
Taming the Legend by Kat Latham

javalenciaph's review

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Check out my full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Note: This ARC was provided by Carina Press in exchange for an honest review.

Taming the Legend is the fourth full-length book and fifth and newest release in the London Legends series by the rugby romance writing wonder that is Kat Latham. I read all five of these books back to back to back to back to back and with each new book, I've found myself becoming increasingly attached to these athletic but hot blokes and the women who end up taming them. Ash Trenton was the living legend in the team and the story he shares with Mila Morales is one that highlights a first love could very well be the forever love one looks for but may need time and distance in order for everything to finally fall into place.

While I loved Ash from the very beginning, it took me a good while to even come close to liking Camila. I think it was a combination of how she wasn't exactly one hundred percent honest about what Ash was going to be facing as the camp's rugby coach and how she treated him even after he agreed to help out. I mean, the guy flew all the way to the U.S. and it was as if she wished he was back in England. But, after quite a few chapters, Camila finally grew on me and I could see that she was being abrasive and defensive in the beginning because she had already gotten her heart broken by Ash once and was afraid of a repeat.

Second chance romances can be tricky to pull off because it's rather difficult to believe that one or both of the lead characters have been pining away for the or each other all the years they were apart. In this book's case, both Ash and Mila went on with their lives and even though they do admit that they thought about one another, there were no immediate declarations of a love that still shone bright. There's a twist in the story that I figured out close to the point it was revealed, but it was such a creative twist that I wasn't expecting at the onset of the book. Taming the Legend was a great read and it gets 4.5 stars, rounded off to five stars for Goodreads. ♥

yodamom's review

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4.5 Rucking Stars
Loved it, loved the rugby talk, loved the rugby guys. -.5 stars for the too long sex scenes (I know WHAT ?) they were just too long I wanted to get on with the story. The story was too good to drag on the sex too long

Ash is a rugby god. He retires at the top of his game and find himself lost in his freedom. He no longer has a set program he must follow, a diet, a team, a place to belong. He runs into an old flame from his teenage years the one that he never forgot. It turns out she never forgot him either and their separation was helped by a controlling team manager. When she challenges him to coach a new team she has in California he decides to take a chance and give it a go. There may be a chance to develop a top team and rekindle a long lost romance. I could tell you more here but I’m not going to spoil it for you. There is are several massive surprises in store for Ash and there is a second chance but it might not be the way most would expect it.
I loved it, this was my first read from this author and the series. I went and bought book 1 as soon as I finished this one. I loved the rugby plays, the rugby spirit the team spirits, the manners, the romantic moments, the heartbreaking moments and even the times of sorrow.
The only part of the str that didn’t hit the 5 stars rating for me was the sex scenes. I know crazy right ? They were too long, unnaturally long, they lost their impact and I went skimming to get to the end. They were sexy, detailed and tasteful just too long for me.
I am a huge rugby fan, and a good rugby read is a rarity. I am hooked on this series.

jackiehorne's review

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chrissy3562's review

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Kat Latham has another winner on the books. Taming the Legend was heart-wrenching, yet so uplifting. I had trouble putting this book down for silly things like sleep and food. Camilla and Ash had a complex history and I'm so happy it resolved itself the way I did. Also, I loved learning more about Rugby while reading this story. Another great aspect of this book is it ties to another series. Camilla's brother Gabriel was the hero in the book One Night with Her Bachelor. I didn't get that until Molly and Josh were referenced, but it was a great tie in to that series. The writing was in depth and flowed amazingly. I can't think of a single aspect of this story that I don't like (well, except for the fact it eventually had to end). Kat Latham is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I give this story 5 stars and it is a must read.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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Full Disclosure: I am reading this series all out of order. I was first introduced to the men of the London Legends in the holiday novels Unwrapping Her Perfect Match and pretty much fell in love with John and Gwen and the rest of the team. But I absolutely fell in love with Kat Latham's writing. Her stories are a perfect combination of heat, sweet and happily ever afters.

