
Forgetting August by J.L. Berg

lmrivas54's review

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Wow, thrilling!

One of the few times I don't mind a cliffhanger because I knew beforehand and waited for the sequel LOL. Ms Bennet is a master storyteller, only a writer so talented can make a monster go away and come back a saint. When August wakes up from his coma, he's another person. We like him, we root for him and Everly to have a second chance. However, you can see the plot thickening and something's gotta give. The only thing, I knew things aren't what they seem, so this book is a road of discovery. Loved the way August is portrayed with no memories and making his way around. It felt totally believable. Every is unsure and hesitant, product of her foster home upbringing. When things get tight, her instinct is to flee. For some reason, I never took to Ryan. He got with Everly, knowing she's broken and she doesn't love him fully, yet expects total loyalty and being first priority. Doesn't he know it doesn't work that way? This story got me hooked all the way through, now I can,t wait for the sequel!

javalenciaph's review

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Read the full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Note: This ARC was provided by Forever Romance in exchange for an honest review.

August Kincaid and Everly Adams's relationship was the kind that they both thought would end in happily-ever-after. But it's clear from Everly's reaction to learning that August has emerged from his coma that things weren't as peachy as they once were prior to the accident that August suffered two years ago. Even with August's amnesia, Everly is distrustful of him, having difficulty in separating the man August was before she walked away from him and the August now that reminds her of the man she fell in love with wrapped in someone new. If things weren't complicated enough, there's Ryan (no last name mentioned), an absolutely kind-hearted guy who loves and accepts Everly unconditionally and with whom Everly has created a comfortable home and life. I couldn't help but feel for Ryan after August regains consciousness.

This was a fast-paced story and a creatively unconventional romance. Everly's feelings for August are complex, even after their relationship eventually unraveled and even though she loved Ryan and was now engaged to him. Their are choices that she makes that I may not have necessarily agreed with, but then I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if the man I once loved woke up from a coma, had no memories, and was a new version of himself, very different from the monster that she believed he had become before the accident. There's also a twist to their love story, once that's barely hinted at, but its revelation at the end of this first book results in a cliffhanger that, simply put, is pure evil. Yes, evil, because I'm left waiting until March 1, 2016 to find how the story is resolved and to get answers to each of my lingering questions.

I have no idea what it is I should expect going into the Remembering Everly, what with how everything ended between August and Everly and how they were acting toward each other at the end of this first book. In terms of storytelling and writing per se, I'm expecting high quality from J.L. Berg, not only because she's got a loyal fan following that's sung her praises in the past, but because I've experienced it for myself with the Lost & Found series starter. I may just choose to not have any expectations when it comes to how the rest of the story will unfold, because I sure didn't see a couple of things coming here. I may complain often about evil cliffhangers, but stories like Forgetting August--the kind that end up with me fully invested in the characters--and authors like J.L. Berg make the wait worthwhile. Five-plus stars. ♥

booklovershangout's review

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My jaw literally hit the floor when I read this ending to this book. I cannot even begin to describe how I feel about this book. It completely messed me up in the best way. I am left with so many questions and emotions to reconcile. I loved every minute of it though and am running to read the next book in this series!

chroniclesofabookreader's review

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Imagine what you would do if you were to wake up from a coma and remember nothing. Would you reinvent yourself? Would you strive to be someone new? Or would you try to be who you once were? Well, August has found that the person he used to be is someone he doesn’t really like. And he’s finding that because the one person his body, not his mind, can remember seems to be Everly. Beautiful, red-headed Everly. She strikes something deep within him, and he knows she meant something tremendous to him. Yet, she’s scared of him, hates him, doesn’t want anything to do with him. Why? What happened to August, and subsequently them?

“‘I don’t know why or how, but it’s only ever been you since the moment I woke up.'”

Everly has been living with the ghost of August for two years. He’s neither dead nor awake, but she sees him everywhere. She’s plagued with equal parts love and hate for the man who nearly ruined her. It doesn’t matter that she’s moved on, has found a caring, loving man to love her, August still haunts her. When he wakes, that ghost is now a physical haunting. She’s torn between past and present. The man–no, monster–doesn’t remember a thing, and yet it’s tattooed on her eyes: the deep love, the falling apart, the hatred. How to separate the past man to who he is now? And will it last?

“Life may be difficult, but loving someone…whether it’s right or wrong, that should be the easy part. And loving August had always been as easy as breathing.”

August, on the other hand, can’t understand what tore them apart. All of the pictures of them seem to point to a happy, loving relationship. He still feels that strong pull in his heart for her, no matter that his memories are gone. And while he tries to be the better person and just let her go, neither of them can break of the string that connects them. His desperate need to understand, to remember, is breaking the both of them into pieces. Jagged, bereft pieces that don’t really belong together, but are still connected. Can he start anew? Can he create a new, better August?

