
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

taterbeans's review against another edition

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Full review to come soon!

trishagreenie's review against another edition

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I liked this, for sure, but I'm not sure I liked it enough to re-read it. The writing is good, and the plotline is interesting, but I guess I've read other stories that gripped me way more tenaciously. I like the humour in it, and it definitely moves at a fast enough pace and keeps me turning pages. I read it in 5 days, which for me is pretty fast, though compared to some other reads it's pretty slow.

Anyway...I don't have much to say about this except that I'm now ready to move onto book #2 and see what happens next.

I will say about this I didn't see the twist coming - and when I did my mouth fell open and I exclaimed (in my head, at least), "NOOO...not hhheeeerrrrr!" ;) So that's the mark of a good twist. And yeah, I do seem to be notoriously bad at guessing twists before they are revealed. So I guess if you want to put a twist in your novel, I'm a good one to read it 'cause I more than likely won't guess if it's done well enough.

I wasn't really a huge fan of the 'sooo' and 'nooo' moments, like "he was soooo hot" and "Noooo, it cant' be" internal dialogue from Kaylee. But oh well, I guess it's realistic teenaged language? ;) Amongst some teenagers, anyway. When I was a teenager my friend filled up an entire page with mostly 'a's, in a very extended version of "laaaaambert". But we were renowned (at least in our own current hindsight) for being incredibly juvenile. ;) So not sure my example is a good one to use!

All in all I'd say yeah, I liked it, and I even liked it quite a lot. But not sure I'd ever re-read it. We'll see how the rest of the series progresses.

p135k's review against another edition

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Banshees, grim reapers, oracles and hellions; cheerleaders, hot guys, shady clubs and family drama....what more does a book need to become a perfect roller-coaster of paranormal romance and urban fantasy?

Awesome plot, amazing world building and engaging writing style! Looks like I've found a new series to obsess over.

Rating- 4/5 stars!

lavendermarch's review against another edition

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Reread (#3?) April 2nd, 2019
Still pretty good! So fun to meet Nash, Tod, Harmony, Brendan, Sophie, and Emma again. And of course Kaylee. Good opening to the series. Perhaps drags too long on the big reveal. Lots of hints, but keeps you guessing until the end, as not much is known about the world.
SpoilerThere's definitely tons about Aunt Val being jealous of how young Uncle Brendan looks, but nothing substantial about hellions or anything. So it works.
I will definitely continue to reread the rest of the series. I think this will be my fourth time doing so. I can't wait for more! 4 stars. P.S. Team Tod

secretmagic's review against another edition

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I had high expectations for 'My Soul to Take', not only because I recently read Rachel Vincent's 'Shifters' series and I've become a huge fan of Ms. Vincent; but also because I've been hearing so many fabulous things about the Soul Screamers series that I had to give it a go. And I'm SO glad I did.

I love that you're barely given a chance to breathe when reading the book. There are no breaks, nothing to slow down the pace of the story, only non-stop action leaving you wondering what could possibly happen next. I adored the paranormal focus of the book, and how different it is from anything I've read before. Bean sidhe (or "banshee") folk lore is something I haven't explored in the past. What I assumed about "banshees" couldn't be more different from what a bean sidhe is and does (for starters, the bean sidhe's cry isn't what causes death, who knew?). I loved experiencing a whole new branch of paranormal fiction, I'm hooked. And knowing there are not just bean sidhes in this world leaves the story open to so many interesting twists and turns (cryptic, trying not to post spoilers).

Despite her special secret powers, Kaylee Cavanaugh is such a normal, down-to-earth narrator. She panics, laughs, has a steady job, cries, feels vulnerable in relationships and has an equal normal female best friend (which often doesn't happen in novels. There are too many out there that limit the female friendships). She also has incredible strength to accept her bean sidhe abilities despite being lied to for so many years. Part of that is probably what she's had to go through over the years: the death of her mother, being passed off to her aunt and uncle instead of living with her dead, and being placed in a mental heath ward for a week (prior to 'My Soul to Take'). She may be new to this paranormal life, but she's dealing with it so well.

As in most novels, I always scope out potential guys who will influence the main girl, the two obvious ones being Nash and Tod.
Nash is awesome, I love him already. He may have a history of going through the ladies, but when he discovers who Kaylee really is you see a side of him that probably doesn't show in his "ladies man" persona. I melted when whispers in Kaylee's ear to calm down her panic attacks. I want to see Nash and Kaylee's relationship continue to grow, and hope nobody will break them up.
Tod is still slightly mysterious. We find out a lot about him, but I feel like we don't know the real Tod yet. He's cheeky and fun, but also seems really lonely at time. I can't wait to see more of him (but like above, hope he's not going to cause trouble between Nash and Kaylee).

