
Gargoyle by Scarlett Dawn

mimmie_massie's review

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Very interesting quick one sitting kind of read.The steamy smut though be ready for drenched panties or rather non existent ones entirely

willowisp79's review

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This is another from the "woodland Creek" series and it was a fun read from start to finish.

Very racy from page one where Kennedy is delivering a parcel to a building full of shifters - her herself only human, but after being given a book by a dying wizard after a near death experience, she is blessed (cursed?) With being able to tell wizardgs, shifters and witches apart.

An odd spell is triggered while delivering the package causing everyone needing - seriously watching and desperately NEEDING- to have sex with the nearest person....or shifter...

Trust Kennedy to pick to collapse next to the mayor, Issac....

berls's review

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2.5 stars

This wasn't what I was expecting AT ALL. I realize that it's a paranormal romance, but I'm almost go so far as to say it's more light erotica with a side of paranormal.

Since I went in expecting one thing and got something very different, I was a little disappointed. At first, I was okay with the hot heavy, because it was really well written and I saw it as a really interesting plot point that had interesting possibilities. But the exploration of sexuality was much deeper than the exploration of the paranormal elements - which had SO MUCH potential. I wanted to understand this world better, I wanted to get to know the way magic and shifters worked in this world better, and was left with so many unanswered questions in that vein.

I think the characters and world had great potential and I'm curious to know if the series that this is a novella for has more substance or is equally focused on the sex. I don't mind erotica - I enjoy it sometimes - but I like the plot to feel meaningful and this one ended up falling short. I would give Scarlett Dawn another chance for sure, though because there was a lot of potential and things that interested me. And maybe if I approached with the right expectation I wouldn't be disappointed.

This qualifies for COYER Fall Scavenger Hunt Item #22 - Read a book with a one word title.

heatheray's review

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Scarlett Dawn is one of my go to authors whose every release I grab and read. Gargoyle was no different. In fact, I was more excited about Gargoyle almost because there is something about Gargoyles that call to me and I always grab the few shifter books I can find on them.

Where do I even start with Gargoyle? This is great example of Dawn’s work, in your face right from the start, humorous, hot, with a tad bit of crazy thrown in.

At the beginning I wasn’t sure what kind of character Kennedy was going to be. With the way the book begun, I was kind of surprised to see her be as strong of a woman as she was. In the beginning she was on the clock tower hanging off of Isaac’s (in gargoyle form) kickstand. Who knew she’d grow to be someone who could stand on her own and not take anyone’s grief? I really liked her as a character.

Isaac. What an egotistical gargoyle who I ended up loving. He’s the guy you want to hate but end up loving. I loved the chemistry between him and Kennedy.

I loved 99% of this book. It goes up there with my favorite Scarlett Dawn books (which would be all of them). There was one scene that just didn’t feel right to me. I know other reviewers have mentioned this one part but I don’t want to spoil it in my review. It just came out of left field and felt a little awkward to me. It wasn’t the subject matter but how this particular subject was introduced.

When I was done reading I was really hoping that Scarlett would continue on with this as a series with each member of the family/other characters. I would snatch those up in a heartbeat.

Another great read from Scarlett Dawn that has made me pick up other books in the Woodland Creek series. I can’t wait to see what other authors beyond Dawn and Moen (loved Dearborn as well) have to offer from this town.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

So I’m a huge fan of Scarlett Dawn and she never ceases to surprise me! Gargoyle her novella in the Woodland Creek series left me reeling! It was like nothing I’ve ever read and while parts HORRIFIED me, I couldn’t stop reading!!!

After nearly falling to her death in a druken stupor, Kennedy Kirk’s eyes are opened to the shifter world surrounding her in Woodland Creek. She’s a human surrounded by supernatural beings that admittedly hate humans. Her life is constantly in danger and yet she perseveres through it all. I like Kennedy. She’s brutally honest and not much scares her, not even the hunky mayor.

Issac Stone, the mayor of Woodland Creek, is a gargoyle, raised to hate humans and feels superior to the other shifters. He’s cocky, arrogant, and on a whole new level of manipulative creep. I’ll be honest I didn’t think I’d like him at first. I mean during the prologue of the book he contemplates pushing Kennedy of the clock tower, granted she’s holding onto his private parts while she hangs over the edge, but still. She didn’t know he was alive! But I digress, Issac takes his job as mayor seriously. Investigating and putting himself at risk to save his town.

The plot revolves around this chance encounter between Issac and Kennedy after some magical pulse creates a…um…hmm…how do I explain what happens?! I don’t know if I can so just trust me and read it! Someone in Woodland Creek is tampering and playing with dark magic. This magic is effecting all the residents in not a good way. Something has to be done, they have to find who is causing it and Issac may need Kennedy to help him do it.

Overall I was impressed with the author’s ability to keep me guessing and surprising me at every turn! Seriously I don’t know how she came up with this story but it is definitely not one that I will forget anytime soon. I do feel I should warn you that this is a new adult book with some very steamy sexual scenes and strong language, so over 18 only please. If you enjoy paranormal romance, than definitely check out this book!

div_hufflepuff's review

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Lol now this book was hilarious. Also a quick read.

So Kennedy had a drunken night on a clock tower and almost fell to her death, almost is the word to pay attention to here. So mage guy saves her and then gives her a gift. That's when her life gets interesting and also hilarious.

I loved all the characters in this book. They were funny! They were awesome! They were murderous. Just trust me on this one, read it. Also I am disappointed that some characters from this book haven't got their own books. The series goes on but is written by other authors about other characters that don't make an appearance here. So you have been warned.

si0bhan's review

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I’ve rather enjoyed Scarlett Dawn’s Origin series thus far, and the Scarlett Dawn book in The Complex series, which left me curious to see how Scarlett Dawn’s Woodland Creek story played out. With how interesting the Woodland Creek series sounded, I was pretty eager to dive in.

If I’m being completely honest, this was more of a two-point-five-star read rather than the two-star rating I gave it. I was invested but I wasn’t crazy about it, and this is why my rating was rounded down rather than up. I’m certainly curious about the other books in the series and will continue to read Scarlett Dawn, but this one failed to wow me in the way I had hoped.

I think my biggest issue is things were never as clear as I had hoped they would be. The world was interesting, but I had more questions than answers in the end. I felt we only touched the surface, and what we were introduced to was never explained in full. Had things been clearer on that front, had I understood the world and dynamics better, I would have been happy to round up instead of down.

It still would have been a three-star rating, though, as I wasn’t as invested in the characters and their story as I had hoped to be. Things were too fast and the connection never really developed. Everything was instant, and I never felt any of the things I had hoped to. There was potential, but I wasn’t invested.

Overall, Gargoyle is far from my favourite Scarlett Dawn read but I was invested enough to finish this in a single sitting.

mousegoddess's review against another edition

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yay giveaways!
This was not at all what I was expecting. that's not a bad thing, I was just anticipating a far different story. I didn't like the ex douchecanoe at ALL, but not giving spoilers. Intriguing world building, interesting characters, and decent writing, what's not too like? recommend.