“‘I think it’s time for the bird to fly, Everly.'”

J.L. Berg creates a skillfully written journey forging heartbreak and heart growth. With a broken woman and the shell of a man, she takes us on the journey of redemption, fresh start, and the sometimes too-hard-truth. You’re like August, amnesiac just as he is to what happened. And while we see the heartbreak of their former life, we get to experience the new, beautiful connection they create together in spite of what got in between them before. With the first story of this duet, we end in a turning point. A big, “SAY WAHHH!?” If you’re not okay with cliffhangers, purchase and read this when the next book comes out. But, if you’re like me, jump into this now. It is a love story with a hell of a broken cog in its structure. You’ll feel the hesitancy, the love, the pain, and the rising tension. The other shoe has to drop sometime, and you can feel the approaching build-up. You don’t want it to happen, but you do because you need to know what happened! I loved it, and NEED the next story ASAP. Such a well-written story that took me on a journey I wasn’t expecting.

**No cheating**Ends in Cliffhanger**
**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**

renae_reads_romance's review

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4.5 'It Can't End There' Stars

This book intrigued me the moment I read the blurb but knowing it ended on cliffhanger I waited until the next one was out and boy am I glad I did.
This had me guessing what would happen through out the whole book, who would she choose, would she ever trust him again, would he ever remember? Now having just finished it I really need to find out what's going to happen!!

sbauer16's review

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This book has been sitting on my kindle for forever. I really wanted to read this because I loved the books I've read from J.L. Berg and the blurb really intrigued me. Unfortunately it didn't really hook me until about halfway in. I liked the chapters told from August's POV and couldn't wait for his next chapter, but I found myself skimming most chapters from Everly's POV.

This book had more of a love triangle which I really liked. I loved both men that I don't really care who Everly ends up with as long as it's with one of them. My favorite parts were when August was trying things again for the first time and making new memories.

I'm glad I just read things now since now I can read Remembering Everly. This book ended in one HECK of a cliffhanger and I NEED to know what happens next.

babblingchatterreads's review

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01.04.16: ★★★✩ 3.5 stars
2nd time is a charm, no longer a DNF for me. :)

When I first started reading this series I did not easily fall for August Kincaid and Everly Adams's story line. It may have been at that time I was just in a book funk and nothing was grabbing my attention with this being in the mix. Hence the time frame it took me to complete this book in full was almost a month :/ where it usually takes me a matter of days.

Anyhow, I am so glad that I re-visited this book again because although I was not feeling the story in the beginning; I did pushed on again where things eventually started to pick up. I could not help feel the turmoil that the characters are facing. To start a life again that August has no idea where he had left off and Everly debating whether to be there for her ex-fiancé after what he put her through. The connection between the characters was present but it showed more has the story progressed.

As more of August memories are revealed we are seeing a side of him that reader cannot help but start falling for him, the side that Everly fell in love with. But of course nothing comes easy and we were left with a cliffhanger that had me itching to know what happens next.

Originally my 1st Impression:
12.09.15: Unfortunately, I was not feeling this story. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and the story for me was not grabbing my attention as I had hoped. :/ Although the read started quickly I felt it dragged at the same time causing me to just to push through the pages and ended up DNF. :(

megansendlessreads's review

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Forgetting August...

I TOTALLY fell in LOVE with this book! I am, for some reason, in love with books where the main character (in this case Everly) is challenged to get over some traumatic event or person in their life which affects not only their outlook of life, but also how they view themselves and their relationships. In this book this definitely holds true and yet there is a big twist to the usual plot.

Forgetting August tells the story of Everly and August and their battle to not only to recover their lives, but to also move forward in their lives as much as they can. Everly does so by pretending her past never happened and avoiding any mention of August. August does the opposite and seeks out answers to the past and why he lost Everly and his memory of who he was.

The author did a really good job of keeping secrets throughout the novel. There were many questions that really drove the book forward only to be answered throughout the novel in small parts so even to the last page I was kept guessing. This genius in writing was what really got me excited by these characters and their situation. I never knew what to expect and this guessing aspect of the book kept my interest throughout and even to the very last page!

I loved the characters within this novel! Everly was the perfect mixture of strength, hope and disparity and I found her completely relatable for any reader. What was really amazing was the fact that Everly had a completely and totally unique voice from August throughout the novel. Sometimes in books with dual POVs, the characters start to sound alike and have similar voices, yet with this novel, I truly heard just Everly and just her personality and emotions. I loved what a strong character she was even at her lowest moments and hardest struggles. She definitely had a lot going on yet she was created to really balance out the other characters and present a whole new outlook on the story.

August was a really interesting character because I had equal parts respect and hate for him. Seeing August through Everly's eyes, August was this huge villain that was completely evil with no hope of redemption. Yet the August I got to know throughout the book was lost and just wanting to discover who he was and why his life was the way it was. I found this August completely redeemable and even endearing. This opposite sides of the spectrum were confusing at times because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to label August as the villain or the forgivable and tragic hero.

