
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge

burstnwithbooks's review against another edition

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So. Incredible. I highly recommend this book to any and all fans of young adult. I was just so intrigued by the characters! I mean, I don't know that I've ever really read a book before where the main character truly isn't good. But hey, pure and good aren't necessarily the same, right? Okay, if I keep talking I'm going to give away spoilers. But trust me, this book was incredible and you all need to go read it.

katzuyas's review against another edition

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I did not enjoy the main character at all, but her choices and feelings were more or less explained by the situation. the world in this book was also quite interesting and a whole lot organized than cruel beauty. I definitely liked this one more, but overall it was not a book I would die to read again for the first time.

mliztucker's review

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That was... Interesting. I liked it, the story was fairly compelling, I found myself drawn to the narrator. But the world-building lost me at some points, there was some clunkiness in the writing, and one huge plot point in particular that I felt was way under-served.

haneen_tamer's review against another edition

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Things I loved:
-The world
-The story bit; a fairytale written for a fairytale retelling(very fitting)
-The forest
-The conversations
-The fact that Rachelle understands her feelings for the ppl in her life and we didn't have to do the love triangle thing!!!
Things I was meh about:
-The romance; like I didn't hate it, and it didn't distract from the story but I didn't ship it.
Things I hated:
-Rachelle realizing it, then realizing she did it wrong and correcting herself.
for example:
"Her first thought was to worship.
Not thought. Instinct. And not hers."


catyalice's review against another edition

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This book was absolutely horrid!! I was like The Catcher and They Rye and Twilight had a devil spawned book with pathetic characters and useless plots!! Rachelle is a jelly-fished back boned girl who has no personality, no emotions, and is practically a slutty sociopath. I am so disappointed in the book! There was so much potential in this idea but Hodge was too wound up in the love triangles, she forgot to add back stories and character depth. I absolutely loved Cruel Beauty but this one was trash! Waste of time!

winternight_3's review against another edition

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This was a hard one for me to review. It was a super cool and unique concept/lore/mythology. It had some great twists I didn't see coming at all. I felt the writing style was good (solid) and I rooted for Rachelle and her angsty journey and growth (yay character development!!!!!) I will read more by Hodge, I think.

But this review is only for 3 stars, so here are my issues:
SpoilerArmand and Rachelle's love story. It felt rushed and a little unbelievable. I think Hodge spent too much time on... other things and then just kind of assumed we'd all be on board for the love. And I was on board for the concept but not the execution.

*Too long. The story really dragged. Like, really dragged.
Spoiler(How many times are they almost gonna find that door?!?!?!??!)

*Because it was too long/dragging, I ended up skimming a lot and then had to go back and reread parts of the action (which I missed anyway) at the end. I just... didn't care by the end. I'd spent so much time on the same sort of issues on repeat (door, love triangle, angst, angst, door, etc.) that I did not care nearly as much about the climax and falling action. (But the stuff at the very end...
was really great...)
*However, the ending itself (the end end) felt incomplete. I needed more than
Spoilera kinda love confession and a kinda kiss
? I don't know... It might be because I felt the book was so long and we worked so hard to get to the end and that was it?

But, honestly, LOVED the mythology!

jcarvajal23's review against another edition

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This gave me all the feels! I couldn't put this book down. The characters are complex and dark. Heroes and villains are not clearly defined which keeps the reader guessing what will happen. The love triangle is glorious! The triangle comes about slowly and deliberately. The reader can realistically understand how both relationships form with Erec and Armand. Essentially, Rachelle must choose between two halves of herself represented in each guy. This story is also not just about a romance. Rachelle is an independent, headstrong, and dangerous fighter who is working toward redemption for her past. I highly recommend this one for anyone who loves dark fairy tales, complex characters, and romance!

nyctose's review against another edition

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I am really disappointed. I had such high expectations from this one and Little Red Riding Hood is my favourite fairytale. But this book fell short. The romance for one was unbelievable and unnecessary, and while I liked the main plot of the book and the idea, the romance left me irritated. Rachelle is a such strong character, honestly, but how she interacted with Erec and Armand jarred with how I saw her. She thinks she fell in love with Armand after mere pages. I just don't know what to say.
Apart from that, I liked how Rachelle took action and completed what she wanted to do from the beginning. I liked her as a heroine, I really did. And the ending made sense, in an epic way. It's just that while the characters were amazing individually, their interactions with each other was not. It was confusing.

loishojmark's review against another edition

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I like this book better than Cruel Beauty.. I don't know the story The Girl with no Hands so cannot tell how much this book was inspired by if there's not much from Little Red Riding Hood. But as I like the book that's probably not a problem.

amarylissw's review against another edition

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4.5 stars, but I'm rounding up.

I don't remember much from reading Cruel Beauty, however, after reading this little gem, I might have to re-read that one (I get the feeling I kind of skimmed through that one after a bit . . .). This story immediately sucked me in, left me breathless. There was never a dull moment. All the characters were well fleshed out, with all their flaws and intricacies.

Our protagonist, Rachelle, was awesome. She had guts and wit, strength and fears and faults. Her dynamics with the other characters were all interesting to watch. There was a slight love triangle, although I'm not sure I can call it that. Erec is an interesting character, one whom is steeped in mystery and charm. Armand, on the other hand, is open and sweet (adorable, really).

The plot, to me, was very fast-paced, and well-developed. It intertwined perfectly with the fantasy setting and the bigotry against the bloodbounds, the impending doom of the Devourer, and everything else.

Hodge's writing is beautiful. There were a few sentences that were kind of odd that I had to read twice. But her descriptions were amazing, her character development and setting brilliant.

Overall, I think I enjoyed this book a lot more than Cruel Beauty. However, I'd have to relook at that one to make sure.