
Embrace, by Jessica Shirvington

heisereads's review against another edition

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Review originally posted on Heise Reads & Recommends

You know that kind of book...the one when you start reading that book, you're immediately swept into the fantasy world created? The one where you're connecting with the characters - laughing and cringing and reacting with them? The one where you stay up too late reading, no matter what you have going on the next day, because you can't wait to find out where the story is going? The one where you find yourself frantically turning the pages, but then realizing you want to reread sections and slow yourself down so you make sure you actually process the story because you're going to need to understand it later? The one where you finish it, but just want to read it all over again because it was so, so good and you were so engrossed in it? Yeah...all of that was EMBRACE for me. I should have known, when the Sourcebooks rep told Sarah and I at NCTE that this was her favorite book they had there and we would love it, that I really would, but I was still surprised by how much I liked it. I was completely immersed in this all-consuming read.

I've read quite a few angels/fallen angels stories over the last several years, and I've liked some of them more than others, but this one blows all the rest of them away for me. The writing of this debut book is in first person, past tense in a straight-forward style and is engaging as it propels the story forward. It's one of those that's almost hard to explain what it was the grabbed me because I enjoyed it so much. Let's start with the characters though. Violet is a teenager with determination and spunk and sass and heart, I mean, this girl can kick some serious butt! She's a really likeable, believeable character, but she's also a little lost because she's been kind of alone her whole life since her mother died at her birth. Her dad has never really recovered, so she relies on her only best friend (who is a trip), and her "trainer" Lincoln to keep her going. She has strength within herself that she has yet to fully realize, and once she turns seventeen and learns about the world she's destined to be a part of without ever knowing it, everything changes for her. She is a Grigori, but she's different than all the others. Her inner strength and will is what makes her so powerful in the end, but she has to work to get there. She's written in a way that I just really connected with, especially her strength and determination to do things her own way on her own terms.

Then there are the boys. Girls are going to be swooning over these two. We have Lincoln, who Violet's in love with but doesn't show the same interest back at her, and when she find out why, it changes everything between them. Then there's Phoenix, who shows up in her life, and has secrets that he's not willing to reveal, but she is drawn to him and the way that he is there for her and takes care of her. Violet doesn't know it at first, but she's going to need both of these guys on her side to help get her through what's coming next and the decision she has to make of whether to embrace her Grigori side or not. The choice is hers, but she needs the guidance and support from both of these important guys in her life in order to help her make the life-changing decision. And, yes, there are some steamy, heated scenes with both of the guys (but not too graphic), and yes, it's triangle-ish, but not in the overdone, forced way that I sometimes don't like in young adult books - it seems realistic for the situation Violet is in and for the way her feelings are swirling. I have a feeling this will definitely spark a "Team" debate among the masses once they get their hands on this book. However, each of the guys seems more layered than they originally appear, and I can only guess we'll be discovering more and more depth about each of them throughout the rest of the series.

The storyline is fast-paced and full of action and decisions to be made and life or death situations and excitement. The world of the angels and Grigori is well-rounded and fully explained throughout the book, and it's a fresh take on some of the same backstories that we've heard before. I fully enjoyed reading this book and discovering this world that Violet has been destined to be a part of. It's detailed and complicated and we get to know and understand it just as Violet does as we take this journey to realization with her. She's not perfect though, and there are things that happen that we, as readers, will probably think she should have realized, but we aren't living with her demons and secrets and youthful outlook and angst and hope. There is quite a lot going on in this book, but ultimately it's about Violet learning about this world and figuring out how she feels about being a part of it or not and what's most important to her in her life. She has to learn to make decisions based on what she needs and wants and what's right for her, but also how it impacts those around her. It's about Violet's journey to self-realization and it's full of emotion, but also deals with the struggle between light and dark and whether or not it's a clear line between the two. Light wouldn't be needed if there was no dark, but are light and dark so clearly identified? This is the stage for the entire story. Because of this, everything is complicated in this book - there are no clear distinctions on what is the right thing to do, and that makes it all the more intriguing.

