
Deep Dark Night (Lori Anderson) by Steph Broadribb

noveldeelights's review against another edition

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If there is one thing I should have learned from reading the Lori Anderson series, it’s to have an oxygen tank at the ready because her adventures always leave me gasping for breath and Deep Dark Night is no different! Throw your gym membership in the bin (not that I have one)! This will leave you with the same amount of adrenaline and energy to get you through three marathons. Just not so sweaty. Bonus!

Lori and JT head to Chicago to work an off-the-books operation for FBI Special Agent Monroe. Using a priceless chess set as bait, Lori must try to entrap the head of the Cabressa crime family and hopefully finally get Monroe off her back along the way. But during a high-stakes poker game in the penthouse suite of one of Chicago’s tallest buildings, the power goes out and shit hits the fan. Things what I learned : stay away from penthouse suites. And poker games. And I should probably add mafia to the list as well.

To say Deep Dark Night is action-packed seems like a massive understatement. It’s pretty much all systems go, all the time. Absolutely relentless! It’s also dark in more ways than one and oftentimes immensely claustrophobic. On top of that, people start dropping like flies all over the place and suddenly all you can think about is if Lori and JT will make it out of this precarious situation alive! Because Steph Broadribb has no qualms whatsoever in putting her characters through the wringer and pushing them to some quite extreme limits.

Steph Broadribb knows how to pull a reader in and keep them enthralled from start to finish. I felt I was right there with Lori and JT, in that high-rise building in the dark, desperately trying to find a way out in one piece. Deep Dark Night is an edge-of-your-seat nail-biter of a book, that at times had my heart pumping so hard I thought it would jump right out of my chest. When I finished it, I felt so darn energised I considered running a few laps around the block. And I do not run, people!

The Lori Anderson is yet another series that just keeps going from strength to strength and all the books would make excellent movies. Each and every book in this series is utterly gripping and addictive. Lori remains one of the fiercest female protagonists out there, most definitely giving all those muscly showing-off kind of male stereotypes a run for their money. I have to say it …. wait for it …. BEST ONE YET and I’ll be first in line to find out where Steph Broadribb takes this series next. Bring it on!

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: March 13th 2020

"There's no moon, no stars - nothing and no one to bear witness to the events of this deep dark night.
No one, except me."

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***

I first met Lori Anderson two years ago when I messed up and accidently read the second book first... Lori, in all her kickass bounty-hunter glory, charmed me almost instantly and I've been on #TeamLori ever since. I'm still not sure why it took me two years to finally catch up with the rest of the series, but trust me, I'm still kicking myself for not doing so before. Although I guess I did have the advantage of being able to binge-read all four books in a short period of time without the long wait in between to find out what Lori has to endure next. Boy boy it has been an explosive and intense few weeks with Lori! I'm still catching my breath as I try to recover from the adrenaline overdose...

So, book number four. Or Deep Dark Night, which is another more than fitting title if you ask me. Before I continue, I have to say that while you can technically read this book as a stand-alone, you won't be doing yourself a favor for two reasons: (1) you might not get the dynamics between Lori, JT and the other characters if you don't read the previous books, and (2) you are depriving yourself of some very thrilling and exhilarating reading hours. I strongly suggest just taking the time to read all four books in order to get the full Lori experience! Got that? Perfect, let's continue with Deep Dark Night. The first thing that stands out is that this book has a completely different feel than the previous three books. Lori and JT still take up the spotlight and are omnipresent, but there is less moving about, less running and the danger feels different too. This doesn't mean that there isn't plently of action and violence though, but Deep Dark Night feels more like a locked-room thriller with a mafia angle rather than the typical bounty-hunter action thriller we've become used to. Coincidentally, as I have a weak spot for any locked-room plot in a story, you won't see me complaining.

This time around, we are not in Florida either, but instead Lori's fourth adventure is set in Chicago. Once again Lori finds herself entangled with mafia business, and this time only because her hands were tied after what happened in book three. I won't go into details to avoid spoilers, but let's just say that Monroe is one slippery bastard I wouldn't under any circumstances trust even with something insignificant... So having Lori basically putting her (and JT's) life in his hands made me feel tense from the very beginning. This feeling of dread didn't leave me for one second either. I found myself to be on the edge of my seat the whole time, biting my nails as I wondered how on earth Lori and JT were going to be able to find themselves a way out of the situation... Deep Dark Night left me more breathless than an intense workout!

