
Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent

lynseyisreading's review

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Too depressing for my tastes.

You'd really have to be in the mood for some darkly disturbing stuff to enjoy this because Kori's character is really not in a good place after being raped, tortured and confined for weeks prior to the beginning of the story. Add in the deceptive, manipulative thoughts from the love interest as it's told once again in alternating first person POV's between the H and h, and it's clear it's not going to lighten up any time soon.

This was a DNF for me, despite reaching well past the mid-way point.

chelseavbc's review

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This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

Reading Shadow Bound is an experience. A heady, dark journey that causes one to dip into both ends of the emotional spectrum, often in rapid succession.

I had to read this book in smaller chunks over 10 days because the material is very heavy and emotional. That didn’t diminish Rachel Vincent’s brilliance here. Heroine Kori’s journey strips her raw and forces her to second guess everything — kindness from others, promises, the future, the past and even her own reactions.

Hero Ian doesn’t even understand the game he’s playing. And there’s a game here. When he finally understands why Kori refused to trust his genuine interest in her, his world — and what he knew about her, her sister and the syndicate — changes. Significantly.

Shadow Bound plays with your emotions. It’s twisted. And dark. And heartbreaking. And, really, a complete mindfuck. In the most glorious way.

I was horrified and hopeful reading Shadow Bound because the characters’ emotions are so strong you can’t help but take them into yourself. Reading Shadow Bound is an intense journey — maybe even painful — but it’s worth every agonizing moment.

Sexual content: Sex

thecozyreaderwbo's review

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eARC via NetGalley from Harlequin UK (my request should have been declined because it was the UK publisher but I was so excited it was approved!).

My Grade
Plot: 5
Setting: 4
Writing: 4
Originality: 5
Characters: 4
Romance: 4
Overall: 26/30 86%
Title/Cover Bonus: 5

A nice addition to the Unbound series with a likeable hero and a broken woman with a sailor’s mouth who cares more about her loved ones than she does about herself.

None as of yet.

First Line
If you live in the dark long enough, you start to forget what light looks like.
(UK eARC edition)

Most Memorable Scene
I liked the scene when Ian finished his shower and is clad in a towel and water specs. ;) Also, I enjoyed the wine cellar scene too.

While I enjoyed the overall plot of the story I wasn’t a fan of how long it took to find out exactly what the hell Ian was up to. His character was a bit sketchy at first, although he seemed likeable, I wasn’t sure if he was “real” enough to the reader or even to Kori.

This book is set on the other side of town than Blood Bound with the rival thug Jake Tower as the ring leader. Nothing spectacular setting wise except maybe the wine cellar scene and the scene in the alley after they grab dinner. Rachel tends to give details to emotions rather than setting in most cases.

I miss Faythe and the rest of the Shifters series characters. I think Rachel is doing an awesome job of the first person, alternate point of views for this Unbound series. However, I did find myself wishing that some of the chapters were told from the other characters point of view. Specifically, Chapter 20, which was told from Ian’s PoV and should totally have been from Kori’s PoV (IMHO, of course).

On a side note, I did find an error in Chapter 16 and let Rachel know about it via Twitter. It’s a pretty big error and she was not happy to hear about it. Of course errors are excepted and do happen in just about every book. However, I really feel sorry for Rachel on this one. It’s a pretty bad error to be missed! I told her I was available for hire as editor. ;)

This whole Unbound series is turning out to be pretty original. Shadow walkers, however, are not a new thing to me. I did read a Jacquelyn Frank series that had them as well and I enjoyed them very much.

Here is where things get tricky.

Kori. Kori is broken. In Blood Bound she was asked to help Olivia and since she’s bound to Olivia and her other childhood friends she had to obey. To obey Olivia’s request she had to disobey Jake Tower’s binding as his protector. He gets shot and gets super pissed about Kori’s breech of contract. Hence, the torture and now the new Kori who breaks down just as much as she beats the shit out of things or people. I found Kori’s break downs, eh. They weren’t spectacular break downs and really didn’t make me feel sorry for her. They made me want to slap the shit out of her honestly.

