
Cold Memory by Leslie A. Kelly

gawronma's review

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What a nice romantic suspense story with a little paranormal thrown in. The characters are interesting and it never hurts to throw in a little romance with a mystery.

mousegoddess's review

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Need lighter fare rn

supernatural116's review

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I’ve been waiting so long for more releases in this series! I love the premise, investigators using their paranormal talents to catch murderers, finding love along the way. I read the first two books a long time ago and remember LOVING them, though I haven’t re-read them recently (something I’m definitely going to have to fix soon!). This newest installment was very good, though I feel like it was missing some depth. I would have enjoyed learning more about Mick’s uncles and seeing him interact with his co-workers. And it would have been fun to see more of Mick and Gypsy’s history and carnival life in general. But this book kept me entertained and guessing until the very end, with more than a few heart-wrenching moments thrown in as well, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Derek and Julia!

kristimb's review

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Solid mystery

I have enjoyed this author's stories for awhile now. This was a good mystery and a nice romance. I look forward to the next book in the series.

mslizalou's review

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I've loved Leslie Kelly's books since I first discovered her writing. I adore her sexy romances, but truly believe she found her voice when she started writing her darker paranormal romance/romantic suspense books. Seriously her Black CATs and Extrasensory Agents books keep me on the edge of my seat while reading and even awake at night as I don't want to stop reading until I know everything that has happened. Cold Memory is absolutely another winner in the Extrasensory Agents series.

First let me just say finding out Mick's history with his grandfather had me crying like a freaking baby. It's not very often I want to throat-punch a character, but I wanted to throat-punch his grandfather. His abuse of an innocent child had me ready to kill a fictional character, and I can only remember that happening with one character before in another series.

I love that Mick and Gypsy had known each other as kids. No they really weren't friends growing up, but because they had both been around the carnival, they understood the lifestyle and how to work to solve the mystery before someone they both love is a victim. I liked that Gypsy and Mick both gave each other crap from childhood even as adults. However, I absolutely loved how Gypsy went out of her way to be in Mick's environment without causing him issues later. Mick's touch ability has always kept him from letting too many people into his home and his life. I loved that Gypsy thought of ways to keep Mick's home safe from her presences as much as possible. I absolutely loved seeing Mick and Gypsy grow closer and finally act on the attraction that had been building between them from the moment they saw each other again.

I'm usually pretty good about figuring out the who-done-it in a romantic suspense. I will say I figured out the why long before I figured out the who. With each new murder it was easier and easier to see a connection between the characters. I was very surprised with the death of a character that had nothing to do with the other murders occurred. I understood it needed to happen, but I had really come to like this character, so it broke my heart to witness that death.

Ms. Kelly kept me on the edge of my seat pretty much from the start of Cold Memory. It had all the elements of a great romance, with the addition of paranormal elements and suspense, which I absolutely adore. I'm so glad to see we will get more books in the Extrasensory Agents series in the future and am still hoping for one particular character's story. I highly recommend Cold Memory to all readers who love romances with strong paranormal and suspenseful elements.

Rating: 5 Stars (A)