
Il bacio svelato by Lara Adrian

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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O Véu da Meia-Noite é o quinto volume de uma série repleta de acção e sensualidade que, desde as primeiras páginas, do primeiro livro, trás consigo um pôr-do-sol perigoso onde cada sombra esconde a morte, onde cada sombra espalha perigos que tendem a converter-se na mais arriscada de todas as emoções que muitos juraram não voltar a sentir. Falo-vos do temido jogo da paixão ligada pelo sangue e carregada de volúpia capaz de abalar invencíveis guerreiros.

Tendo como protagonista Nikolai, um guerreiro centenário já conhecido dos leitores e particularmente apelativo pelas suas características singulares, esta é uma narrativa atractiva não só pelos dramas e devaneios do casal principal, como também por todas as questões abordadas na corrompida cidade de Montreal ligadas ao grande inimigo que a Raça tem vindo a enfrentar.
Em relação a personagens, Niko sofre uma grande transformação ao longo da leitura mostrando, para lá da sua capa dura, um lado enternecedor e compreensivo que, ainda assim, nunca deixa de ter presente a sua obrigação para com o Refúgio e com todos aqueles que ao longo dos tempos conquistaram o seu afecto. Pela primeira vez, este maravilhoso espécime estará dividido entre o dever e as angústias de uma guerreira que lhe salvou a vida deixando patentes as suas fragilidades e beleza escondidas que, lentamente, vão libertar o seu verdadeiro espirito e o seu coração.
Renata, por sua vez, é uma mulher misteriosa, controversa, que roubará o norte a Nikolai no momento em que ela própria perderá aquilo que lhe é mais querido, e ela tem muito a perder, Mira. Cativante pelas suas contrariedades suaves e marcada por uma vida difícil, ela usa uma armadura emocional que conquistou na ruas e na submissão a que está obrigada para se manter vida, quanto ao seu poder é imenso e tem tanto maravilhoso quanto de fatal. Ela é um interveniente crucial para mostrar aos leitores um novo lado dos vampiros de primeira geração que, até agora, era desconhecido e que vem revelar uma vertente muito interessante para a narrativa.

No geral, este livro se encontra ao mesmo elevado nível que os anteriores e, embora o romance continue a ser um dos temas principais, através da mestria da autora para criar sedução, é extremamente estimulante verificar a forma como, em paralelo, se desenvolvem os problemas centrais dos inimigos da Raça que, a cada novo volume, se desvendam um pouco mais. Também as personagens secundárias, novas ou já conhecidas, vão ganhando destaque e evidenciando potenciais dilemas que ainda não atingem directamente os guerreiros do Complexo que, neste livro em particular, se encontram bastante ausentes. Foi também bastante inteligente utilizar esta história para mostrar, de forma mais abrangente, o que se passa na nata da sociedade que, tal como todos os outros vampiros, necessitam de sangue para sobreviver.

Resumindo, novos e apelativos poderes, aliados a excelentes personagens dentro e fora do núcleo central, vêem refrescar e conferir novo ênfase a esta Raça que que ganha novo ímpeto tornando-se cada vez mais sombria e atractiva a cada livro que passa, apostando forte na conquista dos fãs de romances sensuais no universos fantástico.

Opinião completa:

schreibratte's review against another edition

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Wieder eine unterhaltsame Story im "Midnight Breed"-Universum, die nicht viel verspricht, aber genau das auch einhält: eine Love Story, die einfach bestimmt ist, ein Warrior, der sich nicht verlieben will, eine tragische Backstory inklusive bei beiden Partnern und eine Menge Kampf des Orders gegen ... ja, hier eigentlich nicht die Rogues, die nur am Rande vorkamen. Die vorherrschende Storyline der Bösen nimmt weiter rund um Dragos Fahrt auf. Leider spielt diese Geschichte in Montreal (wovon man genau nichts mitbekommt, Setting ist sowieso keine Stärke der Reihe), so dass Nikolai die meiste Zeit des Romans auf sich gestellt ist und man vom Order sonst nicht viel mitbekommt. Nebenfigur hier ist Andreas Reichen, der den nächsten Band erhält. Aus seiner Sicht erfährt man in wenigen kurzen Abschnitten mehr über die Geschehnisse in Berlin. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das finden soll, ich fände es besser, wenn das Hauptpaar mehr Raum bekommt, aber so ist man wenigstens auch etwas neugieriger auf das nächste Paar ... Dennoch, ich denke idealerweise würden die Personen auch in die Haupthandlung eingebunden und man alte Bekannte häufiger wiedersehen. So war es nett, aber nicht unglaublich gut. Zu Nikolai und Renata konnte ich auch nicht richtig einen Bezug herstellen, Mira fand ich da wesentlich spannender.

kristadeanne's review against another edition

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OK I think this one has been my favorite I love me some Nikolai and I absolutly loved Renata I loved how kick ass she was!
The story-line was amazing I was drawn in through-out the entire story!

shelfaddiction's review against another edition

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Another easy read.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Veil of Midnight
4.5 stars

What happens when two warriors clash? Renata cannot be bested by either vampire or mortal, but she meets her match in Nikolai, a combat addicted Breed warrior who will do anything to catch his quarry. Can these two reconcile their differences for a love that my save or consume them?

An emotional story, a sweet hero and a formidable heroine.

