stephaniedws's review

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Salah satu kelemahan dari novel terjemahan adalah penyampaian yang saya rasa terlalu berbelit dan membuat saya berpikir keras. Saya lebih menyukai jika beberapa frase tidak diterjemahkan karena menghilangkan arti sebenarnya dari frase itu.
Saya tidak punya ekspektasi apa-apa terhadap novel ini. Karena genre yang diangkat juga menurut saya, cukup gelap. Saya menyukai bagaimana penulis 'menggiring' saya untuk merasakan emosi para tokohnya. Saat saya membacanya juga saya merasa kaki saya dingin, menyerap apa yang akan dilakukan oleh tokohnya. Hal yang mengganggu saya adalah romance-nya. Terlalu dipaksakan dan klise.

febrianikmadusari's review

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Ternyata buku ini juga tentang bunuh diri. Cody diminta oleh orang tua Meg, sahabatnya sedari kecil, yg baru2 ini memilih bunuh diri untuk membereskan barang2 Meg di rumah yg disewanya bersama dgn bbrp mahasiswa lain. Disinilah Cody berkenalan dgn teman serumah Meg yg hanya pernah diceritakan sekilas oleh Meg melalui email ke Cody. Dari perjalanan ini Cody baru menyadari begitu byk hal mengenai kehidupan Meg yg tdk dia ketahui sejak mereka berpisah untuk pergi kuliah.
Ada juga Ben, vocalis grup band, yg sekali 2 kali disebut Meg di email. Cody mulai "menyelidiki" alasan di balik bunuh dirinya Meg dgn berkenalan dgn org2 yg pernah ada dlm kehidupan Meg. Ternyata penyebabnya diluar dugaan.

bungadinding's review

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Potentially triggering tentang bunuh diri. But i think it's good.

bigpileofbooks's review

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This book is so sad...but some things in this book ruined my emotions

kellyhager's review

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I am a huge fan of Gayle Forman's and have loved every book she's written from If I Stay on. I mention that to say this: this is her best book yet. By a LOT.

This is a book about friendship and grief. And also, it's about this: you know the tendency we have to define ourselves by our relationships? Like I'm this person's girlfriend or that person's sister or this person's best friend? What happens when that's not true anymore? If you are "Cody, Meg's Best Friend," what does that mean for you now that there's no longer a Meg, so you're no longer anyone's best friend? How do you define yourself then?

And it's also about trying to find closure in a situation where they may not ever be closure, and, too, about the tendency to find someone to blame. The easiest solution is to blame Meg, but Meg's not here. So do you blame yourself? Do you blame the guy who maybe broke her heart? Blame Meg anyway?

But ultimately, it's about figuring out how to keep going when it's the last thing you want to do. (Because really, you don't have much of a choice. You keep going or you die. That's the choice.)

I feel like it would have been very easy for this book to turn into a Lifetime movie and it never did. It's an emotional book---of course it is---but it's never melodrama. I don't think anyone would expect anything less from Gayle Forman, but still.

I don't want to ruin any part of this reading experience for you, so I will end with this: it's a Gayle Forman book, so you know what to expect and you know what she's capable of. You absolutely get all of that with this one.

Highly recommended.

bookishemm's review

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I like Gayle Forman's writing; it's so breezy and easy to digest.
I Was Here was such a good book. I found it enjoyable and sad at the same time. I enjoyed seeing the character development between Cody and her mom. I had a small issue with the romance, but it wasn't such a problem that it kept me from enjoying the book. I thought the book was fantastic and it made it to my favorites shelf.

kathyc's review

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This book! There are not enough words. I feel like I've had my heart smashed and mended during this novel. If you love Gayle Forman's previous books, you'll for sure want to grab this one.