
Pleasuring the Pirate by Emily Bryan, Mia Marlowe

reydeam's review

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Complete Review can be found at: Mom-Msuings

I really enjoyed this read as I immediately liked Jack and Gabriel.
Jack is strong-minded, spunky, straight-forward, full of compassion and sense of duty. Gabriel has been a pirate for many years yet shows decent gentleman behavior. He is immediately taken in by Jack’s spunk, wit and compassion. Their attraction towards each other along with their witty dialogue is very satisfying. They are a good match.
I was very satisfied with Jack and Gabriel.

The storyline immediately pulled me in and engaged me for the most part. The story was kept light and moved at a nice smooth pace. My only trouble would be towards the end as I felt certain happenings were a bit too convenient. Regardless, I was very satisfied with this read. I was satisfied with the secondary characters most especially the nieces as their child perspective added some witty dialogue.

Pleasuring the Pirate is a fun, witty and steamy romance story that will keep you reading until the end.

Rating: 3.75/5 stars

trin's review

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I love Mystery Science Theater. The clever mocking of ridiculously dumb things is one of my favorite things. I am consistently glad that MST3K lives on in RiffTrax, and I very much enjoy downloading them and chuckling through those wonderful skewerings of cinematic idiocy. Mostly I download them and watch them right away, eager like a kid with a bag of candy. So when the RiffTrax version of the Star Wars Christmas Special appeared, I pounced on it in the same way. RiffTrax! The infamously terrible Star Wars Christmas Special! What could be better?

I watched about 90 seconds of it and then I had to stop. I still have the damn thing taking up space on my hard drive, but I just can't bring myself to watch it. I know it will make me laugh, perhaps frequently, but I can't. I just can't. The wince-factor is simply too high.

I'm having the same sort of reaction with Pleasuring the Pirate, which I was initially really kinda looking forward to reading. I know it will be bad—at times, perhaps, gloriously, magnificently bad—and that sounds fun to me. But every time I pick it up and look at the cover—the rope suggesting fun bondagey times; the woman's slightly drugged expression; the quintessential phallic sword; the man's odd, migratory nipples—I just— gah, I can't, I can't, I simply can't do this to myself right now. It will drive me crazy.

Well. Crazier.

Part of the problem may be that I already read an excruciatingly bad romance novel this month, and I've reached my quota for a while. [a:Jude Deveraux|28574|Jude Deveraux|]'s [b:An Angel For Emily|871918|An Angel for Emily|Jude Deveraux||1730986] had the honor of becoming the first book I have ever actually thrown at a wall. In fairness, I must admit that it was not actually hurled in anger: my cat was scratching at the door at a special time I like to call threeo'clockinthegoddamnmorning and the book was merely a convenient object to direct at said door to get him to shut up. But honestly, if I'd rolled over and seen a book I actually liked—or even, did not hate—next to my bed, I would have probably thrown a slipper or something.

Anyway, she said in the voice of one deeply traumatized, I just can't go through that again so soon: I can't read another book I know—or at least strongly suspect—from the outset that I will hate. There are simply too many (potentially) good books for me to read. Right now I have on my nightstand (okay, spread all over my floor. Are you happy?): [b:Tokyo Vice|6658129|Tokyo Vice An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan|Jake Adelstein||6852777], [b:The Razor's Edge|31196|The Razor's Edge|W. Somerset Maugham||2095259], an upcoming book by [a:Samantha Bee|466|Jon Stewart|], [b:The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest|1512210|Luftslottet som sprängdes (Millenium, #3)|Stieg Larsson||3461479], [b:The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks|6493208|The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks|Rebecca Skloot||6684634], the first volume of [b:Your Face Tomorrow|254351|Your Face Tomorrow Fever And Spear|Javier Marías||516776], and some dopey-fun thing about time travel. I want to read those books, and many others besides. And normally I could wait the time it'd take me to read one stupid romance novel, but I just don't feel like it. Also, some of them are due back at the library soon.

So there is the story of my (ig)noble (lack of) effort. For my sake, and for my cat's, I'm sure you'll agree I made the right decision.

sjb86's review

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I really enjoyed this second book in series. Gabriel come home from being captain of a pirate shop to find his father and brother dead. His brother leaving five young girls behind. The family money has gonna and only reason they are above water is because of Jacquelyn mistress of castle. Technically Gabriel is a pirate anymore but still acts like one so Jacquelyn offers to teach him to be a gentleman so his can marry for money.
This story is good but can be slow is places. I can understand why Jacquelyn and Gabriel didn't just get married when he needed to secure a wealthy bride for the sake of the castle and Children.
Really really good last chapter and final end. Really liked how the writer didn't settle do the usual ending and more girls came into family.

sassysmutlover's review

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I loved this book! I knew her father would be a noble, but was expecting it when it was revealed who he was. I could not put it down and loved everything about it and I will be reading more by this author.

keraashley's review

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adventurous funny hopeful lighthearted tense fast-paced


Could have done without the potential seduction of a minor moment that happened and then the jail trauma. But ya know. They were a cute couple, relationship progress was nice.

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ibeeeg's review

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Complete Review can be found at: Mom-Msuings

I really enjoyed this read as I immediately liked Jack and Gabriel.
Jack is strong-minded, spunky, straight-forward, full of compassion and sense of duty. Gabriel has been a pirate for many years yet shows decent gentleman behavior. He is immediately taken in by Jack’s spunk, wit and compassion. Their attraction towards each other along with their witty dialogue is very satisfying. They are a good match.
I was very satisfied with Jack and Gabriel.

The storyline immediately pulled me in and engaged me for the most part. The story was kept light and moved at a nice smooth pace. My only trouble would be towards the end as I felt certain happenings were a bit too convenient. Regardless, I was very satisfied with this read. I was satisfied with the secondary characters most especially the nieces as their child perspective added some witty dialogue.

Pleasuring the Pirate is a fun, witty and steamy romance story that will keep you reading until the end.

Rating: 3.75/5 stars