
Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles

mrs_george's review

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a copy!

I have really been lucking out with my recent NA reads. This is one that is right up there with my favorites!

First off, I finally get how people say they're "in love " with characters. I love Brax! I'm a sucker for an accent and the way the authored handled Brax's, I was always reading it with that Boston accent. It really helped make his character. I'm usually not one for cockiness but I found him so endearing. I've said before how I'm not a fan of violence and while Brax is hot-tempered and handles things with his fists, I was more tolerant after understanding his background.

Olivia, although she'll always be Gracie, was a very sweet but strong-willed girl. I loved how her confidence and self-esteem grew through the book.

We've all read NAs where the girl has undergone a traumatic past but manages to fall quickly in love (and in bed) despite it. I really didn't feel this was the case with Olivia and Brax. Her trust in him really grew in a believable way. When they did become intimate, it was on her terms and not immediate.

There were a few questions that never really got addressed. It wasn't enough though to detract from the story. I hope we get to see more of Brax and Olivia and maybe get more finality.

whatcha_listening_to's review

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Something about the title caught my eye and I thought why not, I even just scrolled to what people were saying and I saw a lot of drama this and that usually, that would make me stop. But if I had I wouldn’t have listened to this book and I am glad I did.

I really enjoyed Olivia aka Gracie’s story and how she overcomes. The connection between she and Brax have even from the beginning how it grew from friends. It felt more like a Young Adult story that grew to a New Adult there are subtle differences. And I felt the change happen. Gracie really held herself up I liked how strong she stayed and how much she stood up for herself. I wasn’t sure she would but she surprised me.

Brax I think still needs work but overall him as a leading man grew on me as well.

I liked the narration a lot, I loved the accent and I really like that when Gracie repeats it in her head it’s with his accent I 100% believe audiobook is the way to go with this book it really just added that extra touch.

kateh3077's review

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First of all I would like to thank Cindy Miles for letting me the book via the goodreads New Adult Book Club Read it Review it Scheme.

I gave the book five stars as it was a fantastic page turning story about a young girl who was raped by her boyfriend in the year before their senior year and her recovery in the proceeding months/years.

The story starts when the main characher Olivia is found by her brothers after she'd been raped and one of her brothers is beating the living daylights out of Casey, her boyfriend. Then It follows her as she starts College to find that Casey is attending the same College as her.

When she starts college we are introduced to many other characters including Braxton Jenkins (boyfriend to be), Teesa (Olivia's roomate and best friend), Noah (Olivia's boss at the Observatory).]

Olivia is a typical teenage girl with all the insecurities that any teenager has but their intensified following her ordeal of being raped. She lives in a small Texas Town called Jasper with her three brothers, mum and Grandfather on their Horse breaking ranch. Through the story we find about her love of Astronomy.

Braxton Jenkins, who became Olivia's boyfriend, is a Baseball scholarship student at the College that Olivia attends and he has man slut bad boy reputation so everyone warms Olivia off of him but she falls for him immediately as he does for her. Him meeting Olivia changes him from someone who sleeps around uninterested in having a relationship to someone who only has eyes for her and is absolutely crazy about her. Which is why when he breaks up with her about half way through the book it makes no sense to her or anyone else but it becomes clearer when he explains to her why when he ends up at her house during the christmas holiday.

I found this book to be a page turner due to the ups and down's between Olivia and Brax. Along with the Intricacies of the story about Olivia's experience with her high school boyfriend and the on going repercussions of it.

I will be recommended this book to other people both personally and on my Blog. This review will also be published on my blog on Thursday which is my review post day.

mylastromancenovel's review

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My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not obligated to write a good review nor did I receive any compensation for writing this review.

Why did I decide to turn the pages? The cover looked fantastic and I've enjoyed previous things by this author.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I really adored the book. It was interesting and stood out from several other New Adult books I've read recently.

I thought Cindy did a great job of creating quirky, entertaining characters who were enjoyable to read about.

The name Memory did throw me for a loop though. Who names their kid Memory?

The writing was fast paced, and I thought that the plot was interesting. Without giving any details away or spoiling anything, a lot of the plot reminded me of "A Walk to Remember." Now, I'm not talking about the ending--just the overall book. Girl who's sick who's only parent is a dad. Starts dating a guy. Doesn't tell him she's get the idea.

However, Memory was far from being like the girl in the book. She was a kick-butt character, a daredevil, and intense.

Major Strengths: Meaningful books and an engaging plot.

Major Weaknesses: Dragged a bit at times.

So why 3 stars? A fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed, but it wasn't quite of a 4 star caliber.

Can I read the series out of order? Yes, although be prepared to want to read the previous two afterwards.

Warnings/Side-notes: New Adult. References to sex (fairly vague) and references to drinking.

The Wrap-up: A book that I'm glad I took a chance on.

thepaperreels's review

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I should’ve taken the title as a hint.