While I loved the style of the previous books, I also loved the new direction and the locked-room thriller feel of this story. The majority of Deep Dark Night takes place within a safe room on the 63rd story of the building where an important poker game takes place. Ten people are inside the room when everything escalates and things turn nasty for real... Imagine And Then There Were None, but mafia style, and you get some sort of an idea what might be going on soon after things are starting to go south. The plot development as well as the plot twists themselves are brilliantly handled and show us a perfect image of what Chicago might look like after a blackout. Action-packed, exhilarating and seriously disturbing: Deep Dark Night will go very dark indeed.

The story is told from both Lori and JT's POV, which is great as they are not together all the time and it allows the story to tell us what happens from different angles as well as introduce even more suspense. Both characters have become very dear to me, so my heart stopped quite a few times with all the danger and imminent death around the corner every other chapter. The other characters in play, and especially those in the safe room during the poker game, have each been developed satisfactorily and feel well rounded; they each added their own touch to the story. Likewise, Cabressa makes for an interesting mafia character and you gotta hate Monroe all over again for the tricks he is pulling. It was great to see Lori and JT in action together again though, and that ending make me crave the next book instantly as I NEED to know what happens next...

As you might have guessed already, I'm a huge fan of this series and I'm still 200% #TeamLori. If you love a good action-packed and lighting fast thriller read, you should definitely go meet my favorite bounty-hunter Lori Anderson. Trust me, you won't regret it!

steph1rothwell's review against another edition

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With thanks to the author for the copy received. After the events in the preceding book, Deep Dirty Truth I couldn’t wait to read this follow up. It would help if you knew what happened there but you could still enjoy this book by reading it as a stand-alone.

From the opening chapters Lori is in danger despite J.T’s attempts to keep her safe. He has health issues however and they do slow him down. But she is more than capable of looking after herself. Apart from having to learn poker.

I have to admit that this is a game I know absolutely nothing about. I was a little concerned it would impact on my enjoyment of the novel but it only covers a couple of chapters. And those chapters were easy to follow, I just smiled at Lori’s methods at convincing the experts she knew what she was doing.

When the game came to an abrupt halt the tension increased dramatically. Because it is very short chapters which switch constantly between Lori and J.T’s predicament I struggled to put the book down. Each time one narrative ended I was desperate to find out what happened next. The author certainly knows how to keep a reader hooked. I liked both accounts equally but really appreciated getting to know more about J.T.

It is a long time since I have felt so on edge reading a book. Wondering what would happen next and to whom. Wondering who was somebody who could be trusted and who fit the description by the unknown electronic voice. And definitely who would be Herron.

This has been my favourite book in the series, I hope we don’t have to wait too long to see what will happen next to Lori and J.T.

sarahs_bookish_life's review against another edition

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Deep Dark Night is the fourth book in the crime series featuring bounty hunter Lori Anderson. With this particular story being set in Chicago, it had an almost darker vibe to it. Not sure if it was because whilst a city can be a wonderful place, they always have a very dark side to them and we really get to see the dark side in this book.

The storyline itself reminded me of some sort of spy thriller. An agent, or in this case Lori, pretending to be someone she is not, to get close to a criminal. I actually enjoyed getting to see a different side of Lori, someone who usually dresses casual due to the nature of her work, dressed up to the nines for appearances sake.

Poker is a game I have no clue about, luckily the author focuses on the players themselves. It was very intriguing finding out more about each one. Some over the course of the story I found myself liking more where as others behaviour shocked and appalled me.

The story had me by the throat as it was as i was so glued to it. When the city plunges into darkness though, that’s when the story really hits the ground running. I was literally on the edge of my seat whilst turning the pages as this felt like Lori’s most dangerous job yet.

