
Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles

sk24's review against another edition

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This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

Sigh. There were, unfortunately, several typos/mistakes throughout this book. It felt like a manuscript instead of a finalized novel to me. The quality of writing wasn’t very good either. Miles portrayed a very immature writing style.

We get to see the odd chapter through Brax’s point of view (I think maybe 2 chapters are in his point of view). The rest are told from Olivia’s perspective.

Everything was pretty weak about this book. There was nothing great about it in my opinion. The characters weren’t developed enough and they weren’t all that interesting. I was barely into their story and it was obvious how the story was going to play out. It followed a very common NA pattern to a T. I won’t be reading the sequel.

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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I should’ve taken the title as a hint.


Stupid Girl screames cliché. Cliché plot! Cliché main character! Cliché love interest! CLICHÉ CLICHÉ CLICHÉ! And I’m angry (and a little sad) for thinking that it would end differently. That, surprisingly, I would end up loving it. But no, no, no, It made me lose more faith in NA genre.

Olivia just moved to Winston College to study Astronomy and also, to work. She has no plans on making friends, especially on having a romantic relationship with anyone. She’s just happy that nobody knows her and her past, that the whispers and pity stares are gone. She’s determined and all that to be anonymous and to just focus on her studies but then it all changes when she runs (literally) into Brax. Brax is.. jeez, we all know he’s type already. To be easy, let’s just say he’s a Travis Maddox clone. How ‘bout that? Oh wait, how about those who haven’t read BD . Well, Lucky youuuu! No, seriously. I’m genuinely happy for you. But to be fair to you guys, this is Brax Jenkins:

“That’s Braxton Jenkins, my darling. Sophomore. Kappa Phi brother. Winston’s big dog starting pitcher. Total man slut.” Tessa shook her head. “Bad ass, and not in a good way. He’s dangerous. Trouble with a big f*cking T. If you’ve got any sense at all, you’ll stay far away from him”


Ooooohh. Now tell me this character isn’t cliché at all. But, let’s get past that. Maybe I’ll be engaged because of the plot. But you know what? I was 1 chapter in and I already want to rant. Look at this (or listen, or read): When Brax accidentally collided (or I think he threw something then it hit the girl, whatever) with Olivia, he KISSED her.


THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER AND HE KISSED HER. And this is what Liv thought:

“He’d kissed me. And for a moment, I’d let him. What was wrong with me?”


Well, I’d like to know the answer myself. LOOK AT YOUR LIFE OLIVIA. LOOK AT YOUR CHOICES. That’s sexual assault, you know. HE’S A STRANGER.
Oh but wait. Let’s give the guy a chance. Maybe he really needs to kiss a stranger. Maybe he’s gonna die or something and a kiss will save him. I mean, it can happen right? Well, here is his reasoning:

”Christ, I’m sorry. Was just goin’ out for a pass. I didn’t even see you there. Then,” his smile was slow and lazy as his gaze raked over my mouth, “well, I just couldn’t fuckin’ help myself”

Anybody feel like hitting someone? I KNOW I DO. And after a few chapters..

“And I’m not fuckin’ apologizing for that kiss. It was natural hot-blooded male gut instinct.” He shrugged. “Couldn’t help it.””


I’m usually against Fictional Character slaughtering, but I don’t know.. I feel like making an exeption. So. Liv should be scared, right? Or I don't know, be creeped out. But after that encounter, she can’t stop thinking about anything but the kiss.

“It wasn’t a big deal, not a date, and he certainly wasn’t interested in me. Not a proposal, as he’d pointed out. As Tessa had so delicately put it, I was not his type. Not at all. So why did my lips still tingle?”

She was just like that for a whole 3 chapters. Going on and on and on.. She wont’s stop. Liv really has a potential as a character. This book started on Olivia being drugged and raped by his boyfriend (the handling with this chapter is so insensitive by the way. ICK.) And then after a year, she moves in Winston College. Where’s the character development that should’ve happen because of her tragic past? WHERE? She said that she’s all changed and that she know better now but really, this girl is acting like a 15 years old through out the book..

“When we reached the dorm entrance, Brax caught the door as a group of girls filed out. They all slid me an odd look, and one said, “Hey there, Brax,” in a husky voice, and then stared hard at me as she passed. Almost … challenging me. Daring me to interfere. Daggers, even. It was always so noticeable when girls flirted, and it looked and sounded stupid and immature. They never really knew what might lay behind good looks. Or an arresting pair of eyes. No matter how jolting of a kisser. I knew that first hand.””

And then after a few chapters..

“…just something I believe in personally. (about her purity ring) I don’t make a big deal of it, just like I don’t judge others.””


““I know I’m a typical, Brax. Most girls my age have casual sex like there’s no tomorrow. I’m sorry, but that’s just not me. I’m … simply not casual.””

Yep, I checked, A woman wrote this. My own species. One question: WHYYYYYYYY. Ahhhh, it's all just so tiring. It was predictable and nothing really happened that stood up. Everything feels recycled, like I've already read it and I was hoping for a different ending but I was disappointed. If you're really curious to know what happened, here it is: I DON'T KNOW. I stopped reading (I just skimmed the rest) when she ended giving up her fake virginity and she found out that Brax was lying.