When I was presented the opportunity to read and review this book I jumped at the chance without even a glance at the synopsis. I knew that it wasn't necessary, that whatever I read I would fall in love with and I was so right. Only I didn't expect the tears, that was a surprise, but a good surprise. They were tears of empathy and of heartbreak for Ash and Camila that eventually turned into tears of joy.

This was the best kind of second chance romance, the kind where years and years have gone by but where neither party ever really got over the other. It was clear from pretty early on that Ash and Camila had never really gotten over each other, even after 18 years, despite the anger and hurt they both held onto after their separation but Camila needs help and the only person who can give it Is Ash.

When it's revealed exactly why they didn't work out and what they went through afterwards it's heartbreaking and enough to make Ash agree to help because it's the least her can do for her right? Suddenly everything they thought they knew about their relationship is all wrong and they are left to deal with the repercussions of said revelations.

This is where I really fell in love with Ash. The way he responded when he learned the truth was sweet and honest and although his focus could have shifted to other aspects of their situation, it remained, for the most part, on the fact that he wasn't there for Camila all those years ago and how different things might have been for them if he had been. Most importantly he didn't hold a grudge against anyone for their choices back then once the whole truth came out. He was too focused on what would happen now.

The chemistry between Camila and Ash was immediate and authentic but they didn't give their hearts, or bodies, over easily which made for a slow burning romance with all kinds of twists and turns.

Although this is my first full novel in this series, it felt like coming home to read it. All the characters feel like friends even though I haven't even read each of their stories. I can't wait to read the rest of this books so I can thoroughly fall in love with everyone.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

angie_stl's review

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4 1/2 Stars

I received a copy of this book from netgalley for an honest review.

I'll be honest, I know next to nothing about rugby. But Ms Latham did a pretty good job of explaining it in terms that made sense to an American. This was the fourth book in the London Legends series, about different players from the London Legends rugby club. The couple in this book was Camilla (pronounced Ca-mee-la) and Ashley (who is a very manly man by the way).

Camilla had a terrible childhood and adolescence. She meets Ash when she is 16, while she's in Barcelona staying with some cousins and taking care of their children a few days a week. I will mention that teenagers are treated a bit differently in Europe than they are in the U.S. From the time I lived in Germany, I learned that from about the age of 14, teens are considered more like young adults than children. I mention this because if you didn't know that, you might find it strange that Camilla's cousins didn't seem to mind when she told them that she wouldn't be home for a couple days and nights with no other explanation. She spent this time with Ash, getting to know him in every way possible. This is all revealed in flashbacks throughout the book. It's also revealed that when Camilla returned to Montana, she realized she was pregnant. She had been sending letters to Ash for weeks at this point, and after the baby was born, she received all of her letters back in a larger envelope, all of them unopened, including the one that had a picture of Camilla with their baby that said "it's a girl" on the back.

Ash had never even known that Camilla had written him one letter, let alone 37. His dad had intercepted the letters, afraid that Camilla would sidetrack Ash from his rugby career. His dad had never opened any of the letters, so he didn't realize that Camilla wasn't just an obsessed teenage girl, but a young girl about to have his first grandchild. It was 17 years before Ash or anyone in his family found out about the baby Camilla had given up for adoption. Camilla came back into his life when she came to London on the night of his last game as a professional rugby player, as that he was retiring at the age of 36. She flew all that way to ask him to help her try to save her campground in Southern California. She "massaged the truth" a couple times to get him to agree to help her, but what really pushed him into saying yes was finding out about the letters and the baby. She needed him to coach a team of campers so that they could play in the San Diego Sevens tournament, and hopefully win the tourney and the half a million dollars in prize money. That was the only way to save the campground from foreclosure.