Adrian touches on several exceedingly dark issues in her complex and gripping plots, and this book is the darkest so far with references to pedophilia, human trafficking, breeding programs and experimentation. Nevertheless, this is all mixed in with an intensity of emotion, chemistry and connection between the lead characters.

Niko is not the most intense or charismatic of the Breed warriors but he is definitely the sweetest and the one with the best-developed sense of morality. While some details of his back-story are provided, the focus is on Renata, and Niko’s character development is somewhat neglected.

Renata has overtaken Elise as my favorite Breedmate. Although she may appear cold in the beginning, her stoicism is completely in line with the harshness of her background and it is thrilling to see her innate compassion for others come to the fore as she learns to love and to be loved. On a side note, one of the aspects of Adrian’s series that I most appreciate is the fact that the mates have their own abilities, actively participate in the battle against the villains in the books and do not sit around waiting to be rescued.

The romance between Niko and Renata is another strong point in the book. They seem to have an immediate connection but are wary of taking it forward for their own reasons. However, they make a great couple once the obstacles are removed.

Unlike the other books in the series, there is more than one villain, each with their own diabolical agenda but Adrian is able to successfully merge them together into a unified whole.

The story is captivating with some seriously disturbing moments, and one or two twists and turns that advance the overall series arc, which makes me especially eager to read both Andreas and Hunter’s books.

geo_ix's review against another edition

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I'm unsure if I'll continue this series, not because I don't like it, I find them enjoyable enough, but I don't find myself 100% immersed for the whole book. In fact, it took the first 58% of this book for me to be like, okay I'm loving this. And that's a little too long for me. After this one there's going to be others outside the order that are connected and some new order members, and while I was interested in Hunter form this book, his book is a few books away and the majority of my friends mentioned things in their reviews that kinda made me go, oh well that sucks so I'm now at the point where I'm just not finding the need to continue, especially with my huge TBR. Maybe I'll come back one day, maybe not.

I did like Renata, but I also felt Niko's love confession and everything around it was super cheesy and took me out of it all. It didn't fit his character, I didn't like it. The last chapter was pretty cute but also felt a little odd.

sunnydee's review against another edition

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Dies ist der 5. Band der Midnight Breed Reihe, um die Stammes-Vampire, die von Aliens abstammen. Wer genaueres über die Hintergrundgeschichte wissen möchte, sollte sich meine Rezension zum ersten Band HIER ansehen, da ich hier nicht mehr darauf eingehen werden.
Die Bücher der Reihe haben eine tolle Mischung aus Liebe, Action, dominanten Männern, Humor und Spannung. Der 5. Band handelt von Nikolai und Renata. Auf Nikolai habe ich mich besonders gefreut, da er mein Lieblingscharakter in den bisherigen Büchern war. Daher hatte ich große Erwartungen an das Buch und wurde dann ein wenig enttäuscht. Leider war das Buch ein wenig deprimierend und nervenaufreibend (vor allem in der ersten Hälfte) und das ist ja bei Geschichten nicht so mein Fall. Ich hätte mir eine etwas romantischere Geschichte für Niko gewünscht. Trotzdem gefiel mir die Geschichte sehr gut, auch die Liebesbeziehung passte sehr gut, sie hätte für mich nur nicht ganz so nervenaufreibend sein müssen. Das Buch ist sehr spannend. Es gibt wieder einen großen Feind (der gleiche wie schon in Band 4) und auch noch einen Kleineren. Es gibt viel Leid, was mir stellenweise etwas zu viel war, aber ich bin da auch eher empfindlich. Renata ist an sich ein toller Charakter, aber manche ihrer Entscheidungen fand ich nicht so toll. Aber das ist okay. In diesem Buch spielt ein Nebencharakter eine recht große Rolle, was ich als neu für die Reihe empfand. Mira ist noch ein Kind und sie hat eine ganz besondere Gabe. Das gefiel mir super und die Beziehung von Renata zu Mira war sehr süß.
Die Erotik ist wieder sehr heiß und gut in die Geschichte eingebaut. Die Chemie zwischen Renata und Niko stimmt ebenfalls.
Der Sprecher, Simon Jäger, ist einer der besten Hörbuchsprecher überhaupt. Er spricht die unterschiedlichen Dialekte der Charaktere beeindruckend.
Meine Wertung:
4 von 5 Sternen

thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian: This was actually probably my least favorite in the series but still a very good book. This was the only one that I had a hard time warming up to the leading lady. I did enjoy the leading guy though as he had tons of personality. I recommend this book to anyone who likes supernatural type of books.

bookwife's review against another edition

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I want to start off by saying that the narration for the audiobook was fantastic. She was wonderful.

The book.. was ehhh. There was a lot of action but there wasn't a whole in the romance for me. I didn't feel that "spark" or connection that the other mates seem to have. I love Nikolai. I love his fast talking and his easy going personality. Renata wasn't that bad either. I loved how she was with Mira. If that wasn't in there I probably would have hated her. But the protectiveness she had toward Mira made her a female of worth to me.

Other than that... I didn't like the book for the romance. The story was important. There were a lot of key parts for the plot of the series. Hunter being the main one. I want to know more about Hunter. Like soo much more. I am very excited to see where and how he plays into the upcoming books. And I freaking hope he gets his own! Im sure he does but I don't want to look ahead.

shanmonstar's review against another edition

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I really loved this one. I liked how the girl character was not just helpless all the time. It was a different from the other ones so far and it makes me even more excited for the next one!