5/5 Stars. Can't wait to move onto the next one.

kippins's review against another edition

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Let my start by saying if, like myself you weren't a big fan of Stray(I'm not a huge 'Were' fan and I read it straight after Kelley Armstrong's Bitten & the similarities were uncanny), don't give up on this author as I really enjoyed this book.
The first clue that I was going to enjoy this was in the first chapter where I came across this gem..'Whatever I'd glimpsed was too big to be a rodent-unless we'd stepped into Buttercup's fire swamp-
Being a huge Princess Bride fan I thought to myself 'well this writer obviously has impeccable taste and I will proceed with optimism'..and so I ventured forth.
I loved the concept of a tale based around Bean Sidhe's been Irish myself and having heard lots of stories growing up.And I am growing slightly weary of (gasp) vampires! There I said it..can't take it back now!
Kaylee is a nice enough Character if maybe a little low on the confidence side, I hate when female characters think they're not good enough for the (apparently hottest guy in the whole wide world ever!) male lead.
I'm sure the time spent in the Mental institute helped with this. Near the end I kinda understand why her Uncle did this..but still..harsh!!!
I was also really glad it wasn't all love at first sight and more - Like with a capital L, nice to see the connection between them build over time.
And now I'm going to say it......deep breath.....I'm not a huge fan of Nash (*cringe* don't attack me!) He just seems a bit shady. All these ex girlfriends and am I the only one wondering if he used his influence over them, maybe I'm just too suspicious by nature.
And I kinda like the Todster, i don't know, there's just something about him. Also loving Emma, Kaylee's lucky to have such a good friend.
So all in all I enjoyed this and look forward to the next installment.

nikkimouse_16's review against another edition

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sooooo gooooddddd!!!

mxharriet's review against another edition

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Firstly, I love the cover. Its so dark and mysterious, the red also works well and in a way, its like the souls are spiralling, you know what I mean?

Kaylee hasn't had the easiest life. Her mum died when she was young, then her dad abandoned her and moved to the other side of the world, leaving her with her aunt, uncle and evil cousin. She puts up with a lot, but not all is doom and gloom. She has her amazing best friend Emma who always keeps her on her toes and having a good time. Then, she finally meets handsome Nash, and finds out the truth, she's a Bean Sidhes / Banshee which explains her murderous screaming every time she goes near someone who is about to die. But there is more than meets the eye, as they slowly uncover the truth about the girls dying, one a day with no cause of death, just the drop of the bodies and the stillness of their hearts... it may be more than a coincidence and history repeating itself behind closed doors.

Kaylee was a very likeable character, she is strong, independent and got straight-to-the-point and did not, I repeat did not hold back any of her insightful questions. She has been held in the dark about her families past for too long and you can easily see her frustration, betrayal and her un-trust throughout the book to uncover them, but she is very persistent and listens carefully to all information supplied to her. She is also very caring, which we see repeatedly throughout with her unhappiness and unwillingness to not warn those who are about to die. However, she did jump to conclusions very quickly which is understandable due to her lack of knowledge of her species but it did get a little annoying sometimes. I also found her relationship with Nash to be very quick, even though she kept trying to keep her distance, it sort of went to pot when she found out... you will have to read it to find out, sorry!

One of my favourite characters was Tod, he was very funny at times with little sarcastic comments and was all about the secrets. But, you could also see some vulnerability from him at one time which really made his character blossom, but thats all I'm telling you otherwise he will come after me. That won't be good, he scares me enough with the list stuff as it is, let alone be on it... oops!

I loved the originality and uniqueness of the plot, I have never ever read a book about banshees before and it was really interesting to see Rachel's take on the new species. It was also really engaging about the Irish Folklore and how it snakes its way into the story.

I really enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns it was much darker than I originally expected, it was also a page turner which left me wanting to read more and find out who was responsible and most importantly, why?

I look forward to reading the next book in the series, My Soul to Save.

megsbookishtwins's review against another edition

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I really did like this book.
It was an original storyline. There isn't a massive amount of books on banshees or soul screamers, they're mainly the mainstreams supernatural beings such as werewolves and vampires, so it was very refreshing to read about something different.
The character development in this book was really good, it happened so naturally and was done so well that I didn't question it, unlike some books.
I did feel like the relationship between Kaylee and Nash was very rushed, he went from not talking to her or noticing her and then suddenly within about two days they are dating? Despite this, their relationship did feel natural and their connection felt real, so I guess that made up for the fact that it was rushed.
The writing style was good and it went at a good pace. This was an easy read and I would definitely recommend.

jobird's review against another edition

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19 Jan 2021: Re read 10 years later still really good. I totally forgot the ending so it was a surprise all over again. :P

8 Nov 2011: Why did it take me so long to find this series??? Wow!!! this was an amazing book! Right from the start I was hooked. It is so refreshing to read a book that didn't remind you of anything else. I found the whole concept so unique.

I am totally excited to have found a new author in both the YA and Adult genre. So far everything I have read of Rachel Vincent is amazing.