Then there’s Ian. He has a hidden agenda that doesn’t get reveiled until at least 1/3 of the way into the book. I found this quite confusing at times because I felt like I didn’t get to know him as quickly as I should, or fully understand where the plot was going. Also, the entire story takes place over two days so not very much gets reveiled very fast or in great detail. Anyways, I liked Ian.

Kenley is Kori’s younger sitter. She’s a super strong Binder and the root of all problems for Kori and Ian. I liked her display of back bone when she’s alone with Ian. If she’s in the next book I hope she continues to have back bone.

Eh, I felt like the romance was a little cheesy and expected and not given enough time in the spot light. As I mentioned before a few chapters should have had the point of views switched between Ian and Kori. I wanted to know what the other one was thinking when the other one was speaking and vice versa. I didn’t get that so I didn’t fully connect with the emotions.

Title/Cover Bonus
Awesome title and an amazing cover. I also like the UK cover too, maybe even a bit more than the US.

Oh boy. I HATED the ending. Why? Because there really isn’t one. It just….ends. There was no wrap up, no promise of what’s to come, no letting the reader know how the characters pulled through after the ordeal they were put through.

SpoilerWhat the hell happened to Steven and Meghan? Are they both okay? And Vanessa?

Ok, rant done. Well, not really. I was highly disappointed in this ending. Let’s just hope that Oath Bound picks up right where Shadown Bound left off. Otherwsie, I’m going be highly upset!


Blood Bound (08/23/11)
Shadow Bound (05/22/12)
Oath Bound (2013)

lizzy_22's review

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The ending was almost too pat but it didn't lessen my enjoyment overall. I love the world Rachel Vincent has created, a gritty reality that is totally relatable. Looking forward to book 3 already.

lolasreviews's review

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I have no idea why I waited so long to start this book, one of the reasons was that I knew this book was going to be good. And I just wanted to keep this one on my shelf unread so that I knew I still had a good book to read. Then I was suddenly into the mood for a book with a dark world and decided to start this book. Well it was fantastic, I actually think this is the best series Rachel Vincent has written, because the plot is so good and there are so many twists and even though the world is very dark and gritty there are still those light moments, which mean even more in this kind of world.

Okay so the story is really one of the good points of this book. There are some plot lines that are predictable, but most of the times I just get surprised. Also it was so addictable, I just couldn't put it down, every time I wanted to stop I decided to read another chapter because I wanted to know what happened next. The last 100 pages are very fast paced and even though I wanted to go sleep, I wanted to finish this book more. The ending was a surprise and I can't wait to read the next book to see what is going to happen next, too bad it isn't releashed yet.

The characters are also done very well, the lead character, but also the side characters and even the bad guys. They are real believeable and we get a good idea who they are. I expected to like Kori, the lead character, but I did like her even more than I expected. She is a great character, while she is very strong and fights for everyone and everything she cares for, she also is broken inside. And Ian was great too, he is the perfect man for her. The relationship in this book is done so good and I loved it even more than the relationship in the first book. In this book the relationship is build up from nothing and they match perfectly and there is less "we shouldn't be together".

I love world building and even though this books world is really dark, I love the world building. Rachel Vincent has created an original world, with people who can shadow walk, track others with a blood sample and can bind people against their will. The world is great, it's believable and dark and gritty and it is worked out really well. It also is very different from most fantasy world and I love it.

To conclude: I loved this book, I think this is the best series Rachel Vincent has written.I love the story, the characters and the world building. Everything is worked out very well and believeable and I just wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next. I can't wait for the next book.

jlove731's review

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SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS. I cannot wait for this book! So many questions!!! And look at Kori! She's a bad-ass hottie! And Ian, mmmm can't wait to meet you! And cannot WAIT for more Cam and Liv!


Bad ass and rebellious, but still in same dark world we know and love. When I read Blood Bound, it had instantly become one of my top three favorite books. Everything about this series is sinister, binding, violent, and yet thrilling and enticing as hell. And, Shadow Bound in no way let me down.

We start off where Blood Bound essentially left off, except now we're in Kori's brain. She disobeyed her boss and for that she was punished and tortured. But, lucky for her, she's given a chance to redeem herself with a new job. And redeeming herself and protecting her sister is all the matters to her. Jake tells her she must do whatever it takes, and I mean whatever, to recruit Ian Holt. Otherwise she and Ian will be killed... leaving her sister alone. Ian has the ability to manipulate the dark which is extremely rare. But, Ian has a job of his own and that's to kill Kori's sister Kenley. As the two grow close, they'll have to determine what's more important each other, the syndicate, or their families.

The concepts of this world never cease to blow me away. Despite how menacing the Unbound world is, I constantly find myself falling in love with it and its characters. Through every bloody turn and every uneasy encounter, I always find myself needing to know what happens next. Rachel also has such a way of intertwining her words into perfect sentences. I felt like every other page there was a line or paragraph I was quoting. Lines that hit me so deep. It's just yet another thing that makes me love every part of Shadow Bound.

With Blood Bound, I fell in love with Liv and especially Cam. Cameron Cabellero has a special spot in my heart, no doubt! And I was extremely happy to see them again and their roles in Shadow Bound. Although, I found myself loving our new narrators: Kori and Ian as well.

Kori is one of the strongest female roles you will ever read about. And I don't just mean in the I can kick-ass, wield weapons, and castrate you way... which she can. Kori is also emotionally strong. Her family is what matters most to her, and no matter how tortured she's been she still always has that goal in mind. If I was in Kori's position, I'm not sure I would come out on top and she certainly shows the strength to do it. On the other side is Ian. Ian is also a bad-ass hottie but, he's not the snarky bad boy role... he's quite the opposite. He's kept himself low on the radar, he cares completely about those he loves, he's extremely protective, and most importantly he's an extremely good guy. I found myself loving both of their stories and watching them collide together.

Overall, I intensely adore this series. With it being adult it gives me everything I could ask for. Bad-assery, Romance, Cursing, Drinking, Family, Sex, Fighting. And I love every single moment of this dark world. If you haven't read this series... well start! If you've read Blood Bound, well I'm sure you'll love Shadow Bound as well!

hoping4more's review

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Another fantastic book from Rachel Vincent! I went in with high expectations and I wasn't disappointed at all.

I was initially put off by the change of narrators as I wasn't done with Liv and Cam yet, so I was surprised that this book wasn't focused on them. One chapter in and I was drawn right into Ian and Kori's story equally as much as the first book.

Kori is dark a jaded, and Ian is full of secrets. I loved delving into the twisted story they unravelled together.

And the villains! I thought Ruben was bad, but Tower makes him look tame.

Great read. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

ac223's review

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Rachel Vincent's Unbound series is quickly becoming one of my favorites! Shadow Bound starts out with Kori being released from her captivity in the basement. In Blood Bound she was manipulated by a friend, and in the process allowed her boss to get shot. As his personal security he leaves her in the basement for 6 weeks with no lights, hardly any food, no clothes, and his evil brother Jonah allowed to do with her as he pleases. She knows she has to earn back Jake's favor, but when he finally collects her, and tells her that she must recruit Ian Holt or kill him, and be killed herself for failing, the stakes are high. Kori's main purpose in life, and her reasoning for joining the syndicate are all to protect her younger sister Kenley. Ian accepted the offer to meet with Jake, not because he has any plans to join, but because he needs to kill Kenley to free his brother from the bind that is killing him.

