
Embrace the Night, by Karen Chance

cr6zym0nkeyiz's review against another edition

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Update 6/29/14: Trying this again! I'm sure I was in a reading funk when I tried it last.

That's it! I"m done! Fuck this book! Seriously!

coey's review against another edition

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Ok so this series is ok but the main character is so much of a sissy it's not funny. She is in a war but she kills one guy and whines about it for pages. And when is she going to end up with merica?!? So far she has slept with or fooled around with everyone but him. Stupid. How can she be so worthless but supposedly so powerful!! She never saves herself always someone else has to save her!!! Get up off your ass and stop whining about how you could be a bad Pythia and practice your power!! Stupid sissy girl!

book_whispers's review against another edition

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“A weeping angel shattered in a crack of gray dust, sending its wings flying off in two directions. It took a second for me to realize I wasn't dead, and then I dove for the side of a nearby obelisk.” - Cassandra Palmer
My favorite entry yet! Sure I say that about each new addition to this series, but the thing is when I reread the series this title always makes me extra giddy. Probably because this is the title that shows just how epic the time travel is. Things from the first book flawlessly tie in. My. Mind. Boom!

Then the sexual tension. Ka-boom! Boom! Excuse me while I pick up my brain matter. Normally I hate it when authors use the whole, the magic makes them need each other crap! Force them to lust!!! Or we only slept with each other because of the spell. Blah. Blah-blah. Sure it's part of the geas here, but Chance does an expert job showing that there are some emotions below the surface of the geas that could very well be authentic.

What I love about a Cassie Palmer book is that there is so much plot! You have to pay attention. And when you reread them there are so many tidbits you pick up. From “Gods” with secret agendas, Dark Mages, Light Mages (AKA the Silver Circle which seems just like a bunch of evil mages), kidnapped kids, a vigilante, a geas gone totally wrong, and soooooooo much more. Some plot threads get tied up, some start, and some keep going. However, Chance has a gift to know when to end certain plots so that readers don't become tired.

Cassie is slowly growing. She's been a woman alone all her life, everyone she's ever loved dies. While many readers who have disliked the books find her winey and cold, I don't! Cassie is witty and very sarcastic. Which is funny because sarcasm is pretty much a requirement for Urban Fantasy. Cassie despite having great survival skills puts herself on the line again and again for those she loves. Even though being responsible for others scares the living daylights out of her, it's clear she already has the wits to lead. If not the confidence or courage quite yet.

The cast of characters in Embrace the Night, no in the whole Cassie Palmer series, are amazing. Everyone from villains to good guys, and the ones we can't label, are fleshed out expertly. It's amazing to feel so invested and interested in characters that will clearly be there for the long haul, or even ones that will briefly be present. This is not a beach read, where readers can zone in and out. You need to be paying attention from the first book. The insanity of this book—well crafted insanity mind you—is why the Cassandra Palmer series is one of my top favorite series in the Urban Fantasy department.

Sexual Content: Yummy, yummy sex. Sexual humor . . . this is for adults.

5/5- Fabulous, a beautiful obsession!

Originally posted at Book Whispers.

lesliethewanderlust's review against another edition

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The Geis is finally removed! at least I hope so. The third book in the series finally has Cassie finally accomplishing one of her biggest challenges. It was nice seeing Pritkin being less crazy and Cassandra finally earning some respect from the consul. The only problems I seem to have with this series, is the way its written. Sometimes it's just so much information at one time, I have no idea what's happening. Or like there's some rule book that explains it all that I didn't get.

tam_bam26's review against another edition

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Embrace the Night made me really glad I stuck with this series, the first book was confusing, I enjoyed the second, but this one was great! In Embrace the Night its much easier to follow along when Cassie does her time-travel thing. There's tons of action, which I love!! There was some really interesting stuff revealed about Pritkin.

