Adult Science Fiction Fantasy Checklist (but there are no white men authors)

Hosted by tammietam

162 participants, 60 books

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

60 book version from this instagram post (not mine) of science fiction and fantasy books:

From the Instagram post:
I think we can all (or most) understand that the checklist doesn’t mean “do not read books written by white men”, right?

The “But No White Men” is a quip at how the Adult SFF genre (specifically) has been saturated by cis white men for decades, even until now.

I made the first checklist for fun 5 mins before my genetics class but it’s just meant to promote books in the Adult SFF genre that is written by BIPOC/Queer/Women authors. The list isn’t meant to “exclude white men” like what??? They quite literally dominate the genre without us doing anything. If you’re thinking this way, I suggest you reflect at why your ego was hurt 🥴

We’re talking about how white male AUTHORS still continue to get more hype than BIPOC/Queer/Women AUTHORS. So I really don’t think the white AUTHORS are getting the short stick here— and I’m literally a random person on bookstagram to most of you, come on.

There’s still a long way to go for Adult Fantasy to automatically include BIPOC/Queer/Women authored books without us having to consciously label it as “diverse reading” because books written by white men are treated as the default. Especially if you compare it to YA. But until then, hope you enjoy these fun little checklists :) 

I hope there comes a day when I can fill up a 60-book Adult SFF list with BIPOC/Queer authors only. keep reading diversely and happy reading besties~


Challenge Books