
One Little Secret by Avery Maxwell

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review

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I am positive my words will not do this book justice. 5 stars are not enough - I think 500 stars would not be enough either. Ashton's story will break your heart into microscopic pieces, they will be set on fire and blown to kingdom come and then little by little Nova comes into the story and each and every piece comes back together. These pieces are built together on love, honor and respect, all while making the reader cry their hearts out and want - no need - to get pulled into the book and give him a hug. A true Beauty and the Beast storyline intertwined with lies, deception, family interaction and honest to goodness redemption and undeniable love. Avery Maxwell - I have always enjoyed your books, but this one, my dear, puts you on another platform of epic storytelling and a masterpiece for anyone that picks it up.

filthylittlereader's review

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4.5 ✨

eajohnston's review

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The time has come for Ashton to get his happily ever happy. If you have read any of Avery Maxwell’s previous books, you know that his story is definitely the most hard fought happily ever after and emotional ending. Now let’s dive in…

Ashton has been through so much over the years. He was seriously injured and has never recovered mentally and emotionally. He has essentially been a recluse life and has avoided anyone and everyone, with the exception of Sadie (his niece). He has been harboring so much guilt over things beyond his control and we finally get a deep dive into Ashton’s mindset with what he’s been through.

Nova is Lochlan’s sister (Lochlan is the MC from Without a Hitch, who gets his HEA with Tilly, who is Colton’s friend). She has been through something traumatic recently and needs a hideaway. The Westbrook’s take it upon themselves to take on her trauma and have her live with Ashton until things get squared away.

While living together, Nova is able to chip away at Ashton’s walls and they form a hard fought friendship and for the first thing in 8 years, Ashton feels something bigger than his guilt.

”I need you, Super Nova. I need you and want you and am terrified that I’ll ruin you.”

Nova knows that she can’t solve all of Ashton’s troubles, she is there for him in a way that no one has been before. But will it be enough? Or will Ashton be stuck in his ways and not be able to be in a relationship?

There are so many things that happen and so many answers that we get (the big one - what happened/is happening with Pacen and where is she and why is Ashton harboring so much guilt over what happened with Loki years prior?). There is so much more and so many things that happen in this book, but I won’t spoil it for you.

As usual, we get so much Westbrook (family and adopted family) love. All of the characters and spouses show up in a real way for Ashton and Nova. They just prove that once you are accepted into the chaos, there is no going back.

This book was so much more than the romance between Ashton and Nova. While we see them grow closer and eventually gain their HEA, the trauma and guilt that Ashton went through and his journey with coming clean to his family and completely changing his life stole the show.

Ashton’s interactions with Sadie were my favorite. I also got choked up at his big interactions with Loki.

As expected, this was full of emotions on all fronts. I laughed; I cried: I smiled so big; and I sobbed. I went through the rollercoaster of emotions and feels, but I expected nothing less.

Avery wrapped up the Westbrook’s stories on a high note. All of the brothers and adopted brothers have their happily ever afters and are living their best lives. We even get a bonus epilogue that was ADORABLE and we get to see the future of all the families.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” That’s exactly how I feel about this story and all of these characters. Farewell to the Westbrook crew and I hope to see you pop up in future books!

kewlshort1's review

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Oh Ashton, you were SO worth the wait!

It feels like I’ve been waiting for Ashton to get his story forever. I’ve fallen in love with the chaos of these Westbrooks over all their books, and have seen enough of Ash to know that his story was going to decimate my heart before gluing it back together. And oh, how it shattered…

But in true Avery fashion, she wove a painfully beautiful story. Nova was the light Ashton needed, and no one could have been more perfectly suited for him.

I’m not ready to say goodbye. You KNOW a series is amazing when you want to start back at the beginning and reread them all again just so you don’t have to say goodbye. This world, these people she has gifted us with are beautiful and brilliant. They’re all a bit broken in places, they’re all amazingly complex and real, but with this mix of blood and found family they are complete. Every book in these two Westbrook series is a brilliant emotional journey, and I am so so thankful that I took the chance and got to see them all.

wilko's review

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I always knew Ashton's book would be emotional, but boy did this one wreck me with the pain Ashton has gone and does go through, you feel the desperation as well as self punishment he gives himself along with see the sweet side of him where Sadie is concerned. Your heart aches for both Ashton and Nova as they find feelings they didn't know they could have anymore as they both have trauma, you fist pump Nova for being the woman she is as well as want to shake them both out of frustrations, then of course you have some deep belly laughs you always get with this chaotic family and some scenes where ugh... I thought I would break like Ashton's painting, him breaking down in his office and emotions that come from both.
This is about standing up to the past, letting go and allowing yourself to love, and reminding you family is what you make it and are there to support you. It's a rocky road, but as we have seen from the rest of the family when it's worth it, it's worth it.

hnygren's review

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This book brought so many emotions! So many questions from others were wrapped up in this final book. While I am thrilled with Ashton and his HEA I am sad to be at the end of the Westbrooks and their Chaos!

eakearns76's review

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So many emotions with this book. Ashton has been the brother everyone has wanted to know more about. He’s been the dark brooding unreachable Westbrook. That is until Nova appeared in his sanctuary. She brings out the absolute best in him and helps him to feel again.

I’ve loved every book of Avery’s! Im so sad that this chapter has ended. Im very excited to see where Avery takes us next.

leisaann's review

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I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with a more tortured hero than Ashton. It’s going to take a lot of sunshine to rid him of his darkness….thank goodness for Sadie and Nova. This is the last book in the series and a lot of questions are answered…’s definitely a series to be read in order.

thedudereads's review

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Buckle up for a wonderful ride. This book has been a long time coming and AM delivers. I have loved everything I have read by this author. This book was no exception. Every AM book has the WTF did I just read part and well once again the parents deliver, I couldn't stop laughing. This was such a great way to close out the Westbrook family.

romancebookaffair's review

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4.5 stars
With One Little Secret the Westbrooks draws to a close and I for one am going to miss their chaos (definitely adding a full re-read to the TBR). Though Ashton’s book is the end of the Family Ties series, it really wraps up both series since Ashton’s story began in the Broken Hearts.
His story has been long awaited and I was grateful to see his happily ever after, though his journey to get there was amazingly rough. At times I struggled to read the weight of Ashton’s self-loathing, guilt and burdens. But Nova broke through that darkness for him, which no-one else had been able to completely do before. Despite everything that life and his secrets have thrown at him, there are still some things that Ashton is quite innocent about and I loved seeing his brothers try to guide him, though I think some of the best advice came from wee Sadie Sunshine.
Nova is vulnerable but also fierce – when she doesn’t back down from a burly, fierce Irishman and tells him “I am the f*cking light, f*ckface” I snort laughing loudly. I loved how she stood by Ashton and believed in him even when sometimes he didn’t believe in himself.
While this is an emotional book, both happy and sad, there are still some wonderful laughs thanks to the Westbrook chaos.