I definitely fell in love with this story and the characters. Everything about this book fell perfectly in place to leave me happy with the ending but still wanting MORE! There is a cliffhanger at the end and once I got to it I went completely crazy because these characters in this story is a perfect read. I can't wait for the second book and hope to see even more of Everly and August!

carleneinspired's review

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I cannot wait until March for the book, I just can't!

Everly has done all she can in the last two years to forget August, to forget the terror, the confinement, and even the love. With her wedding planning to Ryan going full swing, the last thing Everly expected when she answered the phone was to find out he was awake. Two years, August is awake after two years in a coma, but he remembers nothing, his previous past is just the few items he had with him at the hospital. There's a photo, of a beautiful red-head, and he knows she holds the key to his past. After finding out the monster of a man he used to be, he knows he has to do everything in his power to be a new August, deserving of Everly's love. Everly doesn't know how to feel about August being away, part of her screams to stay hiding away in her happy life with Ryan, the other half wants to see who this new August could be. Having his life back may come at a price however and once the secrets come out, one of them has to make a choice about a future.

I just want to wrap Everly and August up in a bubble and not let the real world get near them. Their romance and chemistry is so strong, but the past is so darn haunting. I loved the characters of August and Everly, J.L. Berg did an excellent job of writing compelling characters with pasts that continue to effect their daily life. I love when a writer uses the past to make a character this way. They were so complex, with several layers defining who they were. I didn't expect to find myself rooting for them, especially with how amazing Ryan seemed to be as a man for Everly, I just was drawn to the second chance at romance with August. It was incredibly interesting to read the who he used to be, who he became, and how he was trying to find a new him without memories. It was a really unique take on the amnesia story line and once I started getting glimpses at the past, I was so intrigued.

The minor characters are just as complex as the main characters, I was really impressed with how much detail Berg gave about the friends, the coworkers, and those passing through day to day. It gave a lot of depth to the book and allowed me to envision each scene. The setting of San Francisco was perfect to, as a California native it was really easy to imagine the characters in the different areas of town. J.L. Berg has a beautiful art to her descriptions, something I appreciate, especially when I can physically see the dresses as Everly tries them on and see the curling, long hair on August when he awakes. There are some really well-written interactions between characters as well, from witty banter to really-hot smut scenes.

While this book does end in a cliffhanger, it doesn't make me want to run away and not finish the series, if anything, I want book two right now. There are a lot of questions presented through the first half of Forgetting August, several answered in the second half, and more questions presented right at the end as well. We don't know how our characters are right now, it's like being stuck on a roller coaster at the top waiting for it to go down. There is a lot of suspense to this book, far more than I expected. While we end with a huge reveal (I MEAN FREAKING HUGE), there are a lot of things that leave you questioning everything. On top of that, there are a lot of answers that could have a lot more detail, something I think we'll see in book two. It's definitely a dual POV book that both gives and takes from the readers.

I can tell you this, I had no clue what was coming and I still don't. I definitely adored the characters, the writing, and I am looking forward to book two. I really suggest this for all my New Adult readers; it's not cliche, it definitely bends the mold we've grown used to, and will totally take your attention away from anything else.

booksavvyreviews's review

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I went on a contemporary romance kick, found myself binging on CoHo and when my friend sent me the blurb to this I thought it sounded interesting. We opted to read it as a buddy-read and together we embarked on a rather tumultuous experience.

Anyone who has watched a soap opera can probably guess how the story goes. August can't remember who he is and Everly has been trying to forget the monster of an ex. She's set to marry her loving fiance and when August wakes up she is pulled back into the drama that is August.

He has been in this coma for years, Everly has been broken by him and in the time he has been in a coma she has endured therapy sessions. She is depicted as fragile, moody and snappy. In spite of her hatred and animosity toward the man who imprisoned her she finds herself conflicted in his company and even winds up desiring him. This made me feel disconnected from the characters and I distanced myself. I didn't feel as though this was an appropriate reaction. Everly went from being ice cold to hot - to ice cold to hot again.

The premise was to get over August, to forget him and who he was, but the vulnerable ghost of August reels her in and Everly comes across as a weak female, who falls prey to old nasty habits. She even goes so far as to snap at the friends and loved ones who have her best interest in mind.

We are able to take a glimpse into August's mind, his point of view and how he is perceiving this as it all transpires. While it was a nice thing to be able to see this it didn't serve to connect me to him anymore or Everly.

Although the overall story didn't work for me I do want to make it clear that J.L. Berg can write. The ending did leave me shocked if not a little displeased, but if you're a fan of contemporary romance then I really do suggest this read.

I'll be looking into some other titles by Berg!

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