
Bad Chili, by Joe R. Lansdale

kkehoe's review

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Hap and Leonard have never let me down so far, and this time they do their best work yet. Lansdale at his best.

cherryghost15's review

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I really like Hap and Leonard and their quirky friendship and some of the crazy stuff they get into. So it was fun, some good action, good humor and bad jokes tossed around.

BUT THE SECOND AND THIRD BOOKS IN THE SERIES HAVE BEEN ALMOST TWICE AS LONG AS NECESSARY WHILE THE AUTHOR EATS UP pages describing each shade of the sky or dust covered boots with a half-page of frivolities that just don’t go there..

If they get better later, maybe someone will let me know.

Maybe Cold in July—liked the movie a lot. But no more Hap and Leonard. Just not worth it. If I wanted to read crappy romance novels, I would have looked for some.

depreydeprey's review

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The torture scenes in Bad Chili are a little overboard especially coming from a first person narrator and it doesn't mesh that well with the good natured southern banter of the rest of the book but the core characters of this book and unexpected plot twists really hold it together.

csdaley's review

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My favorite Hap and Leonard yet! Laughed, cried and was horrified.

guiltyfeat's review

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Wonderfully brisk, unrelentingly dark humoured and satisfyingly violent. Also the first chapter genuinely made me chuckle out loud. Proper funny writing... with rabies.

axolotlquestions's review

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Worth it for the squirrel attack alone.

kleonard's review

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Another entry in the Hap and Leonard series, Bad Chili is like a Robert B. Parker Spenser novel if Spenser and Hawk had grown up in Texas instead of Boston and had real names, real people--not the soggy cardboard Susan--as bed partners, and didn't have cash rolling in from easier jobs.

cspiwak's review

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a bit violent, even by hap and leonard standards, but still enjoyable. I felt they spent too much time apart in this one, so there was less humor than in some of the others, but it was still there

trin's review

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Probably more like two stars -- I really just like listening to Hap and Leonard talk to each other that much. The even-numbered books in this series are continuing to be downswings for me, though: this mystery was pretty weak, and there wasn't even much in the way of atmospheric set pieces in this one. (I liked the rabid squirrel, but the
was OTT for me.)

Speaking of things that are semi-ridiculous: Hap and Leonard apparently go through lovers like Spinal Tap goes through drummers.
SpoilerHap's now down two girlfriends, and Leonard down a boyfriend. (Good luck, Brett!)
Let's be real: I feel like the obvious solution is to just hook up with each other.

(There are still zero fics on AO3. ZERO. Goddamn!)