Deep Dark Night is a gripping and adrenaline fuelled read that had me clinging on for dear life. As the body count mounts, I really had no clue whether this was literally a case to far for Lori and JT. I have to say I loved seeing JT playing a bigger part in the story and think I have ever so slightly fallen for him. I mean how can I not? Lori is one lucky lady but then she is starting to become a bit of an idol herself I am sure among readers. It’s great to see such a strong female protagonist and kudos to the author for creating such a wonderful one, bringing hours of enjoyment to her readers.

amothersmusings1's review against another edition

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Kickass and all round fearless Lori Anderson returns in this, her fourth outing in the bounty hunter series and once again is a nail biting, tense and highly entertaining thriller that I found as usual, addictive and utterly consuming.
Lori and her tough and rugged partner (on and off the field) JT, join forces with FBI special agent Monroe in an off the books deal that will see all charges against them dropped, if they cooperate and help nail Cabressa - a Miami crime lord. Lori has to ensnare Cabressa in a high stakes poker game and gather enough evidence for Monroe to arrest and jail Cabressa. Easy eh? Well I don’t play poker but during the game I really felt I was sitting around the table, playing my cards and attempting my poker face, so was the crucial attention to detail.
However, before the game can end and Lori can get the video evidence she needs, the city has a total black out and the penthouse suite they’re in goes into panic room mode and everyone is locked in. As the stakes to stay alive during an unexpected game of truth or die escalate, can Lori and JT escape the clutches of a madman who wants them all dead and still get Cabressa entrapped?
I found the story hellishly entertaining and as always engaging, high octane and wonderfully written. I adore Lori and JT, they make a fabulous partnership and I consider Lori to be one of the strongest female protagonist I’ve read of. Coinciding with International Women’s Week, this is aptly published and the author Stephanie Broadribb has created a series that is just crying out to be made onto the big screen, it’s probably my favourite action thriller series of all time. “Deep Dark Night” is book four in the series which although can easily be read as a stand-alone I would recommend reading them all in order to acquaint with the characters fully and of course with them all being exceedingly entertaining they are worth a read anyways.

5 stars

karlou's review against another edition

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To say Lori Anderson hasn't had the easiest few months would possibly be the understatement of the year and with FBI Special Agent Alex Monroe still exerting a hold over her, things aren't about to get any easier. Although Deep Dark Night can be read as a standalone, I would strongly recommend the previous books in the series because the compelling full story of how it is that a Florida based bounty-hunter has become so enmeshed with the Mob deserves to be enjoyed in its entirety to date.
Lori doesn't appear in the prologue which instead features a group of teenagers who explore an out-of-bounds basement under their apartment building and make a horrific discovery., the truth of which isn't revealed until much later. When Lori and her lover, JT are introduced, it initially seems as if they're on familiar territory - in risky situations with people who would kill them without pausing for breath. However, before long it's clear that Deep Dark Night has a different feel from the first three books which were all fast-paced chase stories taking place over numerous locations. Here, the action occurs in a far more intimate setting but still has all the tension and atmospheric scene-setting I've always loved about this series.
There is one obvious comparison to a well-known book as Lori becomes caught up in a deadly locked room drama which has definite echoes of 'And Then There Were None.' However, throughout the novel, I couldn't help but feel that Steph Broadribb had taken the elements of several other classic plotlines; Deep Dark Night could perhaps be described as a modern day Agatha Christie story crossed with a 'one last job' sting, a violent Mob tale and a 'who will survive?' disaster movie! It never feels derivative or obvious and instead constantly kept me on my toes as I tried to figure out how on earth Lori and JT were going to escape the predicament they find themselves in and what the real truth is behind the burning question they are set.
Much of the narrative is written from Lori's first-person perspective and as always, I love this resolute, tough character. She finds herself in these dangerous situations time and again but her drive to protect Dakota and JT means she never gives up, even when things may seem hopeless. Nevertheless, there is a more vulnerable side to her and I was pleased to see several references to the psychological impact of their recent experiences in both her chapters and those that follow JT . Sometimes the protagonists of action thrillers seem almost unbreakable - inside and out - but Lori and JT bear the physical and emotional scars of their adventures and far from thriving on the excitement, they both long to return to Dakota knowing she and they are safe.
Deep Dark Night might be a different sort of book to the previous Lori Anderson novels but that doesn't mean it is any less exciting or addictive. The plot still feels fast moving with everything liable to change at any moment, the sense of place is just as vividly realised and of course the characterisation is everything I've come to expect from this fabulous series. Highly recommended again!

jess_reads_books's review against another edition

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4.5/5 rounding up for Goodreads!