Both Ian and Kori fall for one another quickly, but their feelings get in the way of the job they are both supposed to accomplish. Ian realizes the horror that has been Kori's life, and can't imagine what would happen to her if he took away the only thing she was still living for, her sister Kenley. Kori needs to avoid death, and her sisters imprisonment in the basement, but damning another person to her horrific circumstances isn't easy. At the end of the book Jake makes Kori reveal her feelings for Ian through the binding, once he knows she cares for him, he orders her to never see or speak to him again. She refuses to bring him in (b/c he is at her apt with Kenley, with strict instructions to run if she isn't back within an hour) and Jake threatens to have her tortured in the basement with Kinley in the adjacent cell, having to witness it all. While Kori is meeting with Jake, Ian has to reveal his plans, but instead of killing Kenley he asks her to first remove the binding on Kori. He knows that when they run it will be much easier if she isn't feeling the resistance pain. With Ian's help she is successful just as Kori shadow walks back into the house. They are now on the run, but before they go, Jake makes sure that Kenley knows her girlfriend is being tortured until she turns herself in. Kori & Ian take Kenley to where Ian's brother is hidden. She has to unbind him, while they rescue Van, and either convince the previous binder to release his bind on Kenley, or kill him to have it released. Before they can meet back up, Julia (Jake's sister) propositions Ian into helping her kill Jake. He doesn't know that she is his successor, but she agrees to release him and Kori, as long as he agrees to protect her for a maximum of two years while she deals with the assassination backlash. Ian does kill Jake, right after Kori kills Jonah. They also kill the binder releasing Kenley and many more from the Tower Syndicate. Now they are all free, and able to live without being bound! LOVE it!

chllybrd's review

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BLOOD BOUND was a slam dunk for me so when I saw that SHADOW BOUND was set to release it was a must have on my wish list. I was all set to purchase the book so that it could join BLOOD BOUND on my bookshelf and then I read a review on SHADOW BOUND and was so disappointing that I might not like the book so I was all set to not even read it at all. Netgalley ended up throwing it up for review so I was like what the heck at least I will know what happens so I can read book 3 when it comes out and not be lost. I just got done reading it and THANK GOODNESS I didn't pass it up It looks like SHADOW BOUND will be joining book 1 on my shelf after all.

If you have read book 1 you know who Kori is and what went down. SHADOW BOUND starts up 6 weeks after the previous events with Kori getting out of her punishment for her role in what happened in the Tower house. She has been beaten, raped and all around tortured. She is then send for more punishment as Tower forces her to be a new recruited personal recruiter and get him to sign anyways she can or else he will subject Kori's sister to the same treatment she herself was forced to endure. Ian is on a mission to kill Kori's sister to save his brother from a binding that was placed on him and that is slowly killing him. He never expected to be attracted to Kori let alone not want to kill her sister for fear of hurting her.

The main parts of SHADOW BOUND takes place over a very short couple days so some of the stuff written is a little unbelievable. Kori and Ian's attraction right off was a little off because of what Kori went through but in her defense she was far from throwing herself at Ian. I think Vincent did a good job of writing in her feelings I just think it would have made more sense if a little more time had passed. I enjoyed both of their characters and the world building of the unbound series was again pretty darn awesome to witness. I love that past characters got a little role and I hope that that continues with the next books. The emotions are pretty dark and I admit I was bawling my eyes out a few moments throughout. I went in thinking that I was going to hate SHADOW BOUND but I ended up pleased with the outcome. I'm interested to see who will be the main characters in OATH BOUND.

whatcha_listening_to's review

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Shadow Bound

I gotta say I wasn’t expecting each book in the series to be a different couple but boy am I glad it was.

Kori is a character you won’t soon forget her story is powerful and heart breaking. But soo sweet too because the love she finds is unbreakable.

I really can’t say much without giving a lot away but just know that this book is probably going to be my favorite of the series.

I again loved the narration and can’t wait to dive in to book 3

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*