Yes guys, Brax lied. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. UGH. What a shocker.
ANYWAY, Stupid Girl did not work for me, at all. After reading it, I feel like my whole energy was drained and I started questioning my life choices. I f you like- Forget it, read it at your own risk! Oh and if you have some NA recommendations? That would be fab.

rodeorocks13's review against another edition

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I received this book through Netgalley. I could not put it down. I have been looking for book like this since I read easy by Tammara Webber and I finally found it. This book was amazing and the characters chemistry was so intense I was hooked. I read this book in just over a 24 hour period. Any free minute I had I was reading it. So many twists and turns. Just when you think everything's great, just like your blindsided by suprises. Have nothing bad to say about this book except I never wanted it to end. Going to become one of my favourites.

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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I give this book 3.5 stars. This was kinda like your typical NA book. Something happened to a innocent girl and she meets a bad boy in college. Except for the head strong geeky cowgirl and the Boston tatted baseball player. You can see my full review here -> Greyland Reviews

rmini's review

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Absolutely loved this book! Fell in love with the characters, plot and they writing! Would absolutely recommend this book if your looking for a good one!

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kerasalwaysreading's review against another edition

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I had read a ton of one or two star reviews of this book AFTER I had already purchased it. I am sure as hell glad that I didn't let that deter me from reading it anyway. Yes, it was a uniformed type story that some will say all follow the same basic rules, but I really LOVED this book. From the beginning to the end. There were a couple twists that I didn't expect and, yes, I will admit, a few instances where I was a bit peeved at the direction Cindy Miles took in the story line. But seriously this was an incredible story that didn't need a lot of dirty sex scenes to make it enjoyable.
I am the type of person that tends to read in accents. The first thing that came to mind for Brax Jenkins' voice was that of the incredible talents in Good Will Hunting, so when I got to the reference that Olivia makes to this in the book, I actually laughed out loud. I thought that the Southie accent was a different one than people usually chose for male characters in books. It was refreshing. And he was smart and intelligent to boot. Not just a tatted up dumb oaf...
I think that the characters were great and rounded out very well. I hate those books when you never actually feel a connection with the characters. When the author never really takes the time to let you get to know them. That was not the case here. In just the two chapters that were in Brax's POV, you were given more of an insight to how he feels about his 'Gracie' other than just how she perceives that he feels about her.
This was a really great book and I will FOR SURE read it again sometime :)

somarostam's review against another edition

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I requested to be a part of the tour for this book out of the blue, I didn't know what it was about or how it was going to be. So I had very low expectations and right now, I am feeling confused about my feelings towards it.
Olivia had the toughest part of her life going through her senior year and now that she has finally moved on to college, she is sure that she can finally pursue her dreams. But all that changes when Brax moves into her life, with his killer smile and killer reputation. He's everything Olivia knows she should never want, but he just might be everything she needs.
*Plot:The storyline of this book is very familiar to the NA genre, with the whole heart-wrenching subjects of abuse and recovery. This book started off on the same note, and it pretty much never addressed the subject again until the last chapters. I felt like this was a normal contemporary romance without the dark subjects.
*Characters:The characters were not very likable. Olivia just seemed too naive to be a college girl and she questioned her thoughts and feelings to an unhealthy state. But after a while, she grew and I began to like her. Brax was the typical NA love interest with the bad boy attitude and a heart of gold. Although he really wasn't my favorite NA love interest because he was just too moody and temperamental to be good.
*Romance:The romance was definitely my favorite part. Although their romance started off as interest-at-first-sight, it grew into something that I felt was real. I loved the chemistry between them and the hot scenes were to die for. But I felt like the strain on this relationship was unbelievable at times and most of their problems were not problems to begin with.
Finally, this book was definitely much more enjoyable than I thought it would be and the ending was satisfying to the 100th degree. I loved it. Although this will not make it to my list of favorites, it might appeal to a lot of people. After all, it's all a matter of perspective.

jlove731's review against another edition

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When I rate the books I read, I rate them purely on the emotions I felt while reading. Did the book make me squeal, melt, hurt? Did the book suck me in so bad that I didn't want to put it down? Stupid Girl brings out all the feels. It is an emotional new adult creation that I absolutely adored!

I loved the fact the Liv had a love for astronomy and stars...I definitely related to that. More than that, I admired her strength and her choices after she's been hurt and I loved watching her let Brax in. The one thing I also adored about her was how much a family girl she always means number one to me and I'm glad Liv had that quality.

Braxton Jenkins...unf on toast! I admit, knowing "of him" I wanted to hate him when we meet him, I wanted to so bad, but I just couldn't. Brax's charm instantly steals your heart especially with the whole ethereal blue eyes, Boston, baseball, tattoo, and well-built thing going on. He is just the total hot factor. When it came to his anger, I sometimes melted at the protectiveness because it was all for Liv (or shall I say Gracie), but other times I cringed and may have thought it was too much. When Brax's backstory is finally revealed, you know it's going to be ugly but I wasn't expecting to hurt for him as much as I did. I have to give him all the props for coming out on top after everything he's been put through. Just adored him!

Overall this book had everything I setting, dark moments, drama, laughs, and lots of sexy romance. And fortunately no girls I wanted to beat up, *wink*. If you're a looking for an exciting and emotional contemporary, definitely give this one a shot...I adored it!

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greylandreviews's review

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I give this book 3.5 stars. This was kinda like your typical NA book. Something happened to a innocent girl and she meets a bad boy in college. Except for the head strong geeky cowgirl and the Boston tatted baseball player. You can see my full review here -> Greyland Reviews