Lori Anderson is used to a life as a bounty hunter in Florida, but in DEEP DARK NIGHT she finds herself in Chicago working off the books for FBI Special Agent Alex Monroe. In order to make up a debt owed to Monroe, Lori must agree to whatever scheme he has cooked up, which means she’ll be heading into a dangerous encounter with the head of the Cabressa crime family.

Cabressa is on the hunt for a priceless chess set and the FBI just happens to have what he’s after. Lori will infiltrate a high-stakes poker game that has been arranged at a swanky penthouse suite in one of Chicago’s tallest buildings. The plan is to make it to the end for a heads up battle with Cabressa, however, a city-wide power failure throws a massive, dangerous wrench into these plans. Hostages are taken and players start to be killed off. Will Lori survive this night?

DEEP DARK NIGHT may be the fourth installment into Broadribb’s Lori Anderson series, but it was my first time meeting this badass bounty hunter. I was hesitant to join the tour for this one, since despite owning the entire series, I haven’t read the first three installments. Karen assured me that I would be just fine and that this would work as a standalone. Not only does it work on it’s own, but it also sold me on making the rest of this series a must read before the year is out!

Lori Anderson is our main protagonist, along with her partner JT. Together the duo seem to easily build off of each other, which makes sense given their romantic connection. Individually the two characters shine on their own. Lori is clearly an incredibly strong woman, both physically and mentally, which is proven time and time again throughout this book as she works to get herself out of many situations. JT is also incredibly strong, but his personality is much more level-headed and subtle compared to Lori. They each work to complement each other so well throughout this story even when they are separated.

DEEP DARK NIGHT is a story that plays out over almost exclusively the course of one night. There are quite a few chapters that build the story up to the fateful night of the poker showdown, but it is this night which takes up the bulk of the meat in this story. I love that almost an entire book encompasses one night. I felt like I was living the entire night through alternating chapters between Lori and JT. The pacing of the story is suspenseful and extremely tense. I was on the edge of my seat clinging to each chapter wanting to know what would happen next. If you want an intensely bingeable read, then this is it!

This book definitely works as a standalone, so if you’re like me and have been wanting to meet Lori Anderson, but are terrible at keeping up with series reads, then rest assured! Broadribb clearly hints at things that have happened in the past that I’m sure I would understand at a more in-depth level if I had read the previous books, that didn’t stop me from loving every moment of this book.

A huge thank you to Orenda Books for sending me a free copy of this book!

obsessed_with_all_books3f8c8's review

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Deep Dark Night was the exact medicine that I needed for the gloom of Storm Dennis, being plunged into an action packed darkness where your only hope is the trouble magnetising Lori Anderson. I was immediately drawn in to the chaotic life of bounty hunter Lori, oh what has she got herself into this time you ask? Well she's only thrust into the deep end of the danger pool when she agrees to take part in a high stakes poker game - I was gripped, the adrenaline inducing, action packed storyline left me on a dangle at every chapter, will life ever go smoothly for Anderson?!

Deep Dark Night is a crime thriller mixed with a locked room mystery, it's deliciously claustrophobic and exhilaratingly gripping, with a taut pace and moreish chapters. Steph has written a fantastic new instalment of a much loved series, one with a flawed female protagonist who is also super kickass with a personality that you can't help but love, yet face palm over her actions occasionally.  A perfect crime based read to escape into, where you'll find yourself in Chicago with a spice of menace in the air and the possibility of risk. Deep Dark Night is a strap yourself in, put your phone on flight mode and log out of Twitter read - you're not going to want any distractions pulling you out of Lori's world. Be prepared for the wild ride where you don't know who or what you can trust!

If you buy one book today, make it Deep Dark Night, it's also available in Tesco and Asda so why not add it to your shopping list?! A little treat amongst the panic buying! If you've missed the many previous posts from some superb bloggers, make sure to catch up using the hashtags #LoriAnderson #DeepDarkNight #TeamLori