Stupid Girl screames cliché. Cliché plot! Cliché main character! Cliché love interest! CLICHÉ CLICHÉ CLICHÉ! And I’m angry (and a little sad) for thinking that it would end differently. That, surprisingly, I would end up loving it. But no, no, no, It made me lose more faith in NA genre.

Olivia just moved to Winston College to study Astronomy and also, to work. She has no plans on making friends, especially on having a romantic relationship with anyone. She’s just happy that nobody knows her and her past, that the whispers and pity stares are gone. She’s determined and all that to be anonymous and to just focus on her studies but then it all changes when she runs (literally) into Brax. Brax is.. jeez, we all know he’s type already. To be easy, let’s just say he’s a Travis Maddox clone. How ‘bout that? Oh wait, how about those who haven’t read BD . Well, Lucky youuuu! No, seriously. I’m genuinely happy for you. But to be fair to you guys, this is Brax Jenkins:

“That’s Braxton Jenkins, my darling. Sophomore. Kappa Phi brother. Winston’s big dog starting pitcher. Total man slut.” Tessa shook her head. “Bad ass, and not in a good way. He’s dangerous. Trouble with a big f*cking T. If you’ve got any sense at all, you’ll stay far away from him”


Ooooohh. Now tell me this character isn’t cliché at all. But, let’s get past that. Maybe I’ll be engaged because of the plot. But you know what? I was 1 chapter in and I already want to rant. Look at this (or listen, or read): When Brax accidentally collided (or I think he threw something then it hit the girl, whatever) with Olivia, he KISSED her.


THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER AND HE KISSED HER. And this is what Liv thought:

“He’d kissed me. And for a moment, I’d let him. What was wrong with me?”


Well, I’d like to know the answer myself. LOOK AT YOUR LIFE OLIVIA. LOOK AT YOUR CHOICES. That’s sexual assault, you know. HE’S A STRANGER.
Oh but wait. Let’s give the guy a chance. Maybe he really needs to kiss a stranger. Maybe he’s gonna die or something and a kiss will save him. I mean, it can happen right? Well, here is his reasoning:

”Christ, I’m sorry. Was just goin’ out for a pass. I didn’t even see you there. Then,” his smile was slow and lazy as his gaze raked over my mouth, “well, I just couldn’t fuckin’ help myself”

Anybody feel like hitting someone? I KNOW I DO. And after a few chapters..

“And I’m not fuckin’ apologizing for that kiss. It was natural hot-blooded male gut instinct.” He shrugged. “Couldn’t help it.””


I’m usually against Fictional Character slaughtering, but I don’t know.. I feel like making an exeption. So. Liv should be scared, right? Or I don't know, be creeped out. But after that encounter, she can’t stop thinking about anything but the kiss.

“It wasn’t a big deal, not a date, and he certainly wasn’t interested in me. Not a proposal, as he’d pointed out. As Tessa had so delicately put it, I was not his type. Not at all. So why did my lips still tingle?”

She was just like that for a whole 3 chapters. Going on and on and on.. She wont’s stop. Liv really has a potential as a character. This book started on Olivia being drugged and raped by his boyfriend (the handling with this chapter is so insensitive by the way. ICK.) And then after a year, she moves in Winston College. Where’s the character development that should’ve happen because of her tragic past? WHERE? She said that she’s all changed and that she know better now but really, this girl is acting like a 15 years old through out the book..

“When we reached the dorm entrance, Brax caught the door as a group of girls filed out. They all slid me an odd look, and one said, “Hey there, Brax,” in a husky voice, and then stared hard at me as she passed. Almost … challenging me. Daring me to interfere. Daggers, even. It was always so noticeable when girls flirted, and it looked and sounded stupid and immature. They never really knew what might lay behind good looks. Or an arresting pair of eyes. No matter how jolting of a kisser. I knew that first hand.””

And then after a few chapters..

“…just something I believe in personally. (about her purity ring) I don’t make a big deal of it, just like I don’t judge others.””


““I know I’m a typical, Brax. Most girls my age have casual sex like there’s no tomorrow. I’m sorry, but that’s just not me. I’m … simply not casual.””

Yep, I checked, A woman wrote this. My own species. One question: WHYYYYYYYY. Ahhhh, it's all just so tiring. It was predictable and nothing really happened that stood up. Everything feels recycled, like I've already read it and I was hoping for a different ending but I was disappointed. If you're really curious to know what happened, here it is: I DON'T KNOW. I stopped reading (I just skimmed the rest) when she ended giving up her fake virginity and she found out that Brax was lying.


Yes guys, Brax lied. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. UGH. What a shocker.
ANYWAY, Stupid Girl did not work for me, at all. After reading it, I feel like my whole energy was drained and I started questioning my life choices. I f you like- Forget it, read it at your own risk! Oh and if you have some NA recommendations? That would be fab.

dubvanna's review

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**4 Stars**

“His ego is…epic. His conquests? Legendary. He’s all about the hooch chase.”

