pretty disappointing. Instead there is a huge focus on where she dined, her food and fashion choices and a ton of detail about everything she put on her lifestyle blog The Tig. It was too much Tig and not enough about her acting career. There was plenty about her celebrity friends, her relationship with a celebrity chef that she set out to hook, and it gives the impression that she just dumps anyone of no further use to her and moves on unaffected, but we only got the glowing pro-Meghan version from Morton.

The few bits about Meghan and Harry were interesting, especially when it talked about the Royals exchanging funny Christmas gifts. I would've loved to be there the year that Harry gave the Queen a shower cap with 'Life's A Bitch!' written on it! Another gift from Harry to the Queen was that cool singing fish Big Mouth Billy Bass. I always wanted one of them! It might have given the idea for Meghan to present the Queen with a singing hamster, which the corgis took an unhealthy interest in...I'd have liked more about her meetings with the Royals as this was lacking in the book.

Where this book fails is that it doesn't go into the details that people want to know about Meghan's pre-Royal life. Why were Samantha and Thomas Jnr not at her wedding? Why did she actually leave her husband and why exactly did he react badly to anyone mentioning her name after that? Why did her childhood friend break all contact with Meghan after that marriage split? What happened to end her relationship with the chef? How was the blind date with Harry set up and by who? It also lacked in any detail that we didn't already know about Meghan and Harry. It is also gushing in how much the author seems to adore Meghan, a style that I found quite annoying. It seemed that he was reluctant to say anything negative about her life or choices and instead just didn't much mention these things. Oh and I'd like to tell Morton that the film 'Deep Blue Sea' was about mako, NOT great white sharks so maybe he should've checked his facts.

There is no doubt in my mind that Morton wanted to get the first pro-Meghan book out there to cash in on the new interest in her with the Royal engagement. It did have known facts about her early life but had little in the areas that I was looking for. Most of the first half of the book was full of stuff I could've read on the internet myself, and very little of real interest from the Suits era and beyond. I hope that more interesting and detailed books will follow covering that part of her life, especially now that Megxit has happened.

2 star/2.5 in places.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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Andrew Morton was determined to get the first biography of Meghan Markle out on the bookshelves, in the same way that he quickly got a book out about the state of Diana's marriage after being asked to do so. I have no idea if this book was done with Meghan's permission or not but it was rushed out before the wedding had even taken place. In my personal view it might have been in his best interests to take a bit more time over it and get a more balanced biography, rather than this somewhat dull, lacklustre and gushing version.

It goes into Meghan's upbringing, as expected, looking at the lives of her parents Doria and Thomas and their brief marriage and divorce. Thomas is portrayed as the workaholic who didn't spend as much time with his family but was a skilled man who rose to the top of his industry. He used those skills to do the lighting on Meghan's school plays in spite of his busy schedule and taught her how to pose for cameras, which of course became useful in later life. He got her a walk on part in General Hospital. It also goes into the sometimes chaotic situation in the Markle household with his kid's from a previous marriage-Samantha and Thomas Jnr. This was ok to read but I would've liked more from Thomas and Samantha than was covered, and there was nothing about a big fall out between Meghan and Samantha to indicate why they were estranged.

It then followed Meghan's crusading schooldays, encouraged by her father, her school drama performances and how things changed when she went to college. It looked at her volunteer work and all of the things that the media have previously written about. However it also delved back generations of the family tree which really did bog down the book for me. If I'm reading a biography of someone, I want to read about that person rather than their great grandparents. This section felt more like an essay on genetics rather than entertaining prose and I started skimming through it until we got to Meghan and her parents, the relevant bit. I'm not a great fan of the childhood bits of any biography but it is relevant to the biography so it was right that it was there.

Next we got the ups and downs of Meghan's career-her appearances on Deal Or No Deal, the bit parts in films, the failed pilots that she had set her heart on. These details were interesting as were the few details we got about her marriage to Trevor. It seemed to go on about Meghan's disappointment that he wasn't pulling enough strings to further her career and perhaps wasn't ambitious enough for the life she wanted. Anyway, there is a short bit about her wedding and not much about what happened during the Suits years, which was pretty disappointing. Instead there is a huge focus on where she dined, her food and fashion choices and a ton of detail about everything she put on her lifestyle blog The Tig. It was too much Tig and not enough about her acting career. There was plenty about her celebrity friends, her relationship with a celebrity chef that she set out to hook, and it gives the impression that she just dumps anyone of no further use to her and moves on unaffected, but we only got the glowing pro-Meghan version from Morton.

The few bits about Meghan and Harry were interesting, especially when it talked about the Royals exchanging funny Christmas gifts. I would've loved to be there the year that Harry gave the Queen a shower cap with 'Life's A Bitch!' written on it! Another gift from Harry to the Queen was that cool singing fish Big Mouth Billy Bass. I always wanted one of them! It might have given the idea for Meghan to present the Queen with a singing hamster, which the corgis took an unhealthy interest in...I'd have liked more about her meetings with the Royals as this was lacking in the book.

Where this book fails is that it doesn't go into the details that people want to know about Meghan's pre-Royal life. Why were Samantha and Thomas Jnr not at her wedding? Why did she actually leave her husband and why exactly did he react badly to anyone mentioning her name after that? Why did her childhood friend break all contact with Meghan after that marriage split? What happened to end her relationship with the chef? How was the blind date with Harry set up and by who? It also lacked in any detail that we didn't already know about Meghan and Harry. It is also gushing in how much the author seems to adore Meghan, a style that I found quite annoying. It seemed that he was reluctant to say anything negative about her life or choices and instead just didn't much mention these things. Oh and I'd like to tell Morton that the film 'Deep Blue Sea' was about mako, NOT great white sharks so maybe he should've checked his facts.

There is no doubt in my mind that Morton wanted to get the first pro-Meghan book out there to cash in on the new interest in her with the Royal engagement. It did have known facts about her early life but had little in the areas that I was looking for. Most of the first half of the book was full of stuff I could've read on the internet myself, and very little of real interest from the Suits era and beyond. I hope that more interesting and detailed books will follow covering that part of her life, especially now that Megxit has happened.

2 star/2.5 in places.

ltsakmann's review against another edition

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Interesting and timely. Didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know but fun and quick.

esw_reads's review against another edition

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Yeah no. Please save yourself from eternal boredom and DO NOT read this book. I hado stop. I couldn't finish. It just wasn't happening. It like only talked about her ancestors story's, and I wonder if the author knows these things for sure, or if that's just what he guessed happened? Well I mean, if u need to know more about Megan, go ahead...... If you want to live.... DONT