
Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon

starsfan56's review

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felt scattered reading it

I can't say I enjoyed this book. I really wanted to based on the description and all the reviews I read about it. But gotta say I feel a bit misled by all the high reviews.

This book definitely had a lot of action. It also had a lot of repetition. And it did indeed have a heroine that was TSTL. I'm sorry, she was. I guess one of the biggest flaws I felt with her was that she was very concerned about her missing cousin, going by his home several times, going in, looking thru his stuff. But she never went by his work! I get that maybe she might not get in, but I'm not sure because she never tried, and we were never told she couldn't. So I kept waiting for her to go there but she didn't.

Now it's only big omission to me simply because of some,of the other things she does. She keeps close friends with her uncles secretary so she gets the scoop on him. That's resourceful and smart. Why wouldn't she try to find her cousins coworkers or boss when she's that concerned?

Next, I was really flummoxed by the way the first chapter was about the hero on a mission, then chapter two was about our hero and heroine making out, then the next chapter was about the hero going into his work office to discuss the mission. Just really bad flow between paragraphs and I was floored to be dumped into an already active relationship. That's not a spoiler, that's the way the book begins.

Finally it was difficult to get a handle on both the cousin and the uncles characters and motivations. I'm still struggling with the cousin, after the story lol has been told. I'm still struggling with the bad guys motivations, just didn't seem realistic. More whiny than scary.

Can't recommend.

whiskeyinthejar's review

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****Full Review****

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Commanding men, sinister terrorist plot, sexy bedroom scenes, and double dealing all lead to a romantic suspense story that is hot in more ways than one. Ford is former CIA now working for a very off the books government group called Alliance. Alliance also includes former MI6 and other tips of the spear military members. Coming off of a botched mission, Ford the leader of Bravo team is doing a little undercover work to get close to Shay, the cousin to a suspected terrorist. They have instant chemistry and Ford finds himself getting a lot closer to Shay than he originally anticipated. As missing deadly toxin vials and cat and mouse games with deadly consequences swirl around them, Ford is forced to decide what he'll compromise to keep Shay safe and Shay is left questioning if the man she loves is the true Ford.
This is an incredibly quick moving story; key players are constantly making moves that keep you turning the pages anxious to see where it is all going to lead. The strength is definitely in the suspense plot with the reader wondering how much is Shay's cousin really involved in the terrorist plot and who the mole is. Although, in the beginning when all the members of Alliance are kind of clustery thrust at the reader and who is who is being learned, things were a little muddled but about thirty percent in I was able to get into the flow of the story. Alliance and its members is the central core of the story with the terrorist plot/mole and Ford's romance with Shay branching off of that. Ford and Shay's relationship is strong throughout the story but they definitely get lost in the mix at times. Individuals looking for some romance in their suspense stories will fare better here than those looking for the vice versa.
As this is told from more of Ford's perspective he is the stronger character. He has a realness and ease that will have reader's instantly connecting with him. Also, let's be honest, his capability in and out of the bedroom and the way he loves Shay will have him starring in a couple of fantasies. Due to all of these strong components, the character of Shay doesn't pack much of a punch. Her limited screen time interactions with Ford consisting of a lot of sexual foreplay/activity and musings if Ford is trustworthy leave her relegated to the background. They are hot together but the fact that Shay doesn't discover who Ford is until very late in the book leave her an outsider to the story and the reader.
The introduction of all the characters might overwhelm you at first but as you get to know them, you'll be secretly wishing for each and everyone to get their own story. It's a well crafted, thought out, intriguing characters, with sex scenes that are on point book. If Playing Dirty is any indication to what the rest of the books in the Bad Boys Undercover series are going to be like, then sign me up for them all.

jemifraser's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this one! Shay and Ford are intriguing characters and I enjoyed the plot twists throughout the story. Looking forward to reading more by this author!

jellbea's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this one, but I just couldn't get past the fact that Ford basically lies to Shay for the entire book. How can Shay see anything they have as true when she didn't even know Ford? And really, what does Ford do for her that doesn't also benefit him and his mission? Even his caring acts serve to make Shay trust him more, which leads to her confiding in him when her cousin resurfaces. I liked the agency and the rest of Ford's team. I liked Shay and thought she had a great heart. But I just couldn't believe in their relationship at the end and didn't see how they could move forward with all the lying between them.

labraden's review against another edition

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It was difficult to get interested in this story for the first half of the book, and I still don't quite know why. By the end, however, I couldn't put it down. The main character may have been a little too forgiving for my taste, but overall, the story was exciting and believable enough to hold my interest. I'll be reading Falling Hard next.

prgchrqltma's review against another edition

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Characters: landlady, black ops agent
World Building: mission planning and implementation
Plot: finding a terrorist
Sex: Medium. Frequent.
Read another: Try one more.

I'm trying to like this author, because it seems like her work should appeal to me. I've had a hard time sticking with the stories, though. They seem to start really, really slowly. And this one had typos and name confusion to go on top of the welter of characters being introduced.

amshofner's review against another edition

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noveladdiction's review against another edition

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This is one of those books that left me conflicted. By the end, I was enjoying it. But the beginning was only so-so, if that. I see potential for this series, but this wasn't the best opener.

See my review of PLAYING DIRTY at Romance Reviews Today in February/March 2015.

tiggerreads's review

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3 1/2 out of 5