The story happens over a month at the campground Camilla owns. It shows Ash and Camilla getting to know each other as adults. They keep their personal relationship as private as they can in a campground filled with a hundred teenagers and 25 or so counselors and staff. Ash makes Camilla his assistant coach because he has a hard time connecting with the girls on his team when they have an issue, but since Camilla was once a troubled teenage girl, she can see the problems he misses. Working together to help the team brings them even closer together, starting them on a very emotional rollercoaster ride. They dive into everything from their first time together when they were teenagers to their baby to how they would have changed things in the past. The one thing they don't discuss is the future. Their hearts get broken and they start healing from the heartbreak.

I'd recommend this to anyone that enjoys a book that makes you feel the emotions going on in that book. I would also recommend keeping some tissues close as you read though. If you like books with a little sports in them, this may be the book for you. If you like reading about the little guy (or gal) winning against outside forces that are trying to take him or her down, maybe you should check this book out. I'm not sure there's anyone I wouldn't recommend this book to, unless they absolutely despise one of the things I mentioned before. Otherwise, I say give it a chance!!

phoenixinthecity's review

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This was a nice end to the London Legends series with Ash, the franchise player who came up through the system retiring the night his team wins the championship getting his second chance with the one who got away 18 yos ago whom he never forgot. She finds him at the hotel where he and his team mates are celebrating and she punches him out before he recognizes her.
Turns out she'd written him letters which were returned, unopened, because his father returned them all those years ago, to tell him that she was pregnant. She ended up giving their daughter up for adoption, only to fast forward and find her again when she's one of the girls he ends up coaching rugby at her camp in California. It's clearly romance reasons but it works and the series came to a lovely, tidy end with his team mates all traveling to Cali to the Rugby Sevens tournament to surprise him and Camila's camp being saved by donations/bets from his many ex-competitors who helped raise the 500K she needed to save her camp.

jaimereadsromance's review

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Full Disclosure: I am reading this series all out of order. I was first introduced to the men of the London Legends in the holiday novels Unwrapping Her Perfect Match and pretty much fell in love with John and Gwen and the rest of the team. But I absolutely fell in love with Kat Latham's writing. Her stories are a perfect combination of heat, sweet and happily ever afters.

When I was presented the opportunity to read and review this book I jumped at the chance without even a glance at the synopsis. I knew that it wasn't necessary, that whatever I read I would fall in love with and I was so right. Only I didn't expect the tears, that was a surprise, but a good surprise. They were tears of empathy and of heartbreak for Ash and Camila that eventually turned into tears of joy.

This was the best kind of second chance romance, the kind where years and years have gone by but where neither party ever really got over the other. It was clear from pretty early on that Ash and Camila had never really gotten over each other, even after 18 years, despite the anger and hurt they both held onto after their separation but Camila needs help and the only person who can give it Is Ash.

When it's revealed exactly why they didn't work out and what they went through afterwards it's heartbreaking and enough to make Ash agree to help because it's the least her can do for her right? Suddenly everything they thought they knew about their relationship is all wrong and they are left to deal with the repercussions of said revelations.

This is where I really fell in love with Ash. The way he responded when he learned the truth was sweet and honest and although his focus could have shifted to other aspects of their situation, it remained, for the most part, on the fact that he wasn't there for Camila all those years ago and how different things might have been for them if he had been. Most importantly he didn't hold a grudge against anyone for their choices back then once the whole truth came out. He was too focused on what would happen now.

The chemistry between Camila and Ash was immediate and authentic but they didn't give their hearts, or bodies, over easily which made for a slow burning romance with all kinds of twists and turns.

Although this is my first full novel in this series, it felt like coming home to read it. All the characters feel like friends even though I haven't even read each of their stories. I can't wait to read the rest of this books so I can thoroughly fall in love with everyone.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

circe813's review

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Probably my least favorite in the series, though I'm hoping it's not the last one. This book was a very drama-heavy second chance story, and maybe I just wasn't in the mood for all the angst.

bookaholicmommy's review

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Stopped at 48% Couldn't get into the story