Braxton Jenkins or Brax is a super cocky, tatted-up, college baseball player and frat boy. He prides himself on “The Chase” and loves the challenge of getting as many girls under him as possible. So when he runs right into Olivia the chase begins. But Olivia is different to Brax, he’s overly and mysteriously intrigued by her, and he can’t quite figure her out.

This is Olivia’s freshman year of college and she’s trying to move on with her life after an unfortunate event in high school leaves her humiliated. She is super smart too, attending college on an astronomy scholarship. Olivia is basically the polar opposite of Brax, they have nothing in common but somehow seem oddly similar.

This is a very true to its meaning New Adult novel, and the writing was REALLY good. I really loved the character of Brax, he’s your total stereotypical guy from South Boston, who swears a TON, fights A LOT, and has that great Boston accent that Olivia loves to poke fun at. The way the Author wrote the characters personalities couldn’t have been more perfect. They had a great chemistry and a wonderfully witty banter that flowed really effortlessly.

So this might seem like you basic cat and mouse romance at first, but there’s a couple of twists and turns in there that are what kept me going. Olivia (or Gracie) as Brax calls her has some stuff hidden in the past that she wants to keep there. So when someone from that horrible memory emerges at her school all bets are off, and she’s pretty certain that her secret will come out sooner than later.

Brax has some secrets of his own; the only difference is that he’s the one responsible for all of his actions. And a couple times I was really pissed at him for the way he talked to Olivia, but in hindsight I guess it made sense…sorta. I think he acted like a dick unnecessarily. But he IS a guy I guess.

All in all the characters were really lovable, even the secondary characters like Tessa who is Olivia’s roommate, and Cory who is Brax’s teammate. Also, Olivia’s family was great as well. The story had a really nice flow to it, and like I said before the writing was really good and surprisingly witty and smart. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I would totally recommend this book to all of the NA readers out there, this story was cute, and sweetly sexy with some laugh out loud moments and some ahhhhhhh moments as well.

“You stole my fear, then my heart. You made me want to feel again.”

supera710's review against another edition

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I recieved a copy of Stupid Girl courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a review

This is my first book by Cindy Miles, and I liked it! It reminded me a bit of Beautiful Disaster, with the fights Brax was always getting in (there was a lot) and the relationship between him and Olivia. I thought their relationship was sweet, and at times I wanted to shake them, but it was a good story. I'll be reading Stupid Boy for sure.

powerlibrarian's review

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This is a new adult book that was published a little while ago, and it features the trope of the young freshman girl starting at university, hoping to re-invent herself. Some of the other reviews are a little harsh. Sure, it doesn’t feature anything new to this trope, but it was originally published in 2014, back when this trope hadn’t been beaten over the head like a dead horse quite so much. That said, if you like the trope, (like I do!) you’ll enjoy the book. I love a heroine who has scars on the outside as well as the inside, and Brax also makes for a damaged and intriguing hero. I do wish the book had been a little longer, so we could have seen his backstory a little more fleshed out.
All in all, this is an entertaining read with a great blend of angst and hopefulness that kept me turning the pages.

mdaisy's review

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I was a bit afraid of starting this book because I saw it on NetGalley and it seemed pretty good but then I saw the rating on Goodreads and I just thought why is the rating this low?! Is not low low but it's under 4.00 so yeah I was afraid. Then I read the book and I let me tell you it was awesome! I really really enjoyed it!

Olivia was a badass! I loved her! When someone stared talking about her or stared at her she just kept her chin high and kept walking I really liked that about her she didn't care what others thought of her she knows what she is and she wasn't going to change it because others didn't like it. I really liked her slow relationship with Brax and how she learned to trust him though the first time she talked about that night I was pretty mad she didn't tell everything but later I understood that at the time she wasn't completely ready to tell him everything.

Now the male character wow! Brax is so intense and sexy *-* I loved that he kept persisting on a relationship with Olivia but when she said she just wanted to be friends he stopped pushing but he was still there with he was pretty sweet. When she showed him the sky at night and taught him things she knew I loved how surprised he was how amazed he was that she knew all these things. One thing I thought was the sweetest thing ever was he called her Gracie and no one understood why because her name is Olivia and everyone called her Liv. The reason he called her Gracie was because he wanted to be different and he asked her middle name that is Grace and that's where the nickname come from.

Oh my god! I LOVE TESSA!! She's so freaking funny and her defending Liv was so awesome!! She's a badass and I'm really glad her and Cory are together! I would love to know more about them

One thing I wasn't expecting was crying and damn didn't I cry. I was so shocked of what happened and I just thought what if that was me in her situation? I just cried and cried because I can't live my life without them. If I think about it wasn't that unexpected but I was so into the story and I just couldn't stop I didn't have time to think about it.

Overall with a pretty good read I'm really glad I found the book on NetGalley and they approved my request.

**Ebook kindly provided by The Knight Agency via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

raciethereader's review

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* Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

This book is a solid 3.5 in my opinion. It made me cry which few books do, and the plot, writing, and dialogue were exceptional. The plot has been done before and the characters fell a bit flat but an excellent book none the less.