
Another Kind Of Magic by Elizabeth Davies

kirkw1972's review

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Three immediate things with this book, the third and final of the series. I've linked the other two reviews at the end but reading the first one I nearly gave up on these half way through book 1. I really didn't like the twist however the reviews made me reconsider and I ended up enjoying the book. This third one is my favourite of the three so if I had given up at that point I wouldn't have read this fantastic story. I absolutely loved it. 

Secondly I love genealogy and King John is a 24th great grandfather when I've traced my family lines. Lady Joan, the witch in this book is Johns illegitimate eldest daughter making her some kind of many times great aunt to me. I LOVE when I can read about my ancestors in people's stories however much fact and fiction overlap. So yay for Aunt Joan being such an utter social climbing schemer and ending up here! 

Thirdly I love Blod, Hugh's druid grandma. I want to be her when I get older. She's so unafraid of what people think and says and does exactly what she wants. She's such a delightful character and made the book even more enjoyable. 

This one is more romantic and less supernatural than the others as Caitlyn gets involved with Hugh and renews her quest to be free of the spell. As I say it's my favourite of the trilogy and all the characters are enjoyable in this one. The historical backstory as ever is fascinating and makes me want to know more of that time period and real life people. I'm a little bit sad that the series is over but there are other books by the author I can't wait to try now.

writingwwolves's review

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My emotions are truly all over the place after finishing this book, & the series it is part of; after reading the author’s note I’m smiling, but I’m heartbroken that Caitlyn’s story is over & I feel such an urge to read the books all over again (but this time in paperback, because BOOKS).

Despite my heartbreak at the end of the series, I must admit that Another Kind of Magic was an incredible way to end my favourite series of the year & I congratulate Elizabeth on her work. I had several ideas about what this other kind of magic could be, but never did I think up what actually happened. I could very easily write my entire review now, but alas I must sleep, so I will write it in the morning. I can only pray that I’m able to put my feelings into words.

⚠️ This book contains violence, scenes of a sexual nature, suicidal feelings & a suicide attempt ⚠️

I was sent this book in return for an honest review as part of a blog tour

Extended Review:

jessbookishlife's review

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I have been following this series from book one, I have read and reviewed each book and I have to say that Elizabeth Davies is always adding something to her books that surprises me. And I'm not saying what surprised me so you guys don't have the expectations about that particular aspect or aspects.

Once again we can see Cat's development, she has change through out the series. It's been centuries since she turned into a familiar and with everything she has seen there had to be some changes in her personality and believes. Anyway... the character's development is always something I love to see because it sound real, and seriously if characters don't show me that they have learn or that at least they are trying to do their best to accomplish their goals, it makes me bored. And here, I saw another chance and another side to Cat's growth, and that was fun to read about.

Although it has some of the same aspects as the previous books, because Cat has a job to do, no matter if she want to do it or not. Nevertheless, there was a different dynamic in this book. I had already connected with Cat because she has been the main character and we are following her as we read, but I, again, loved the combination with the history and the fiction, in this case the magic and witchcraft.

The historical aspect of this book was yet another period in that which I know nothing about, so I had to Google it so I could understand some references and to understand which characters were based on real people. Again, I liked that because I learn something new and that was interesting.

And speaking about the characters. I think personally I loved the new characters in this book than in the previous ones, maybe because of the development in Cat's personality and life that it gave me a different perspective from her interactions with the characters. Maybe it as because of Hugh...

This book was the final book in this series, and the ending was a quite good ending for the whole series, not just for this book in particular. Actually I loved the all book.

Overall, I recommend this series if you are a fan of fantasy and historical fiction. This book was my favorite, yes, but I admire all the hard work that the author put in each one of the three novels. There was love, magic, drama, action, twists and turn and there was a beautifully done combination of historical facts and fiction.