shelleyrae's review against another edition

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I love how you are thrown straight into the action from the first page - it can be a little disorientating but since I am eading one after another its not so bad for me. I really enjoy the fast pace and complex plotting, Chance does a great job balancing all the threads of the story.
The characters are just so interesting from Pritkin and Mircea to the kitchen help.
Thankfully Cassie didn't annoy me quite so much in this installment as in previous, though there is still too much of her clueless routine. I'm glad she finally managed to figure out a few things - I hope she sustains the attitude through the next Curse the Dawn, which I'm just starting.
Really the series has only crept up to a 3.5 stars but I have decided to be a little more generous and give it 4 :)

gems_31's review against another edition

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Ok It had been over a year since I read the second Cassie book and to be honset I was a little bit lost, but the last book had me lost anyway so its by the by, but saying that I enjoyed being lost with this book.

I was as in the dark about the goings on with Cassie, Pritkin, Mircea and the search for the codex and to be honest it made the book more enjoyable. I literaly was going along for the ride with Cassie.

There was considerable plot development here and some nice twists in the whole storyline that were unexpected.

I'm still not 100% in the Pritkin camp, but I would say I'm about 90% there and I do prefer him to Mircea in this series. He is one of the more intresting charaters and even though I distrusted him and wanted to punch him more than a few times, but he was really intresting. Now this could be because he had more screen time than Mircea.

It would have been a five star but I had issues with some of the pacing, especailly near the middle of the book.

Overall I really liked it and I am intrested in seeing where the story goes.

lunarfire's review against another edition

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To say that Cassie attracts trouble would be the understatement of the century.

dapper's review against another edition

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I read the first two books a while ago and though I rated the 2nd book as 1 star, I thought maybe I was in a mood so I went back

Well. I wasn’t in a mood, Cassie Palmer is as dumb as a bag of bricks. Between her freezing up, failing, flailing, and requiring constant rescue, im shocked that this is the third book as the heroine is still so daft and inept.

The first real annoying thing was the “mix up” with the twins. The incubus basically said outright he wasn’t his brother and Cassie only didn’t grasp that concept but she pretended nothing happened for quite some time.

That was annoying but I put the book down for good after the auction. When you can travel backwards in time and know a specific time and date and place you’re going to.. PERHAPS some light research would serve well? No. Not for Cassie. This idiot didn’t even know that the night she traveled to is epically known for a major attack. What a fucking idiot. DNF and a reminder to myself to not bother picking this series up again

amyiw's review against another edition

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3 1/2 stars
So this one just wasn't as good for me as the first two. At the very end, I was getting really angered because I thought that it would end in a cliffhanger. It didn't but that means that it ended abruptly. Not that it wasn't good, at points it was great but others it was just a little too tedious to get through the sections. Some of the world, magic, building she just goes into too much detail, or during certain scenes, it is just overly described. This started in the beginning of the book and here and there was scatter within.
Spoiler The opening scene, the ley line travel, the two attacks by Rosier, and it seems all the sex scenes that she has written to this point. I remember in the first book, the scene with Mircea was actually painful to get through with all the talk and the drawn out thoughts in her head, same every single time. I like the encounters with Pritkin the best, as they feel more real, even though he is 1/2 incubus.
With this 3rd book, I just wanted to zone out more. Still the story was very good overall, though a little too convoluted in places with the time travel and then the answer to the geis problem.

So I listen to most of this and it was for the most part a pretty good narrator. My only real qualm was every time she read "Dulceață", sweetness, it made me cringe. He says literally one word in Romanian in all the books. How hard is it to learn the pronunciation of one word? She gets the 'ch' right, put the s sound and uh. I know this is minor, especially since I thought she did pretty well with all the characters and... well every time I hear it, it takes me out of the story. I can't help my mind.

Great addition though I wish she would cut out some of the explaining. Maybe it is my problem because I remember the last books seeing as I read them right before this one and didn't read them a year before waiting for the next publication. I came to this series late, but I've seen other have this complaint and nothing else, so I'm not alone here. I'll go on to the next right away, though I think maybe I should step away and let time pass so the repetition becomes helpful instead of annoying. Still the drawn out scenes were not repetition. I think the Dorina Basarab spin off starts here so I might go to that instead.