I'm sure there are going to be people who don't connect with this book like I did, or who pick apart some things that I overlooked because I was so engaged in it, but that's how it is with every book. Different ones connect with different people, and I was definitely absorbed in this one. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and I picked it up at just the right time when I needed to decompress from the last book I had read. I know I'm going to be desperately waiting to get my hands on book 2, ENTICED, and book 3, EMBLAZE, which, thankfully, Sourcebooks will be releasing in six month intervals so we won't have to wait so long to find out what will happen with Violet's journey next! Enjoy this read this spring!

books_plan_create's review against another edition

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Wow, this book made me melt.

So much frikking love for this book!

Want to know why? Clicky here

petyayancheva9's review

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I really liked it. The writing was really good, the characters were interesting and the plot was intriguing. But I dont have any strong feelings about it. This is my only problem. I'm interested in what is going to happen but I'm okay with not knowing.

I liked this version of the angel mythology, about the Grigori and how they must fight the exiles. It was a new look over the mythology.

I dont feel particularly strong about neither Phoenix nor Lincoln. I could see that there were something not right with Phoenix and that bugged me but at the same time I kind of liked him.

Violet bugged me a lot of the time but finally she embraced. I really liked that she told her best friend what was going on with her because in a lot of the books when something happens to the main character they just dont tell their friends or family and here she just told her and everything turned out beautifully.

leapfeetfirst's review against another edition

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After reading, and absolutely loving [b:Angelfall|11500217|Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)|Susan Ee||16435765] and [b:Daughter of Smoke & Bone|8490112|Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)|Laini Taylor||13355552] I borrowed this book- because ANGELS! I am glad I didn't pay for this book, because it is just terrible. Violet is too stupid to live and is pretty much the worst.

sandraselvas's review

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I liked this book and I hated this book.

I don't know how to properly express my feelings about this story without sounding like a contradictory fool, but I will try anyways.

Angel books and I have a weird, unhealthy relationship. Despite hating 95% of the angel books I've read, I keep coming back to them. Perhaps is the nagging hope that one might be different (i.e. [b:Angelfall|15863832|Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)|Susan Ee||16435765], [b:Daughter of Smoke & Bone|8490112|Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)|Laini Taylor||13355552] and [b:Unearthly|7488244|Unearthly (Unearthly, #1)|Cynthia Hand||9621771]) or maybe it's because I am a masochist reader... Who knows.

Our heroine, Violet Eden was complex and flawed. I liked the way she acted and reacted, and even though I disagreed with her sometimes, she was her own woman. I know she made some poor decisions, but who hasn't, right? Specially at seventeen. Her depiction was very accurate and I long to see how much will she change and grow in the next installments.

The plot was a bit confusing but very interesting and original. There were many aspects that I enjoyed learning about and I think the future books hold some promise, but sadly the plot was shadowed by the romance in this book.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love romances; especially between angsty teenagers but the relationships in this book were just weird. Our MC, Violet, is in love with his friend and trainer, Lincoln; I liked that she was already in love with him when the book started, instead of falling for him in the process, but they rarely got any time together as a new character and maybe love -or lust- interest came into the picture; Phoenix. Violet finds herself "torn" between two paranormal hot guys; her heart wants one but her body screams for the other...

Lincoln was attractive, nice and strong; but I wish he was given more depth. I didn't get the opportunity to fall in love with him, though I gotta admit he did make my heart melt in one scene. On the other hand, Phoenix was way more complex and interesting, but I couldn't fall in love with him either because he was creepy and stalkerish in an Edward Cullen kind of way.

And while I enjoyed the steamy parts of the book, I was baffled by some attitudes from Phoenix. Like, possessive much? It didn't take Sherlock to know that something was off with him, but our dear Violet never noticed and this is one of the things I hate the most in a book; when something is perfectly clear from the beginning and yet, the MC never notices and we have to endure hundreds of pages already knowing what is going to happen, which completely eliminates the shock factor when said discovery is made.... YAWN.

Anyways, I think that book two might be very interesting given the way this story ended and I seriously hope to get more badassery, intrigue and mystery and I also hope that Linc gets more character development!

Interesting premise but predictably executed, this book will appeal to those who adore love-triangles and sexy romances, but it might fail to enthrall those of us who look for the whole package (action, world building, plot, character development, amazing romance, shocking plot-twists, etc).

Proceed with caution.

[b:Enticed|9671126|Enticed (The Violet Eden Chapters, #2)|Jessica Shirvington||14558950], here I come!

jennhillmeow's review

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They definitely intrigue you with little hints about Violet's lineage. The vast powers she is discovering so quickly can only mean something huge. The love triangle isn't too overwhelmingly annoying either, it has some logic and purpose in it. It will be interesting to see where they go with this series.

lifeasemmalee's review against another edition

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This book was really setting up the world for the rest of the series. I couldn’t decide if I was team good boy or bad boy. But I liked how the author made it as confusing for the reader as it was for Violet. Violet is introduced to this whole new world and power and as she learns it comes together but at the same time there isn’t answers for everything and I’m looking forward to finding them in the next book! Controlling emotions of others in an interesting element that I haven’t really read much about in other fantasy novels I’m excited to see how it plays out. Also I love Lincoln so much and I hope him and Violet figure themselves out.

wildflowerz76's review

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I don't get the hate on this book. I mean, don't get me wrong: I didn't love it. But it was okay. Most of the complaints I've read about this book have actual reasons in the plot. SPOILERS!!! The hate for Lincoln: That was Phoenix. The insta-love: not there. It was totally lust with Phoenix and it wasn't "insta" with Lincoln since she's known him for at least a year.

Anyway, this was okay, but I've no desire to read any more of these.

booksandpops4000's review

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This book was so good. Such a interesting first novel in the series. I loved the whole concept of the novel and how it ended. I loved the triangle that was formed and it really did have my screaming at my book. There was some points i really hated violet for her treatment of link but at the end it made totally sense. I really love violet and link together and am excited to start the next one soon!

foksha_1996's review

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Well this book was really bad.

It started out really good, I couldn't even put it down for almost 3 hours and then you reach 60% of the book, and you think, what the heck is happening?

I was looking for an angel book, and found this book. And since it has been on my TBR for 4 years now, and i decided to read it. And I wish I didn't.

For the first time in a long time, I hated the main character. Violet was a selfish, whiney, and not to mention dumb and made TONS of bad choices. For a character that we were told more that once she was the savior, the one who will save everyone and the strongest gal in the whole world, you won't think she's stupid, right? Nope you're wrong.

Bad choice, after bad choice. I face palmed myself so many times and rolled my eyes even more. I even put the book down more than once, took a deep breath, took a break and continued reading. That's how bad she is.

And can we please talk about the love triangle? First with Pheonix, the bad boy who just after one look at Violet and he can't stay away from her (literally he's always with her, at her apartment, with her friends, to go out to eat, to her dad's company partyetc.) and wants to protect her. There was no chemistry and I'm meant to believe that you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle? Was I reading a different book?

“I swear to you, he’ll never hurt you again. You’re… I’ll never let him near you,’ he whispered.”

My dude, you just met her 24 hours ago, let's take it easy.

Not to mention he has hair the color of an opal. How can one have opal colored hair? HOW? SOMEONE EXPLAIN PLEASE.

And Lincoln, ah naive Lincoln. Well, I also didn't like him. He was a really weak love interest, and has the characteristics of a chalkboard. He also has some serious anger and possession issues, but at least he maintains some semi-normal qualities compared to our creepy friend Pheonix. And hey, at least he's less annoying than Violet.

And lastly, where the heck is her dad??? He only appears when needed for the plot and woop he's gone. As far as I know, she doesn't live alone. She's a 17 year old with guys in her apartment with her all the time.

*sigh* I'm having a headache. I will stop or this rant review will go on forever.