[I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Elizabeth for the eCopy of this book and for allowing me to join in the fun and by being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book.]

kimchi84's review

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I am now way too sad that this trilogy has come to an end. I wish there was more and we see Caitlyn go through all history to our present time. But alas all good things must come to an end somewhere.
We have seen Caitlyn go from strength to strength and this last instalment is no different. She sees and hears everything and can be anywhere. I loved Caitlyn as a character throughout the whole series. She is a very strong, independent woman. All she wants out of life is to find love and settle down. But instead she has to keep being familiars to witches that do not appreciate everything she does for them.
In this book Caitlyn’s love interest is Hugh of Pembroke, although he comes across as a bit of a player, he soon falls for Caitlyn’s charms. As does his grandmother Blod.
Blod had to have been the best character out of them all, from the 1st to the last book. She had such a cheeky character and tells it how it is, such a refreshing character.
This book was bound to have me just as hooked as the other two did and I don’t think I could recommend the trilogy enough. Definitely add it to your to be read pile! You jump through history and get an insight into what court was like, the people and what happened. I love the fact these books are based around some form of truth. They are perfect for young adults and will definitely captivate that audience. I’ve given this book a 4/5 rating.

zooloo1983's review

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I don’t want to write this review…point blank going to refuse…. I am sulking because this is the last book in the series! I mean it has been left in a way where another book maybe..potentially be written (hint hint) but as it is nope nada nothing! So I am going to keep sulking….

Okay, let me try and word this review!

One thing I have loved all the way through this trilogy is the details and the historical fact that you can tell that Ms Davies has weaved into the fictional plot so intrinsically. You can tell that so much effort and research has gone into this book.

Have I told you lately how much I love Caitlyn! I keep looking at my cat wondering if they could be the same. But she’s not. So I will keep dreaming lol. She is such a strong character, the amount of rubbish she has had to go through, and yet I really do not fill like she whines or moans that much. She just gets on with what she has to do to keep the peace.

But this book focuses more on a romantic aspect for Caitlyn, which she needs. She needs to be loved and cherished, I mean she’s lived a long time! But woe me it does not come without some issues! Why can’t her happiness just be simple!

And it would not be right not to mention the fab characters of Hugh, and Blod! Hugh is the hero, the man of “dreams” and Blod, Hugh’s Grandmother, was a hoot! They helped make this story and made Caitlyn shine.

I adore Ms Davies’ writing, and although this series has finished (again *whispers* how about another book) I want to read more of what she has written. I get completely lost in the words she writes, the world around me goes quiet as I go back into time to Wales and with Caitlyn.

P.s still not happy this series is over!

stephbookshine's review

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*I received a free copy of this book with thanks to the author and Rachel Gilbey at Rachel’s Random Resources blog tours. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Another Kind of Magic is the third book in the Caitlyn series, and whilst it mostly stands alone, I would recommend reading the books in series order to get the full story.

My initial disappointment here, in realising that this book would not pick up exactly where the previous instalment left off, was quickly overcome as I was once again carried away with my sympathy towards Caitlyn’s plight and my anxiety for her to succeed.

This book was by far my favourite of the three, as it offered the first glimmer of hope that Caitlyn might one day be free of her curse, and also introduced some fantastic side characters whose banter I thoroughly enjoyed whether they were helping Caitlyn or strangling her / knocking her out. Blod, Ifan, Hugh and Maude – I would happily read a full book about any one of them!

As usual Elizabeth Davies weaves historical fact through her fantasy fiction so skilfully that I had to turn to the notes at the end, and some research of my own, to separate the two. Except for the turning-into-a-cat bits, which I am fairly sure are Davies’ imagination!

This story brings a satisfying conclusion to Caitlyn’s story, but the epilogue leaves a door open to Cat and her ilk for further witchy exploits, perhaps in a more modern setting? I will definitely be keeping my eye on this author, and look forward to whatever she conjures next.

Once inside, I peered up at the door, checking it was still barred and locked as I had left it; it would not do to take chances. As expected, my chamber was empty. The small room, with its tiny slit of a window, was cold in winter and stifling in summer, but at least it was all mine. I shared with none of Joan’s women, for a good reason. Imagine their reaction if they saw me shudder, and blur, and change, going from woman to cat and back again? I did not fancy being burned at the stake, nor drowned for a witch.
Me the witch? Ha! The unfairness of it stung. If caught, I would stand accused of witchcraft and the real witch would walk free, however much I protested my innocence. Even if they believed my story, the Church would want to burn the devil out of me. Either way, a bonfire awaited.

– Elizabeth Davies, Another Kind of Magic

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog